04A-2000 09012000

Date: 9 Jan 2000.

Location: Xian Sheng’s house at 202 Taman Melawati.

Table of Contents

(A) Silent Meditation. Strike Lottery [00:33 – 07:57]
  1. It is best if everyone sits on their own mats separated from each other at 2 arm’s length.
  2. In silent meditation, we can request GOD for anything. Xian Sheng gave the followers present the opportunity for a trial run.
  3. Some followers asked if they can request to strike lottery. To which Xian Sheng replied Yes, as part of an experiment in the trial run.
  4. Xian Sheng asked the followers if they recalled a time when he meditated until the room he was in disappeared revealing only white and a 4-digit number appeared in front of him. Xian Sheng bought the 4-digit number at 4D lottery and won. Xian Sheng experimented further by requesting to win the 4D lottery for the first prize, followed by the second prize and finally by the third prize. He won exactly as how he requested in meditation.
  5. So when someone asked Xian Sheng whether they can request to strike lottery in meditation, Xian Sheng acknowledged saying yes. However, we have to ask ourself what we want to do with the money. Do we have a purpose for the money?
  6. When we request for something in meditation, we need to have a purpose in mind. Otherwise, it is better not to make such a request.
  7. We can request to see Heaven or Hell. Xian Sheng added that requesting to see Heaven and Hell is not construed as a condition to pray to the CREATOR as Xian Sheng himself requested to see Heaven and Hell in the early days of Baitiangong.1
  8. Xian Sheng even requested to see his past life as a human here on Earth and his request was granted.2
  9. Xian Sheng was happy with some followers’ requests for early morning meditation without the presence of children. The only exception was the two geese that is very noisy.
  10. Xian Sheng requested the followers to remember and follow the procedure he taught them on how to meditate:
    – Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position with our back straight.
    – Recite the following, “GOD, I give you my mind, body and soul in meditation.
    – As we recite “GOD”, bring our palms together [as in praying] near to our forehead and slowly move them down to our solar plexus.
    – Ensure that our thumbs touch each other at all times, slide our hands until both our palms are parallel to each other facing downwards, with our right palm touching the back of our left hand. When we recite “I”, our thumbs should be pointing and touching our solar plexus.
    – Flip both our hands 180 degrees in one swift motion and both hands should be facing upwards, with our left hand on top of our right hand while we recite, “give you my mind, body and soul in meditation”.
    – Try to maintain a perfect triangle formation with our hands. 
  11. Sit with our back straight. Do not lean forward. If we feel our body starts to move, sway or our hands move on their own, do not resist but let the meditation takes over our body. If we feel a force pushing us to lean back into a sleeping position, do not resist or fight against it. Our exertion could cause us back pains.
  12. It is very important that we stay calm if we see a bright light shining at us. Do not fear the bright light. If we are fearful of anything we might see in meditation, then we would not be able to enter into a state of meditation to see anything. We can request to GOD to see anything, including Heaven and Hell as proof to ourself that these realms exist.3
  13. Xian Sheng chose a random direction and asked everyone to pray to the CREATOR facing the direction he pointed before starting their meditation.4
(B) Silent Meditation. Lock gate at 7.00 am [09:40 – 14:50]
  1. Someone suggested to Xian Sheng to conduct morning meditation at 7:00 am. Xian Sheng agreed as morning meditation is quieter without the presence of children.
  2. However, the punctuality of some followers was undesirable ranging from 5 minutes to 20 minutes late. Xian Sheng said that this is not acceptable. All followers who wanted to meditate must be present by 6:45 am.
  3. The gate at the bottom of the garden will be promptly locked at 7:00 am. Xian Sheng wanted a signboard to be hung on the gate with the warning, “This gate will be locked at 7:00 am”.
  4. Xian Sheng had agreed to the request of some followers to conduct morning meditation but he insisted that participants must reach before 7:00 am. The gate will be locked at 7:00 am and no entry is permitted regardless of whom is asking.5
  5. Xian Sheng highlighted the faults of today’s morning meditation like followers sitting too close to each other as they shared the same mats and some were talking during the meditation session. Everyone should sit on their personal mats and at 2 arm’s length away from each other so that they can lie down.6
  6. Everyone should remain perfectly quiet and refrain from talking to each other after meditating for only a few minutes. Xian Sheng reminded them to take meditation seriously and try their best to meditate silently for an hour starting from 7:00 am.
(C) Request to Strike Lottery and GOD’s blessing [15:00 – 21:07]
  1. Xian Sheng said that followers can request to strike the 4D lottery in meditation. However, they must give a very good reason. For example, they pledge to donate the entire amount for preaching activities in China. However, they must fulfil their promises and not change their mind later by donating half the winnings only. Do not lie about our intentions. If we intended to donate half of the winnings, be sincere and make our intentions known in our request to GOD. Xian Sheng has no qualms about anyone’s request.
  2. Some followers request to strike lottery to help ease the financial burden of preaching activities in China. Xian Sheng has pondered over this request and accepts that it is a reasonable request.
  3. Xian Sheng said that some Baitiangong followers did request to win the lottery in their prayers and their request was granted. To a question about who they were and whether they donated the winnings, Xian Sheng told that person she does not need to know. The most important point here is that their request was granted. Xian Sheng explained that one of the followers had financial difficulties and prayed to win the lottery.
