09B-2000 23012000

Date: 23 Jan 2000.

Location: Raub, Pahang.]

Table of Contents

(A) Talk fact, not fiction [08:15 – 12:40]
  1. Xian Sheng said he does not know how else to teach the followers if they still failed to understand what he has been saying for the past 24 years regarding the importance of telling facts and not telling lies. We have a choice to tell facts versus telling lies.
  2. Xian Sheng presented the following scenario. “You saw your friend’s husband having lunch with another woman. You can’t make heads or tails of it”. Xian Sheng clarified that in the present day, many women hold managerial positions and they frequently discuss business with their clients over lunch. “You saw them having lunch together and you reported it to your friend”. Unfortunately, a person’s eyes can sometimes wander off to see another couple holding hands and the brain superimposes that image onto the husband and the woman. “So you tell your friend that her husband was having lunch with another woman and they were holding and fondling each other’s hands.” The agitated wife waited for her husband to fall asleep at night and proceeded to cut off his manhood. Then she threw his manhood into the toilet bowl and flush it away.
  3. Xian Sheng derived the castration part of the scenario from a real incident he read from the newspaper that took place in the Kepong Baru in which an educated woman cut off her husband’s manhood and flushed it down the toilet. Xian Sheng speculated that one of the two might have taken place, someone informed her that her husband was fondling another woman or someone got their facts wrong. Who is the culprit? The busybody who meddled in other people’s affairs.
  4. Xian Sheng cautioned the followers against casually talking without facts. if we got our facts wrong, we can cause others to argue and even divorce. If they divorced, then we are to be blamed for being a busybody. Divorce is a trivial matter but if someone lost their perfectly functioning manhood, then that is problematic.
  5. Xian Sheng asked the followers to think carefully. Many problems are man-made because someone said the wrong thing. The mouth is a powerful instrument, so talk facts and not fiction. There is no harm to approach your friend’s husband and greeting him and his lady companion as you might just make a new friend.
(B) No matter how good you are at lying, you can never lie to the CREATOR [19:01 – 20:11]
  1. “No matter how good you are at lying, you can never lie to the CREATOR”, Xian Sheng said this because everyone will leave this Plane of Earth (pass away). It is simple for people to lie to other people, but they can never lie to the CREATOR1.
  2. The famous Chinese proverb “你知我知,天知地知” translated into Baitiangong context is “You know it and I know it, Heaven knows and Hell knows.” Xian Sheng reminded the followers to either talk facts or keep silent because when the day comes and they pass away from this Plane of Earth, they will not escape the Divine Judgement.” Lying is a sin that one can only commit on the Plane of Earth and only for a short time.2
  3. Today, Xian Sheng is asking us to pray to the CREATOR. He asked us to listen carefully, “It is not the CREATOR that asks us to pray to the CREATOR.” This is the core importance of Baitiangong. What does the CREATOR want from us until HE would ask us to pray to HIM? The CREATOR wants nothing from us.3
(C) Give trouble to the CREATOR [22:22 – 26:40]
  1. In the parable of the man who lived and prayed for 500 years, the man lived for exactly 500 years and not a year more as he died soon after his time is up. Xian Sheng asked the followers whether this can happen in real life too, in the Spiritual Movement.
  2. (This event took place in the early 1980s.) Xian Sheng gave Bro Chew Kwai Fong exactly one year to live. Bro Chew’s sons Ah Loy and Xiao Ti drove over on their motorcycle from KPJ Sentosa Specialist Hospital to meet Xian Sheng during a Spiritual Discussion at Taman Maluri Cheras. They begged Xian Sheng to further prolong their father’s life for another year or so. Xian Sheng asked them to tell him the date of that day as he wanted them to confirm that a full year had passed since they last approached Xian Sheng on the same issue.
