Date: 6 Feb 2000.
Location: Xian Sheng’s house, Taman Melawati.
Table of Contents
(A) Christians cannot accept facts and they are blind. [00:17 – 03:03]
- Bro Ong Swee Tow had diabetes, and both legs had to be amputated.
- Xian Sheng expressed his disappointment that Bro Ong’s children are Christians.
- The problem is Bro Ong and his wife never brought their children along when they attended (Baitiangong functions or meditation sessions on Sunday evenings). Their children were young when Bro Ong joined Baitiangong.
- Xian Sheng asked, “Now why is it that their children are Christians?”
- When Bro Phuah Kim Yean went to Bro Ong’s house to inform the family how the Baitiangong Way of Obsequies is conducted, the daughter insisted that her mother follow the Christian’s funeral/obsequies.
- Xian Sheng expressed his disapproval after hearing from Bro Phuah that Bro Ong’s daughter swiped the water glasses off the table as he was leaving the house. Xian Sheng said that the disrespectful manners expressed by the daughter towards her father are the result of her Christian upbringing.
- Xian Sheng believes that Christians teach children to be extremists because they are not liberal.1
- Xian Sheng explains that Baitiangong does not care whether a person is a Christian or Muslim or Sikh but accepts everyone as brothers and sisters.
- The Christians pray to Jesus as GOD and if anyone says that Jesus is not GOD, they will retaliate with the intent to interrupt you, as what happened on the previous day at the obsequies when Xian Sheng said that Jesus did not die on the cross and a Christian started singing. (See 13B-2000 J8)
- Xian Sheng asked if the followers understand why the Christians are extremists and that their actions proved their extremist ideology.
- Xian Sheng continued his explanation that Christians cannot accept facts and they are blind.
- What Xian Sheng suggested was that they buy the books and read them for themselves. These books are written by Nicholas Notovitch, Holger Kersten and Elizabeth Claire Prophet who suggested that Jesus did not die on the cross and that he lived and carried on with his life in India.
(B) If you accept Jesus is GOD, I am sorry for you. [04:34 – 10:21]
- The body (Bro Ong’s deceased wife) is presently in the morgue’s freezer and will be taken out the day after tomorrow as the family is waiting for the other daughter to return home from New Zealand to attend her obsequies.
- Xian Sheng is not sure whether the other daughter and the sons are Christians like their sister.
- Xian Sheng said that the sons however have shown more tolerance than their sister.
- Xian Sheng suggested two possibilities for the sister’s extremist behaviour – women are more easily hoodwinked by the Christians than men or women are more susceptible to indoctrination – to the extent that they show no respect to their own father.
- Xian Sheng spoke from personal experience when he said that the Christian indoctrination program is strong as his own daughter is a testament to that.
- Xian Sheng’s daughter (Chew Mei Lian) was indoctrinated to such an extent that she tells lies to deceive Xian Sheng from knowing that she attended church with her friend. Xian Sheng had her tailed (followed) and that is how he found out about her church activities.
- Xian Sheng said he does not want to slap her for telling lies. He told her that it was up to her (to be honest or to continue telling lies). However, Xian Sheng warned her about telling lies.
- Xian Sheng has been trying to convince her ever since till today. There was a time when she came back and stayed at his house and Xian Sheng had a long talk with her.
- Xian Sheng was relieved to a certain extent that she started to kneel down to pray.
- Xian Sheng was unsuccessful in convincing her to join Baitiangong but told her if she wants to be a Christian and pray to GOD, then she should kneel down to pray to GOD.
- Xian Sheng also told her not to accept that Jesus is GOD. Xian Sheng told her, “If you accept Jesus is GOD, I am sorry for you”.2
- Xian Sheng had done his part to provide for her; mentally with education up to the university level and spiritually with books about the life of Jesus.
- Xian Sheng told her to change and come into Baitiangong. At the very least, she has started to kneel down to pray which Xian Sheng described as one first step.
- Her mother however kneels down to pray following Baitiangong way.
- On the subject of the indoctrination programs carried out by the Christians, Xian Sheng is not suggesting that parents disallow their children to mix with their Christian friends, but to monitor them closely and carefully to detect any signs of aversion towards Baitiangong.
