- Our soul is a repository that records all our actions, good and bad, that will be used to judge us after completing our examination in life. Unlike other religions that portray GOD or Jesus or Divine Beings judging human souls on Judgement Day, our soul will judge itself. All our good deeds and evil deeds will be displayed before us like a video documentary that our soul recorded during our lifetime. We are neither required to testify, acknowledge nor defend ourselves but witness what we have done and accept the judgement. That is why we can never lie to the CREATOR as our souls are incapable of lying.
- Our souls are eternal and the majority have been in existence for a very long time, some since the beginning of creation. Our souls, like creation itself, are an ongoing process with new souls being created and placed into their examination in life. If we are to compare human existence on Earth at an average age of 80 years old to the age of our souls, we will understand that life on the Plane of Earth is only a very short time.
- The mainstream religions of the world tell us that GOD wants people to pray to HIM. GOD may have given humans free will, but GOD wants people to voluntarily pray to HIM. To that end, GOD sent his Messengers like Moses, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad to teach people to recognise HIM and to pray to HIM. Unfortunately, Jesus was elevated to the status of Godhead according to the doctrine of the Trinity. And in return for the people's faith, belief, devotion and prayers to HIM, GOD would grant a blissful life in Heaven for those HE deemed worthy. In Baitiangong, Xian Sheng told us that he was not sent by the CREATOR but came willingly to the Plane of Earth to teach the Chinese idolaters to return to the old ways in Ancient China to pray to the CREATOR. Xian Sheng told us that it was he who asked us to pray to the CREATOR and that the CREATOR never ask us to pray to HIM. The CREATOR does not want our prayer, our recognition or anything whatsoever from us. The CREATOR created Heaven and Hell, the dimensions, the elements, our souls and all and more than that. What could the CREATOR possibly want from us that the CREATOR could not create HIMSELF? The CREATOR created the Divine Law of Nature and the Holy Spirit to govern HIS creation. The CREATOR created Divine Beings like Xian Sheng, Jesus and Muhammad in the Plane of Nothing and the Devil with its evil minions in the planes where the souls exist. The CREATOR gave us Free Will to choose between good and evil, praying to the CREATOR, praying to false gods, praying to idols, praying to humans or praying to nothing. The Divine Beings spread the knowledge of the CREATOR to us while the Devil and its minions tempt us to think bad, see bad, hear bad, speak bad and do bad. Ultimately, we are accountable for our own choices as we are all undergoing an examination in life. Xian Sheng knows that praying to the CREATOR is the only way for our souls to go to Heaven and that is why he asked us to pray to the CREATOR. If the CREATOR wants us to pray to HIM, we would not have a choice as we would automatically pray to the CREATOR. Then the world would not have any religious conflicts as everyone would be in total agreement on who is GOD. All the world religions would not exist as Jesus and Muhammad would not need to come down, Siddartha Gautama would not start Buddhism and Hinduism would simply not exist. The dictionary would be thinner without words like Atheist and words related to religions. Science would be more scientific without theories like the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. Our planets would not be named after Greek and Roman gods and the list goes on. If we truly understand the core teaching of Xian Sheng that the CREATOR did not ask us to pray to HIM, we would realise that Heaven is not a reward for praying to the CREATOR but Heaven is to be earned through our commitment to gain knowledge and understanding of the teachings using our mind, doing the right actions and good works using our body and training our soul to pray to the CREATOR so that our soul will drive our mind and body safety on the narrow path to Heaven.
- Xian Sheng asked us to make three main requests in our daily prayers. Two are shown earlier and the third request is to pray for a safe daily commute, good health, a smooth work career and all things good in life for all our family members. After we have made the three requests, we are free to add more requests. Xian Sheng knows that the CREATOR would not be troubled by our trivial requests, but if we are persistent as demonstrated by the two brothers, the CREATOR may grant us our request. Many followers are aware that the CREATOR is not obligated to grant our requests as the CREATOR did not ask us to pray to HIM. Hence they seek an easier way, to trouble Xian Sheng instead.