  3. Exactly one year ago, when their father was in a comatose state in the General Hospital, the brothers called Xian Sheng’s home number repeatedly and relentlessly from 1 am to 5 am. Xian Sheng and the entire household could not sleep for the whole night. When the phone rang again after 5 am, Xian Sheng could no longer tolerate them anymore, picked up the phone and told them to stop pestering him as he will go to the hospital.
  4. The two brothers called Xian Sheng persistently to trouble Xian Sheng until Xian Sheng finally relented to their request. It is for this reason too that Xian Sheng advocates that followers pray day and night to trouble the CREATOR hoping the CREATOR may finally grant their request because of their persistency. Xian Sheng’s idea however backfired as the two brothers used it on him instead, but it is proof of concept that it worked.
  5. When Xian Sheng finally reached the hospital, the brothers told Xian Sheng that their father had fallen into a coma and was beyond any medical help. They begged Xian Sheng to grant him one year so that he can realise Baitiangong and pray to the CREATOR. They presented their arguments so convincingly and so superfluously that Xian Sheng agreed to grant their request for exactly one year of life.
  6. Xian Sheng proceeded to massage Bro Chew’s stomach and subsequently talked to it, “Hey! pass motion, pass motion. Empty everything inside your bowels”. Xian Sheng asked the followers if they know of anyone else who speaks to the stomach. Shortly after that, Bro Chew defecated blackish bloodlike sludges with a stench so nauseating that Xian Sheng described it as worst than a dead decomposed body. Xian Sheng admitted he could not endure the stank and had to force himself to breathe. He joked, “Early morning invited to smell faeces.”
  7. Xian Sheng called out to him, “Chew Kwai Fong, can you hear me?” But he neither responded verbally nor looked at Xian Sheng. Xian Sheng told him he knows Bro Chew was listening to him and told Bro Chew to move his fingers as acknowledgement. Bro Chew wiggled his right-hand fingers. Satisfied that Bro Chew heard him indicating he had awoken from his coma, Xian Sheng told Bro Chew that he was not free and had to leave to teach students in his school. Xian Sheng lamented that he had to teach despite not getting any sleep that night.
  8. Once again Xian Sheng reminded the followers that the CREATOR did not ask us to pray to the CREATOR, It is Xian Sheng that ask us to pray to the CREATOR. And we are to pray as follows:
    – pray for all the saints in Heaven to ascend to a higher plane,
    – pray to forgive the sins of our ancestors and if deserving, give them a place in Heaven,
    Xian Sheng asked us to pray to trouble the CREATOR, but instead, the followers gave Xian Sheng trouble instead.4
  9. Xian Sheng related another incident that happened a few weeks ago. From around 3 am to 4 am, someone called Xian Sheng’s home phone about seven times until Xian Sheng could not take it anymore and picked up the phone himself. Xian Sheng admitted that he was glad he answered the call because he managed to avert a potentially bad situation. If Xian Sheng had not resolved the caller’s problem and something bad befell the caller, the family members would blame Xian Sheng for ignoring the plea of their troubled family member. Xian Sheng concluded, “Picking up the call would trouble me, not picking up the call would also trouble me, so I rather pick up the call to resolve the trouble so that it won’t trouble me. Humans are a troublesome lot.”
  10. Xian Sheng knows full well that humans are a troublesome lot and that is why he asked us to pray to the CREATOR to give trouble to the CREATOR. Xian Sheng clarified that trouble here meant persistently praying to the CREATOR. If we persistently pray to the CREATOR, HE may grant our request. Xian Sheng said that the two brothers are a case in point to support his argument.