- Parents must sit down with their children and discuss openly and frankly with them by asking their opinion on what is wrong with Baitiangong and where has it gone wrong in Baitiangong for them. Xian Sheng opined that this is the only way to solve the problem (to prevent the Christians from exploiting them and instilling their doctrines instead.)
- Otherwise, there could be undesirable consequences like the unknown prospect Bro Ong Swee Tow has to face in the near future. He is an old man but he still has the authority to ensure his wife’s obsequy is conducted according to the Baitiangong way of Obsequies. But what will happen with his obsequy when it comes to his turn? Would his family even inform us?
- Xian Sheng said that it had happened before and they only found out about it after the body was buried. The Christians acted very fast.
- Xian Sheng said that we have to do something about this problem. (Our children being indoctrinated into Christianity and ending with our funeral being conducted in the Christian way and not in the Baitiangong way.)
- We must read and know everything about ‘Jesus lived in India’ (after surviving the crucifixion as opposed to the Resurrection of Christ, a central doctrine of Christianity that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected three days later.)
- We must be knowledgeable so that we can convince our children – when their Christian friends tell them that Jesus is GOD – that that is not true and show them the books as proof. Therefore, we have to buy the books by Holger Kersten and others.
- Sis Geraldine informed Xian Sheng that she scoured many bookshops overseas and found only one in an Indian bookshop.
- Xian Sheng stated that some Christians sought out these books to purchase them to be burned later.
- Xian Sheng proposed that since he has these books, someone should write the excerpts from these books and hand them out to everyone.
- Xian Sheng suggested that everyone should keep a folder to file these excerpts and other materials or else they could easily misplace them or throw them away after reading.
- Once again Xian Sheng reminded the brothers and sisters not to speak on topics related to ‘Jesus lived in India’ if we do not have this material evidence in hand.
- As an example, Xian Sheng said that he kept these documents or photocopies of them close by when he spoke about ‘Jesus lived in India’.
- We could be in trouble if someone questions the validity of our sermons or talks related to Jesus, but if we have the material evidence in hand, we can easily refer to them stating that we are only quoting what the authors of the books stated.
- As for Xian Sheng’s travels to India to visit the Rozabal Shrine to see Jesus’ tomb and speak to Basharat Saleem who is the lineal descendant of Jesus in Srinagar and witnessing the Buddhist scrolls, he could speak freely without any references as those are his own personal experience.
- However, if we were to quote and talk about what others said from some books, we would have to have the materials in hand.
(C) All of you must read to equip yourself with knowledge [10:22 – 16:46]
- In the obsequies yesterday, Xian Sheng mentioned that the Chinese pray to GOD much longer than the Christians and he has the materials in hand to prove what he just said.
- Xian Sheng showed the Chinese character that depicts the drawing of a person kneeling down, with hands clasped and facing skywards to pray to GOD.
- In fact, the Chinese prayed directly to GOD six thousand years ago.
- But the Chinese Emperor (Zhou Dynasty) said that he pray to GOD and demanded to be known as the Son of Heaven (Tianzi 天子). He would pray to his Father and the citizens would pray to him instead.
- Jesus is known as the Son of Heaven which is equivalent to the titles used by the Emperors during the ancient Chinese dynasties i.e. Son of Heaven. (The bible use Son of GOD, but some Chinese still use Son of Heaven. Refer to True Son of Heaven: How Jesus fulfills the Chinese Culture)
- Xian Sheng said, “Jesus also calls himself the son of Father, in Heaven”.
Matthew 11:27: All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
Matthew 16:17: Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
Luke 22:29: And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me.
John 5:19: Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
- Xian Sheng: In fact, all of you must read to equip yourself and become knowledgeable, so that you can talk and preach. That is very important.
- Xian Sheng encouraged everyone to attend the Annual Spiritual Discussion to change themselves to be more knowledgeable in matters pertaining to Baitiangong and Christianity especially related to ‘Jesus lived in India’.
- Xian Sheng wanted to revisit the topic ‘Jesus lived in India’ thoroughly during the coming ASD 2000 at Genting Highlands in December with reference to books by Nicholas Notovitch, Holger Kresten and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. (Xian Sheng frequently misquotes Elizabeth Clare Prophet with Elisabeth Caspari. See 13B-2000 J4)
- Xian Sheng wanted someone to present a paper on their outlook of these books after reading them. He requested Bro Law Boon Eng to start preparing for it now.
