The Spiritual Guidelines is a set of guidelines to help guide us to the path to Heaven. All of us are undergoing our examination in life as the purpose and reason why we are born is to test our resolve to realise and pray to the CREATOR, to overcome our fears in life so that we are able to think good, see good, hear good, speak good and do good. With the exception of the first guideline, that guides us to realise the existence of the CREATOR and pray to the CREATOR, and therefore spiritual in nature, the rest are fundamentally common sense and good practices that everyone should naturally be observing. Please click on the links for a more detailed explanation of the individual guidelines.
The Spiritual Guidelines
1. Pray to the CREATOR
2. Fear nothing except the CREATOR
3. Think good, See good, Hear good, Speak good and Do good
4. To understand and practice:- Sacrifice, Honour, Respect, Patience, Perseverance and Trust
5. To acquire Knowledge and Understanding
6. To follow strictly the Baitiangong way of Obsequies
7. To follow strictly the Baitiangong way of Marriage
8. To adhere to a 24-hour obligatory fasting without food and water for all adults once annually
9. To accept the Baitiangong guidelines on sexual relationships
10. All other spiritual teachings and interpretation which are consistent with the understanding, acceptance, respect and trust in our Spiritual Leader, XIANSHENG, Chew Choon Ming as truly Disciple of GOD, the Deliverer of All Unclean Spirit
1st – Pray to the CREATOR
2nd – Fear nothing except the CREATOR
3rd – Think good, See good, Hear good, Speak good and Do good
Xian Sheng initially gave us a few guidelines only, but over the years incorporated the rest as and when the need came up. The first three Spiritual Guidelines are essentially the most important ones that are applicable to everyone in this world.
4th – To understand and practice:- Sacrifice, Honour, Respect, Patience, Perseverance and Trust
Reminds all of us to practice good conduct when dealing with our fellow brothers and sisters all over the world. Practicing sacrifice reinforces the 2nd guideline to fear nothing except the CREATOR. The rest reinforces the 3rd guideline on speaking good and doing good.
5th – To acquire Knowledge and Understanding
Stressed on the importance of acquiring knowledge and understanding, both spiritual and general by lifelong learning and reading. A knowledgeable person and an understanding person would have a wider perspective of life and understands his or her place in it. He or she understands the intricacies of life and how to manage them. It therefore reinforces the 3rd guideline on thinking good, seeing good and hearing good.
6th – To follow strictly the Baitiangong way of Obsequies
7th – To follow strictly the Baitiangong way of Marriage
The guidelines on obsequies and marriage were introduced as these ceremonies, particularly the Chinese rites and rituals are riddled with superstition and ignorance. The business community had over the years introduced more elaborate and expensive ceremonies, making marriage and obsequies/funeral an expensive affair. Xian Sheng introduced a simple, low cost and practical way that the brothers and sisters can conduct on their own, thus eliminating superstition, ignorance and unnecessary costing. The main purpose of these two guidelines is to reinforce the 1st guideline that man should only pray to the CREATOR as it is a common practice to pray to the deceased during obsequies and offer tea to deceased during a marriage ceremony.
8th – To accept the Baitiangong guidelines on sexual relationships
The sexual guideline helps to guide everyone from going against the Divine Law of Nature. Although sex between two consenting heterosexual couple is beautiful and pleasurable, it is also the most widely abused and misunderstood part of life. Going against the sexual guideline is a sin and that is why Xian Sheng says that our Spiritual Guidelines also have rules.
9th -To adhere to a 24-hour obligatory fasting without food and water for all adults once annually
A 24-hour fasting is compulsory for Baitiangong adherents only. Fasting without food and water voluntarily for a 24-hour period is a daunting task for most people. However, if we are to call ourselves as people who pray to the CREATOR, we should at least be able to adhere to this guideline. However, adherents with medical conditions and pregnant ladies are exempted from observing the 24-hour fasting. It is a known fact that fasting helps a person in many ways. However, if we donate the money that we saved on food for that 24-hour period, we would also gain spiritual points for our soul. Therefore, anyone can also practice this guideline as well. When we fast, we are reminded to abstain from doing bad and therefore reinforces the 3rd guideline, i.e. Think good, See good, Hear good, Speak good and Do good.
10th – All other spiritual teachings and interpretation which are consistent with the understanding, acceptance, respect and trust in our Spiritual Leader, XIANSHENG, Chew Choon Ming as truly Disciple of GOD, the Deliverer of All Unclean Spirit
The final guideline is an affirmation that whatever Xian Sheng taught us is for the betterment of our soul while we undergo our examination in life and eventually die to live – in Heaven or Hell. Xian Sheng places importance in saving our souls rather than the body, and his actions have caused some people to question his priorities for his followers. By accepting and believing that Xian Sheng came to us to teach us to save our soul, we would not doubt him and his teachings as we do not have the insights as he does in the Divine Law of Nature.
The Spiritual Guidelines is not exclusive to the brothers and sisters of our spiritual movement, but applicable to everyone in this world. Xian Sheng specifically mentioned that he did not come to give us rules and regulations, but certain guidelines. The Spiritual Guidelines is therefore unique as the guidelines are universal, with the exception of the last guideline, that can guide all of mankind to leave theVicious Cycle of Reincarnation and go to Heaven. The Spiritual Guidelines show us that the examination in life is achievable by everyone if we are willing to follow it. We do not have to do anything out of the ordinary to follow the Spiritual Guidelines. The 1st guideline is already practiced by the adherents of other monotheistic religions all over the world. It is the 2nd and 3rd guideline that requires courage, determination and effort to practice. Even if we cannot follow these guidelines, we would not be committing any sins. However, if anyone were to go against these guidelines, irrespective of our religious faith or even an atheist, we would still have to pay for them in the afterlife.