  11. Returning back to the case of Bro Chew Kwai Fong, Xian Sheng told Ah Loy and Xiao Ti that he already know the purpose of their visit. He told them not to request him again to further prolong their father’s life (after living for exactly one year) but to go back to the hospital and pray to the CREATOR for their father to pass away. The two brothers obediently followed Xian Sheng’s advice and drove back to KPJ Sentosa Specialist Hospital to pray. After praying, they went up to their father’s ward to find out from their sister that their father just passed away. The two brothers were relieved as they were just downstairs praying to the CREATOR for their father to pass away. Instead of staying at their father’s deathbed in the hospital, the two brothers hopped back on their motorcycle and drove to Taman Maluri again to see Xian Sheng. The brothers told Xian Sheng, “Xian Sheng, you are very good!”. And when Xian Sheng asked them why, they replied, “You asked us to pray to the CREATOR to request for our father to pass away and he really passed away. You are very good”.
  12. Xian Sheng clarified, “Of course I’m good. If I am not good, who is good? If I’m not good, I would not ask you to pray to the CREATOR. Isn’t that right?”
(D) True equality is the hallmark of Baitiangong’s teachings [35:58 – 48:57]
  1. Xian Sheng said if he is not good, he would not ask us to pray to the CREATOR. Instead, Xian Sheng could have asked us to worship spirits and some people would still support him. Xian Sheng asked the followers why some people would have this sort of mentality. The lure would be to regularly give out winning lottery numbers and people would automatically spread the news of his ritualistic prayers to get lottery numbers and people would line up to beg him for 4-digit numbers. Xian Sheng joked that he would be so busy that he even has to pray for numbers in the toilet. The reason is that people pray because of money and there are so many more such people than Baitiangong followers.
  2. Some people asked Xian Sheng why he does not collect money in Baitiangong. They said that if he were to collect money, the followers would be more pragmatic and more readily to accept him. Xian Sheng asked the followers whether that would be the case. Xian Sheng himself was unsure of the answer.
  3. In the past, a group of ex-followers suggested to Xian Sheng that he should not meet with the followers, like what he was currently doing. They suggested that Xian Sheng should only make an appearance once a year for the crowd to gaze upon his face. He should be draped in exquisite items of clothing. They would pass around a collection box to the crowd and the people would throw money in denominations of RM50 or RM100 to fill up the box. It sounded so enticing to Xian Sheng at that time as he would not need to work anymore. They would travel from place to place to collect money.
  4. Xian Sheng rejected that suggestion. He preferred to work to earn money through businesses. Even then, the money must be earned using legitimate businesses and not by cheating or scamming others. Some people resorted to cheating in their businesses to earn money.
  5. Xian Sheng asked the followers whether they have given any thoughts on the Fasting Donation Fund. The funds are donated to welfare organisations, handicapped associations, old folk homes, disease and sickness-related groups and etc. See the complete list here. We have donated more than RM70k to nearly RM80k (1981 – 4 Oct 1999). No one can touch a single cent of the fund including Xian Sheng himself and the fund is off-limits to Baixian’s businesses even if they are short on cash. The fund is held by Sis Wong Chew Peng and not controlled by Xian Sheng. Every single cent of the fund must be donated. The funds are accumulated from the donations of followers who successfully endured the hardship of fasting 24 hours without food and water and they are only allowed to donate RM3 each.
  6. On the flip side, Xian Sheng could have easily asked the followers to hand over their fasting donations to him and he would donate the funds out, keeping half of the donations for himself and none would be the wiser. Xian Sheng made a joke of the Chinese proverb “你知我知,天知地知” but in this instance, it would be, “I know, Heaven knows, Hell knows but you don’t know.” Xian Sheng reassured the followers he excluded himself from the handling of the Fasting Donation Fund since the beginning and delegated them to Sis Wong Chew Peng. He reiterated once again that all RM80k have been fully donated.
  7. Xian Sheng concluded that Baitiangong must have the right principles.
  8. The principle for donation is that we can only donate RM3. If one did not fast for 24 hours, they are not allowed to donate RM3. It does not matter if the follower is a millionaire or penniless. Xian Sheng wants an equal opportunity for everyone to donate. A millionaire can only donate RM3 after fasting for 24 hours and the same principle applies to a poor person.