- Xian Sheng stated that these are good books for knowledge (to counter the Christian argument of the Resurrection of Christ).
- Sister Geraldine stated that she could not find these books on
– Jesus lived in India by Holger Kersten
– The unknown life of Jesus Christ by Nicolas Notovitch
– The Lost Years of Jesus by Elizabeth Clare Prophet - Xian Sheng replied that a lot of these books are not on the shelves because they have been taken away. The Christians do not want people to read them and that is why they are extremists.
(D) Baitiangong followers must respect other religious funerals [17:11 – 21:02]
- Xian Sheng said that these Christians have no manners because they tried to interrupt Xian Sheng’s sermons by singing Christian songs.
- Xian Sheng asked the followers how to control such situations to stop them from getting out of control.
- One of the ways is by confronting them. Stop the sermon and tell them to get lost. Xian Sheng told the Christian group if they do not like to listen, they can pack up and walk off. They cannot go to an obsequy to make noise. (Refer to 13B-2000 J8).
- Xian Seng warned that man against testing his patience.
- The wife of the deceased can lodge a police report against them and have them arrested for disturbing the peace during an obsequy.
- The other way is to walk off if confronting them does not work and the family is not stern enough to make a police report.
- Xian Sheng repeated that he now knows that Christians have no manners and no respect for others.
- Xian Sheng asked that man whether he would dare to go to a Muslim funeral to disrupt them.
- Xian Sheng warned the Christian group as he cannot tolerate such a blatant display of rude behaviour and disrespect for others and they walked off.
- Xian Sheng told them that he could do exactly the same thing they did, at Christian funerals as Xian Sheng has many relatives and friends that are Christians.
- Sis Geraldine quoted, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
– Matthew 7:12: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
– Luke 6:3: Do to others as you would have them do to you. - Xian Sheng agreed with this Golden Rule. He elaborated further saying that he could attend Christian funerals and start singing the Baitiangong Prayer song or even love songs. He pointed out that he has a full band with guitar and other musical instruments in the karaoke room as he loves and enjoys singing.
- Nevertheless, Xian Sheng said he would never go to a funeral and start singing songs when the preacher begins his sermon.
- Xian Sheng refers to these Christians as uncouth and disrespectful of others which is bad.3
- Once again, Xian Sheng reminded everyone that they must practise respect.4
- If we have a family member who is a Christian or a Muslim, do not make noise at their funeral and let them conduct in peace. We must respect them.
- What we can do for them (the deceased) is to kneel down, face skywards and pray for them once we reach home. (We can also do so at the funeral but we must observe proper etiquette by asking for permission. 13B-2000 B8).
- Do not create a scene at other’s funerals like what those Christians did at Baitiangong obsequies.
(E) This is the difference between Christianity and Baitiangong [22:00 – 28:58]
- Xian Sheng advised the Baitiangong brothers and sisters to let their children, who are Christians to follow the Christian funeral rites if they are 18 years old and above.
- However, if they are below 18 years old, the parents have the right to determine their way of funeral, even if they are Christians.
- This is in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.
Article 12(3) No person shall be required to receive instruction in or to take part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than his own.
Article 12(4) For the purposes of Clause (3) the religion of a person under the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his parent or guardian.
- The Federal Constitution Article 12 – Rights in respect of education, states that parents have the rights over their children’s religion if they are below the age of 18 years. However, the parents have no rights if their children are 18 years and above.
- Xian Sheng: If your son is 21 and he is a Christian and so happened that he died in an accident, and if the Christians want to have his funeral rites, give them his funeral rights. Don’t make noise, don’t shout and don’t quarrel even if you are the father. Xian Sheng said that that is his way as we have to respect others.
- We should not be like the Christians who have no respect for others’ beliefs.
- The Christians are extremists to the extent that if anyone says that Jesus is not GOD, it is considered as blasphemy. This applies to any book that says Jesus lives in India.
- The Christians deemed such books heretical and they would not touch or read them. They are not open-minded as they do not read widely and the clerics do not allow their congregation to read widely too.
- This is the difference between Christianity and Baitiangong.
