Xian Sheng is passionate about keeping up with scientific news, especially in astronomy. He subscribes to several scientific magazines, which he would read out loud to the followers on many occasions. It would be fair to state that Xian Sheng views science positively.
Science vs. religion.
Throughout history, science and religion have been entangled in conflict, each striving to shape the minds of individuals. Science builds on experimentation, empirical evidence, and scientific methods in line with the observation of the natural world, while religion relies on faith, divine revelation, and personal experience. However, it is crucial to note that science does not inherently disapprove of the existence of GOD; rather, it seeks to explain observable phenomena in the world through natural processes. Regrettably, atheists employ scientific theories as a means to disprove the existence of GOD. Even more regrettable is that religions cling to their ancient doctrines and beliefs that pit GOD against science and logic, which are out of touch with the present world.
Why is Baitiangong a spiritual Movement?
Xian Sheng repeatedly emphasised that Baitiangong is a spiritual movement rather than a religious one. He explained that a spiritual movement changes with the times, welcomes any questions and provides answers to assist its followers in changing themselves to follow the Spiritual Guidelines. Baitiangong Spiritual Movement does not seek to create a culture or community nor impose rules and regulations to distinguish them from non-Baitiangong followers. The spiritual movement seeks to share the Spiritual Guidelines given to us by our Xian Sheng to guide everyone on the correct path to pray to the CREATOR. Billions of people in the world are already praying to the CREATOR, and we treat them as our brothers and sisters.
Each religion has its own set of laws, beliefs, and rituals that may not be applicable in modern times but are cast in stone and cannot be changed. Consequently, the present religious leaders and clergy who have adopted them do not allow their believers to question these laws, beliefs, and rituals as they cannot justify or explain them. They resort to employing their religious laws to enforce blind adherence to the religion instead of enlightening them with answers. Religion creates division when it insists that its belief system is the only path to GOD and treats others as infidels, although they are also praying to the same GOD.
Science explains the physical nature of creation.
Science aims to understand and explain the natural world through empirical evidence, observation, and experimentation. While science has made significant progress in unravelling the complexities of nature, there are limitations to its explanatory power. Science can investigate a wide range of questions about the natural world, including atoms, ecosystems, and galaxies, but it cannot study supernatural forces or explain them. Some questions, such as the existence of the soul, Heaven and Hell, and GOD, are all outside the realm of science as they pertain to aspects beyond the natural world.
The prevailing model, the Big Bang theory, remains theoretical today and has undergone numerous modifications as scientists strive to explain the universe’s origin. Scientists are exploring new theoretical concepts such as quantum gravity, string theory, loop quantum gravity, dark energy, and dark matter to understand the mechanics of the universe. Science is, therefore, still in its infancy in explaining the mysteries of the universe in which we live.
Why doesn’t Xian Sheng take a stand?
Xian Sheng is fully aware that not all scientific studies are necessarily accurate. Science is an ongoing process dependent on the accumulated data and the credibility of scientists conducting the experiments. Just search for “science facts that are wrong” online. However, I am unaware of any instances where Xian Sheng directly challenged science facts as wrong.
From Xian Sheng’s explanation of human origins, it is clear that he rejects the idea that humans evolved from apes. Please refer to the topics “Human Evolution“ and “Origins of the Chinese People“. Xian Sheng could have outright stated that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by natural selection is wrong, a stance held unequivocally by Christianity and Islam. However, he chose to present his arguments and leave it to the more inquisitive minds to search for the answers.
Similarly, on the topic of creation, Xian Sheng explained the process by which creation occurred, even using the term “Big Bang” to describe the vast explosion throughout the universe when “Life Force Energy” was introduced to the various gases existing within Nothing. It is possible that many followers who are unfamiliar with the Big Bang theory might interpret Xian Sheng’s usage of this term as support for the theory. However, Xian Sheng does not challenge the Big Bang Theory, although his explanation of creation clearly opposes this theory.
For a more in-depth understanding of creation according to Xian Sheng, please refer to the article “Creation“.
The only conclusion I can draw from Xian Sheng’s stance of remaining neutral on the aforementioned theories is simply because they are still theories and not conclusive scientific facts. It is conceivable that future scientists could provide new insights into these theories as part of the natural evolution of human understanding of the universe.
I respect that Xian Sheng refrains from using his position as a Disciple of GOD to impose his knowledge that we may not be ready to accept or understand at this stage of our human development. Furthermore, these theories cannot be conclusively proven due to the lengthy process involved, and they have minimal relevance to our understanding of Baitiangong teachings. An in-depth understanding of these two theories would constitute an advanced level more suited to academically inclined followers. Moreover, challenging these theories would divert Xian Sheng’s focus from his primary purpose, which is to teach us to pray to the CREATOR.