  9. The principle for obsequies is that regardless of a person’s wealth or high social standing, they will have to kneel down to pray to the CREATOR for the deceased. When it comes to the deceased, all followers will pray in the same manner regardless of the stature of the deceased.
  10. The principle for Chook Fook is similar, a millionaire or billionaire would still pray for a safe daily commute, good health, a smooth work career and all things good in life for the family they are visiting, and in this case Bro Wong Sin Long.
  11. True equality is the hallmark of Baitiangong’s teachings.
(E) The CREATOR created males and females differently and unequally [48:57 – 59:36]
  1. Xian Sheng stated that equality is the hallmark of Baitiangong’s teachings, but gender equality does not exist.
  2. Xian Sheng has stated this many times in his teachings. He said, “The CREATOR created male and female differently and unequally. This is true.”
  3. Have we ever asked ourselves why no female incarnated on Earth to preach praying to the CREATOR? The answer according to Xian Sheng is because the CREATOR created males and females unequally. The CREATOR created males with the ability to father children to continue on his lineage but created females without the ability to father children without a male partner.
  4. Xian Sheng cannot understand why some female followers are unsatisfied with his statement. Xian Sheng gave them the following scenario. The CREATOR created both males and females and if your gender happens to be female, it is not up to you to be dissatisfied with it. If the CREATOR makes you a male in your next reincarnation because of your dissatisfaction, you would be in trouble. You would then regret not being born as a female. You would have to work hard to earn a living while your wife spends all your money. And if you run out of money, your wife would leave you for a richer man. You would truly regret your choices.
  5. Xian Sheng commenting about Bro K.C. Wong being financially well-off said that bountiful money is counterproductive. Bro K.C. Wong may decide to find a mistress as his wife is already old and cause a family argument where his son is for it while his daughter is against it. Xian Sheng laughed as he finds human behaviour contradictory. Xian Sheng concluded that Bro K.C Wong’s financial status is just fine as having too much money would ignite his desire for a new wife which Bro K.C. Wong himself finds hard to deny.
  6. An elderly follower once sought Xian Sheng’s advice because a younger woman likes him despite their big age gap but the feeling was not mutual. However, Xian Sheng said it was not his place to comment on their strange relationship.
  7. Xian Sheng questioned the peculiarity of the society that prefers elderly men. A lady follower commented that ladies prefer older men especially if they are rich contractors. Xian Sheng added saying that many elderly politicians have young partners too. He knew of one politician that is older than 70 years old with a wife that is only 22 years old.
  8. Xian Sheng asked the followers about the reversal of the situation where younger men prefer older women instead. The response was a resounding yes! Xian Sheng once again reaffirmed that humans are indeed contradictory.
  9. Xian Sheng rehashed the discussion, “There are younger men that prefer older women. There are also younger women that prefer older men.” This demonstrates that the CREATOR created humans with freedom of choice. Everyone has the choice to choose either an older or a younger partner. Xian Sheng stressed, “However, once you have made your decision, you do not go and commit adultery because your older partner failed to meet your sexual expectations.” Unfortunately, society consists of these types of people as well. Xian Sheng agreed that some people married older partners because of their money too.
  10. Xian Sheng reiterated that the CREATOR created humans with freedom of choice. Freedom of choice stems from Free Consciousness that the CREATOR bestows on humans.
  11. Xian Sheng wants us to have a deep understanding of the purpose of Free Consciousness.
  12. That consciousness tells a person not to tell lies. If a person said that they love their older spouse, but in reality, they only wanted their money but they tell their spouse, “I love you, I love you”, they would have told a lie. Xian Sheng responded to followers that the act of saying something different from what their heart desire is the definition of lying.
  13. Xian Sheng is baffled as to why some people are so desperate for money that they are willing to lie to con elderly people into marrying them.
  14. Some people lie not for money, but to satisfy their ego. There are all kinds of people and the majority are conmen and liars. This is not right.