- In the early days, Xian Sheng instructed three young followers, Bro Phuah Kim Yean, Bro Tan An Bin and Bro Gary Koh Kuan Seng, to attend church and listen to their sermons. And if they find that Christianity is right, they should join them and not come back to Baitiangong. He also asked them to listen to sermons from Muslims, Buddhists and other religions too. (13A-2000 F4-F5)
- Xian Sheng asked the followers, “Will they Christians do that or not?”
- He shrugged off the possibility. They will hold on to their people. They are extremists as they will start cursing and swearing if someone does it.
- Having said all that, Xian Sheng has nothing against the Christians personally.5
- Xian Sheng recalled a discussion long ago when Bro Chan Soo Khean was still around (before 1982). After the discussion about fornication, Xian Sheng stated that there is no such thing as the fornication rule in the Bible.
- Xian Sheng then proceeded to ask the husband and wife preacher, “Man, you tell me, before your marriage, did you have sex with this woman.” Then Xian Sheng turned to his wife and asked, “Woman, you tell me, did you have sex with this man or any other man before you two got married?” The two of them could not even open their mouths and say NO!
- Xian Sheng questioned their audacity for daring to talk to Xian Sheng about fornication. Xian Sheng explained that fornication means sexual intercourse between a man and a woman not married to each other.
- If neither the husband nor wife preacher team committed fornication, they would have instantly proclaimed NO!
- Xian Sheng would not deny having sex before marriage if someone were to ask him when he was a Christian.
- The Christians are not being realistic.
- While the Christian husband and wife team invited Xian Sheng for a discussion, their knowledge of the Bible is not as good as Xian Sheng.
- Xian Sheng came from a generation that studied the Bible by chapters and verses. He said they only study the New Testament in general. They do not know the whole Bible.6
- After the discussion, Xian Sheng asked everyone to kneel down to thank GOD, but the husband and wife preachers stood up to pray and uttered, “curse unto this lot …”. Xian Sheng questioned the type of preachers that would curse them while Xian Sheng and the Baitiangong followers thank GOD for the discussion and ask GOD to please forgive them for they do not know what they say because they know nought (an old language for they know nothing).
- Xian Sheng was also a Christian in his youth but he never behaved like them. Xian Sheng asked what type of Christians and more so, preachers would behave like that.
- Once again, Xian Sheng concluded by stating that they are extremists in the sense that they are fixated on a belief that has no room for questioning and any books that say otherwise are deemed as heresy and blasphemous.
- Xian Sheng referred to an incident in East Timor where the Muslims and Christians killed each other because he said that when two extremists meet, they would kill each other.
- This is in contrast to yesterday’s situation where an extremist like the Christian man met with non-extremist like Baitiangong followers, there is tolerance and therefore no fighting.
- If Xian Sheng were also an extremist like that Christian man, they would surely come to blows. In hindsight, Xian Sheng said that if it comes to blows, the Baitiangong followers outnumbered them.
1 Corinthians 6:9 is the closest verse from the Apostle Paul, not Jesus, that Christians believe the term wrongdoers also refers to fornicators. There is no direct reference to fornication in the New Testament and the Old Testament.
1 Corinthians 6:9 – Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
Using the terms man and woman is not being disrespectful to the Christians as Jesus referred to his mother as woman.
John 2:1-4: On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
(F) You think you know so much about Baitiangong but you do not know [29:26 – 31:30]
- Xian Sheng is not sure if this Christian (referring to the daughter) would turn up and create trouble at the obsequy.
- Xian Sheng felt that we would have to make a police report if there are any troubles.
- It is high time that we make an issue out of it as it cannot be helped.7
- Xian Sheng was preparing the followers on what to do as the daughter acted very aggressively when the Baitiangong followers were leaving Bro Ong’s house by saying that she would never allow her father to undergo the Baitiangong Way of Obsequies when he pass away.
- Xian Sheng said that we have to be very careful as all his children are Christians.
- Xian Sheng questioned the followers: How did this thing happen?
- The basic reason is because the followers do not attend seminars.
- Xian Sheng: You think you know so much about Baitiangong but you do not know! That is why you could not hand over the knowledge to your children.
- And that is how the present situation with Bro Ong’s family happened.
- Xian Sheng explained that the children of Bro Ong Swee Tow were young when he and his wife joined Baitiangong.
- The present situation should not have happened but it did because they did not bring their children along with them to attend meditation and etc.