  4. Xian Sheng does not encourage any followers to request to strike lottery in their daily prayers or in meditation. Xian Sheng encourages followers to get a legitimate job to earn the money instead. That would be the best way.
  5. Xian Sheng found it strange when some followers gave him the winnings from gambling and attributed it to a blessing from GOD. Xian Sheng laughingly questioned the fact that they would attribute the winnings as a blessing from GOD and they gave the winnings to Xian Sheng. Xian Sheng was tempted to ask them whether they knelt down to request GOD to let them win before they go to challenge Lim Goh Tong. If they did not, how can they say or how do they know GOD blessed them?7
  6. Xian Sheng reminded us to think carefully and not misuse the phrase, “GOD blessed me” that some casually uttered because of their good fortune. Xian Sheng advised followers not to pursue 4D lotteries such as Magnum and etc.8
(D) Voting and Hudud Law [3300 – 3827]
  1. Before the country’s General Elections, many people were spreading rumours that if we voted for the Islamic Party PAS and they got into power, they would implement hudud law and amputate your limbs if you committed any offence. This created fear amongst the Chinese communities and they voted for other political parties but not PAS.
  2. Recently Xian Sheng asked his Muslim friend who returned from Umrah about the conditions that warrant amputation of limbs in Saudi Arabia. The answer from his Muslim friend is riddled with superstition as he said that the perpetrators who committed the crime will automatically surrender themselves within 3 days and request for their hand to be amputated. That is the condition in Saudi Arabia. For those who do not understand about hudud law, remember that amputation is not arbitrarily used as a standard punishment.
  3. Xian Sheng told one of his Malay friends today that many Chinese people fear amputation and therefore cast their votes for other political parties and not the Islamic party PAS. Xian Sheng said that he does not fear amputation and he would vote for the party of his choice. This is because if he stretches out his hands, they would find his hands is clean from corruption and theft. They would not amputate his hand. However, they would amputate the hands of many dirty and corrupted politicians. We do not need to fear amputation if we are not corrupted.
  4. We vote for a candidate because they are good, clean and deserving and not out of the fear of amputation. We have to research the candidate we vote for and not rely on our parent’s suggestion or even on Xian Sheng’s suggestion. Do not vote for candidates that accept or give bribes but promise no amputation for our crimes. Do not vote under the pressure of fear of amputation as we do not even know the conditions for amputation.
  5. Xian Sheng referred to his Muslim friend earlier telling him that amputations are done on a voluntary basis in Saudi Arabia by the perpetrators who automatically surrender themselves within 3 days.
  6. But in Malaysia, we have many corrupted people. Have we tried asking them to surrender themselves voluntarily? Xian Sheng’s friend said that there is a certain force permeating Saudi Arabia that compels the perpetrators to surrender as it inflicts an unnatural feeling like being unable to sleep or do anything. Once they surrendered, they will regain their natural feeling and are even happy with their amputation. Is there such a thing? Nevertheless, this force does not exist in Malaysia.
(E) Report people with illegal firearms and drug traffickers [4043 – 4213]
  1. Xian Sheng, Wan Ilal who was the Assistant District Officer of Jinjang (ADO), Zaidin Tambi Chik, who is embroiled in a corruption court case and YB Zakariah were members of an anti dadah [anti drugs) committee in Selayang. Xian Sheng was involved in reporting a few cases of drug addicts leading to their arrest by law enforcement.
  2. Xian Sheng informed the followers to give him the details of anyone owning firearms without a license or involved in drugs if they were afraid to report it themselves. Xian Sheng will make a police report on their behalf. It is best to remove these people from society. Sometimes the enforcement agencies will take action, sometimes they do not. That is beyond our control. Nevertheless, we must report them to remove them.
  1. Xian Sheng was referring to the early 1976s when he started to receive out-of-body experiences to wonderous places to meditate. This eventually led Xian Sheng to meditate and he made requests in his meditation to help him understand his role in Baitiangong. See Spiritual Revelation.
  2. Xian Sheng lived twice on Earth in early China. In one instance, he was a general who hunted mountain bandits and in another, he was a government official in the Law Ministry.
  3. The main purpose of meditation is for us to witness for ourself the existence of our soul and if our soul travels to Heaven or Hell, the existence of Heaven and Hell. This is explained in The Five Realisations.
  4. GOD exists outside of HIS creation, not in a certain direction and not anywhere on Earth. Xian Sheng had devised a method at the Kampung Kuyow Holy Hall where we would rotate facing skywards in the four cardinal directions from East - South - West - North follow by the four ordinal directions - North East - South East - South West - North West and finally start the rotation at East again. This is to prevent followers from fixating on a direction where they think GOD resides.
  5. Late comers will be denied entry as their movements will disturb others in meditation.
  6. The related problems are overlapping auras and followers touching others when they lie down.
  7. Lim Goh Tong is the founder of the only legal casino in Malaysia.
  8. Xian Sheng stated many times that GOD could not be bothered with us. The Divine Law of Nature and the Holy Spirit ensures that human would undergo their examination in life. Therefore GOD could not be bothered to grant blessings as this would defeat the purpose of our life examination. Refer to 02A-2000 G11-G18 for more information about GOD's blessing.