 (F) The final consciousness is Free Consciousness in humans [43:31 – 52:20]
  1. The CREATOR created humans with a consciousness that has freedom of choice.
  2. The CREATOR created Nothing, gases, life force energy, external life force energy and matter and all of them have consciousness.
  3. Matter consists of the five elements of metal, wood, liquid, fire and earth and all these elements have consciousness too.
  4. Human is made from the five elements and has consciousness too. However, only the consciousness in humans is Free Consciousness. The rest are predetermined consciousness.
  5. Predetermined consciousness dictates the natural order of all matters in the universe.
    – Predetermined consciousness of our sun ensures that heat is given off in the right amount suitable for human survival. If the sun were to give off more heat, our Earth would burn along with all humans on it.
    – Predetermined consciousness of our Earth ensures that our planet spins on its axis every 24 hours and rotates around the sun every 365 days.
    – Predetermined consciousness of the elements ensures that their properties remain stable and suitable for human consumption. Elements like gold, brass, wood, Melati wood, Kapur wood, various types of liquid, a variety of fires with red flames, blue flames, green flames and even purple flames, and Earth of all colours like black soil, yellow soil, red soil, and even rainbow coloured soil in Madagascar all have special and stable properties.
  6. Xian Sheng repeated that the five elements were created first and from these five elements, humans were formed last. And the CREATOR bestowed humans with the final consciousness which is Free Consciousness.
  7. Consciousness existed from the beginning of creation until the present time. This consciousness turned into Free Consciousness in humans.
  8. Humans have consciousness. That is why the first realisation in the Five Realisations starts with the Realisation of Consciousness. The Realisation of Self comes second and that realisation is that we are made from matter. The realisation of consciousness must take precedence.
  9. Xian Sheng said that many followers failed to understand the Five Realisations despite the many attempts by Xian Sheng to explain them.
  10. In the Realisation of Consciousness, we must realise that humans have consciousness and matter have consciousness too. The consciousness in humans is free while the consciousness in matter is predetermined.
  11. The consciousness in humans is formed from:
    – our own internal consciousness,
    – external consciousness like consciousness from a third party namely another person, hearing voices or voices in our mind telling us to visit brothels, to gamble, to bet on horses, to buy lottery, to flirt, to drink alcohol, to direct us to do something,
    – good consciousness telling us to do good and bad consciousness telling us to do bad.
    We ultimately have to decide whether we want to listen to the good consciousness or listen to the bad consciousness. Our freedom of choice means that we have free consciousness. That is why consciousness which is Free Consciousness takes precedence in our realisation. 
  12. Some people relegated that choice to a toss of the coin. These people fall into the category of superstitious and believe in the Tung Shing (Chinese divination guide and almanac).
(G) The Five Realisations takes an opposite approach from the creation process [01:05:58 – 01:08:43]
  1. The creation starts from Nothing to gases, life force energy, external life force energy and finally matter. Human is the combination of matter and the last in this process. All along the creation process, consciousness has always existed in the predetermined form but in humans, turned into Free Consciousness in the final process.
  2. This is the opposite of the Five Realisations that start with the realisation that consciousness exists in humans first and foremost.
  3. After realising that consciousness exists in humans, we move to the realisation of self which tells us that humans are made from the five elements that make up matter in the entire universe. Many followers failed to see the link that realisation takes an opposite approach from the creation process.
  4. The next realisation is the realisation that humans have souls which makes humans very different from the rest of creation.
  5. The next realisation takes us to the realisation that dimensions exist, Heaven exists, Hell exists and all these are within Nothing.
  6. The four realisations will bring us to the final realisation that the CREATOR exists and created everything, all and more than that.