- As a result, the children of Bro Ong knows nothing about Baitiangong and they were easily influenced by the Christians.
- Xian Sheng: So this is another problem that we face. (Parents are Baitiangong but their children are Christians.)
- In the early days of Baitiangong, there were no seminars or Annual Spiritual Discussions (ASD) for the followers. (The first ASD was organised on May 1981 at Morib, Selangor. See the subsequent ASD here.)
- Xian Sheng said that the followers must attend the ASD and encouraged their children to attend it too.
- It is important that we get some followers to read up on certain topics, prepare the materials and give a presentation during the ASD so that everyone can be knowledgeable on all subjects.
(G) Discipline and not habitually late [31:30 – 32:55]
- Xian Sheng wanted Baitiangong followers to be disciplined in the sense that we come 5 minutes before the appointed time, but not too early like 30 minutes before. For example, if the appointment is at 10.00 am, discipline would mean to come at 9.55 am.
- Xian Sheng’s message for the day is to be knowledgeable.
- One of the ways to be knowledgeable is to read the newspaper every day if possible.
- The other way is to select one or two good magazines and read the whole magazine.
(H) As we cannot escape death, there is no point telling lies [40:34 – 47:29]
Xian Sheng was referring to an article that he read in the newspaper a few days ago about a Cuban man acting as a double agent, spying for both the Americans as well as Fidel Castro. However, he was acting as a spy for the Americans as his true loyalty lies with Castro. To fulfil his role, he lied about loving a woman to gain access to information and the woman is presently suing him for rape. The question Xian Sheng asked the followers was whether they would tell lies and have sex with another person as part of their job as an undercover agent.
- Xian Sheng asked how Baitiangong would look at it.
- He advised the followers not to accept such kinds of jobs as there are many ways of earning a living.
- As a Baitiangong follower, we must know that nothing can escape death and in death, nothing is unknown of your living.
- Xian Sheng explained that if we were a spy in life, all our secrets will be shown and revealed in death. We cannot escape it.
- And whatever wrong we have committed in life, we would have to pay for the consequences by suffering in death.
- All Baitiangong followers must be prepared for death as we must know that we would die one of these days.
- Xian Sheng asked us to remember the Chinese saying, ‘你知我知, 天知地知’ or ‘You know, I know, Heaven knows and Hell knows’.
- As we cannot escape death, there is no point telling lies.
- There is an English saying, ‘Dead men tell no lies’ that implies killing someone so that they cannot talk.8
- In Baitiangong, our saying is no one can escape death. And in death, nothing is unknown. Everything will spill out.
- Xian Sheng: It is a question of time, when you tell lies today, you hold on to it. In death, you cannot tell lies anymore. Everything that you want to tell lies, you have to tell it out, you have to spill out the truth. Whether you like it or not. It’s beyond your control.9
- Xian Sheng said that there are two things he knew that are beyond one’s control.
- In the early 1976s, Xian Sheng was meditating and his hands automatically stretched out in front of him to receive a White Book. Then he found himself involuntarily lying on his back. Although Xian Sheng was wide awake at that time, he had no control over his own body. He looked around for signs of aliens in UFOs controlling him. (Refer to the White Book section of Spiritual Revelation.)
- In another incident, Xian Sheng’s right hand was incapacitated due to an accident. He could not lift his right hand. He was attended by the bone specialist, Dr Gobinda from the Orthopedic Department at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). However, he was unable to raise his hands for months. The doctor finally gave up on his treatment and announced that Xian Sheng would have to live with the problem. Xian Sheng seeks alternative treatment including Chinese physicians but to no avail. After exhausting all possible medical treatments, then and only then Xian Sheng knelt down and asked GOD, “GOD, how am I going to give you my mind, body and soul when I cannot even lift up this hand?” Xian Sheng had to use his left hand to lift up his right hand. All of the sudden, his hand started to move and stretched outwards. Xian Sheng knew that his hands started working again although his muscles have clearly atrophied due to months of inactivity. (See 02A-2000 G3-G9)
- Xian Sheng had always told the Baitiangong brothers and sisters to seek medical treatment if they are sick. They should only seek spiritual help when they have exhausted all possible treatment options.