  1. Our soul is a repository that records all our actions, good and bad, that will be used to judge us after completing our examination in life. Unlike other religions that portray GOD or Jesus or Divine Beings judging human souls on Judgement Day, our soul will judge itself. All our good deeds and evil deeds will be displayed before us like a video documentary that our soul recorded during our lifetime. We are neither required to testify, acknowledge nor defend ourselves but witness what we have done and accept the judgement. That is why we can never lie to the CREATOR as our souls are incapable of lying.
  2. Our souls are eternal and the majority have been in existence for a very long time, some since the beginning of creation. Our souls, like creation itself, are an ongoing process with new souls being created and placed into their examination in life. If we are to compare human existence on Earth at an average age of 80 years old to the age of our souls, we will understand that life on the Plane of Earth is only a very short time.
  3. The mainstream religions of the world tell us that GOD wants people to pray to HIM. GOD may have given humans free will, but GOD wants people to voluntarily pray to HIM. To that end, GOD sent his Messengers like Moses, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad to teach people to recognise HIM and to pray to HIM. Unfortunately, Jesus was elevated to the status of Godhead according to the doctrine of the Trinity. And in return for the people's faith, belief, devotion and prayers to HIM, GOD would grant a blissful life in Heaven for those HE deemed worthy. In Baitiangong, Xian Sheng told us that he was not sent by the CREATOR but came willingly to the Plane of Earth to teach the Chinese idolaters to return to the old ways in Ancient China to pray to the CREATOR. Xian Sheng told us that it was he who asked us to pray to the CREATOR and that the CREATOR never ask us to pray to HIM. The CREATOR does not want our prayer, our recognition or anything whatsoever from us. The CREATOR created Heaven and Hell, the dimensions, the elements, our souls and all and more than that. What could the CREATOR possibly want from us that the CREATOR could not create HIMSELF? The CREATOR created the Divine Law of Nature and the Holy Spirit to govern HIS creation. The CREATOR created Divine Beings like Xian Sheng, Jesus and Muhammad in the Plane of Nothing and the Devil with its evil minions in the planes where the souls exist. The CREATOR gave us Free Will to choose between good and evil, praying to the CREATOR, praying to false gods, praying to idols, praying to humans or praying to nothing. The Divine Beings spread the knowledge of the CREATOR to us while the Devil and its minions tempt us to think bad, see bad, hear bad, speak bad and do bad. Ultimately, we are accountable for our own choices as we are all undergoing an examination in life. Xian Sheng knows that praying to the CREATOR is the only way for our souls to go to Heaven and that is why he asked us to pray to the CREATOR. If the CREATOR wants us to pray to HIM, we would not have a choice as we would automatically pray to the CREATOR. Then the world would not have any religious conflicts as everyone would be in total agreement on who is GOD. All the world religions would not exist as Jesus and Muhammad would not need to come down, Siddartha Gautama would not start Buddhism and Hinduism would simply not exist. The dictionary would be thinner without words like Atheist and words related to religions. Science would be more scientific without theories like the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. Our planets would not be named after Greek and Roman gods and the list goes on. If we truly understand the core teaching of Xian Sheng that the CREATOR did not ask us to pray to HIM, we would realise that Heaven is not a reward for praying to the CREATOR but Heaven is to be earned through our commitment to gain knowledge and understanding of the teachings using our mind, doing the right actions and good works using our body and training our soul to pray to the CREATOR so that our soul will drive our mind and body safety on the narrow path to Heaven.
  4. Xian Sheng asked us to make three main requests in our daily prayers. Two are shown earlier and the third request is to pray for a safe daily commute, good health, a smooth work career and all things good in life for all our family members. After we have made the three requests, we are free to add more requests. Xian Sheng knows that the CREATOR would not be troubled by our trivial requests, but if we are persistent as demonstrated by the two brothers, the CREATOR may grant us our request. Many followers are aware that the CREATOR is not obligated to grant our requests as the CREATOR did not ask us to pray to HIM. Hence they seek an easier way, to trouble Xian Sheng instead.