- We have to understand GOD’s consciousness for the world comes in the form that doctors are needed to treat the sick. For the more serious cases, there are specialists.10
- Xian Sheng reminded the followers on consciousness communication.
- Each individual has their own consciousness called individual consciousness. When individuals are grouped together, the combined individual consciousness becomes group consciousness. Their group consciousness projected upwards is the communication to GOD and becomes GOD’s consciousness. GOD’s consciousness then comes down to Xian Sheng (becomes Xian Sheng’s consciousness) and Xian Sheng spreads out his consciousness to individuals and it becomes our individual consciousness. In a group, our consciousness once again forms a group consciousness.
- Xian Sheng asked if the followers remember what he said in ‘The Realisation of Consciousness’. (See ‘The Five Realisations’, ‘Realisation of Consciousness’, ‘Total Sum of Consciousness’).
- Xian Sheng express his dismay that some of the followers would have forgotten what he had said on this subject.
- This makes it all the more reason why we must attend the ASD in December 2000 and bring our children along too.
- Xian Sheng could not understand why some people would spend lavishly on their funerals instead of giving the money to their children. (The video recording was truncated after Xian Sheng said giving the money to their children.)
- On the subject of acquiring knowledge, Xian Sheng said that he gets very angry when he sees the Chinese newspaper untouched in Baixian’s office. He questioned his staff about wasting money to buy newspapers if they have no intention to read it for acquiring information and knowledge.
- The other reason that Xian Sheng is angry when he sees the Chinese newspaper is personal because he cannot read the newspaper as he is not educated in the Chinese language.
(I) Baitiangong does not have any taboos [51:36 – 52:58]
- Xian Sheng appealed to the brothers and sisters to attend the obsequy of Bro Ong’s wife on the fourth day of Chinese New Year as Baitiangong does not have any taboos.
- Xian Sheng recalled last night’s obsequies of Bro Ng Foong Huat at the old Kwong Tung Funeral Parlour where our neighbouring parlour was completely devoid of any family, relatives and friends of the deceased old lady.
- Xian Sheng expressed that he was shocked (Xian Sheng attended and conducted many obsequies and has never encountered such a situation).
- The reason that Xian Sheng heard was because of ‘pantang’, a Malay word for taboo and therefore no one can come (on the eve of Chinese New year).
- The children will only come on the fourth day.
- Xian Sheng said that if the body of the old lady is left unattended and no one replaces the dry ice inside the coffin, the body would decompose and worms would crawl out of the body and the smell would be terrible.
- The body is lying in wait for the family members to carry out her funeral services.
- Even the Taoist monks or Buddhist monks refused to work because of the Chinese New Year.
- Traditional Chinese folks that pray to deities would face problems if they died during the Chinese New Year period. They would have to wait until the fourth day.
- Liberal thinking people are willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own and open to new ideas.
- Xian Sheng is a Disciple of GOD and able to pardon anyone of their sins but not when it involves GOD directly.
- All religions teach peace and harmony. There can be no harmony when people disrespect others' beliefs.
- The fourth Spiritual Guidelines: To understand and practise Sacrifice, Honour, Respect, Patience, Perseverance and Trust.
- Xian Sheng does not have any grudges or vendetta against the Christians even though his daughter was indoctrinated into Christianity. His main teaching to us is that "We live to go through an examination in life and we die to live". This lets us know that everyone is responsible for their own souls. Knowledge and understanding is the key to saving our own soul.
- Studying by chapters and verses means analysing each verse in detail as opposed to studying in general which implies a more cursory approach to understanding the overarching messages. This is probably why fornicators are lumped as wrongdoers when Jesus did not specifically say so.
- To set a precedence so that Baitiangong followers will know how to deal with future disturbances.
- The more widely used phrase is 'Dead men tell no tales' as secrets would stay secret as a dead person cannot reveal them anymore. However, Xian Sheng stated that in death, all would be known and we would suffer the consequences from the secrets that are only hidden to people but not to Heaven, Hell or Xian Sheng.
- We can only tell lies and keep our lies a secret for as long as we are alive. The moment we die, we are no longer capable of telling lies. When we open our mouths to lie, the truth will spill out instead. And this is beyond our control.
- This meant that if someone is sick, they should seek earthly remedies and not supernatural ways as doctors are part of GOD's creation to mankind.