Pseudoscience or science?
The lengthy introduction to Xian Sheng’s views on science serves to inform readers that Xian Sheng supports scientific studies, although they may not conform to his teachings. However, he does not openly challenge them but asks that followers discuss them to gain a better understanding and decide for themselves whether they are right or wrong.
I would like to finally address the actual topic I want to discuss – namely, pseudoscience, which certain followers frequently refer to in talks and discussions, believing them to be scientific facts.
The soul weighs 21 grams.
We tend to rely on references to bolster our arguments, and employing science serves as the most convincing reference. The experiment conducted in 1905 by Duncan MacDougall, purportedly demonstrating that the soul weighs 21 grams, would have irrefutably established the existence of human souls if the experiment were accurate and subsequently validated by other studies. Please consult the article “Hypothesis concerning soul substance together with experimental evidence of the existence of such substance“ for further details. Certain followers have cited this experiment as scientific proof of the existence of the soul. Regrettably, they are unaware that this experiment has since been discredited and widely disputed by various sources. One such source is the website LiveScience, which published an article entitled “How Much Does the Soul Weigh?“
Some followers argued that Xian Sheng possesses divine knowledge that humans are not privy to or have yet to discover. Therefore, if Xian Sheng made references to Duncan MacDougall’s experiment, then it must be true. In response, I will always ask them to provide video or audio recordings for examination, aiming to understand the context if and when Xian Sheng did mention this experiment. Many followers know that Xian Sheng seldom challenges topics brought up by followers but instead encourages further discussion for them to gain a better understanding. Therefore, one cannot presume that Xian Sheng supports Duncan MacDougall’s experiment simply because he did not outright reject it.
Let us examine this argument based on the information provided by Xian Sheng, who mentioned on multiple occasions that the soul is a form of energy. Given this knowledge, the pertinent question we should ask is whether scientists can precisely measure the weight of the energy that constitutes a soul with our current technological advancements. The article from LiveScience also mentions Dr. Gerry Nahum’s hypothesis, suggesting that if the soul is indeed energy, applying Albert Einstein’s equation, E=mc^2, could potentially enable its measurement with sensitive electromagnetic instruments.
The next question we should address is the validity of Duncan MacDougall’s experiment, conducted over a century ago using equipment considered crude by present standards. However, despite this, Duncan MacDougall’s experiment and Dr Gerry Nahum’s hypothesis have provided avenues for the religious community to seek scientific proof of the existence of the human soul. One might wonder why they didn’t fund and pursue this experiment.
Xian Sheng probably did not outright reject Duncan MacDougall’s experiment due to the possibility that advanced measuring instruments could measure the weight of a human soul in the near future. However, at present, it remains within the realm of pseudoscience. The Spiritual Movement is better off refraining from referencing Duncan MacDougall’s experiment as scientific fact. Doing so may help avoid the perception among more academically inclined audiences that the Baitiangong Spiritual Movement is simply promoting unscientific doctrines and beliefs.
Can the moon’s gravitational pull on water in our bodies affect our emotions?
In a recent discussion that prompted me to write this article, the topic of the gravitational pull of the moon on water in our bodies was brought up once again to support the decision Xian Sheng took in choosing the first and fifteenth day of the Chinese lunar calendar for Baitiangong followers to fast within any month.
I have repeatedly refuted the idea that the moon’s gravitational pull on water in our bodies is a scientific reason that we should quote for the “Lunar Effect”. I have cited multiple online sources indicating that the gravitational pull of the moon is not powerful enough to have any significant effect on human brain activity. While the moon’s gravitational pull does create tides in open bodies of water like oceans and large lakes, this effect is minimal and almost unmeasurable in open bodies of water such as lakes or ponds. In closed bodies of water, such as the water in our bodies, the moon’s gravitational force is next to negligible. The article “Lunacy and the Full Moon“, published by Scientific American on 1 February 2009, effectively summarises the arguments against the idea that the moon’s gravitational pull affects the water in our bodies.
The darkness of the New Moon can affect our emotions.
However, I do not refute the idea that the moon’s phase does affect human behaviour. Please read the following article, “Does the Moon Affect Humans?” In fact, I can present a simple experiment to demonstrate that humans are affected by the darkness of the night. Consider how many individuals dare to walk alone in a cemetery during the daytime compared to at nighttime. The reasons why people avoid cemeteries at night range from the fear of the unknown lurking in the shadows to the fear of the supernatural. Nonetheless, this simple experiment demonstrates that the fear of darkness, or in extreme cases, nyctophobia, exists. Nyctophobia is an irrational or extreme fear of the dark, where individuals experience significant anxiety, tension, and feelings of uncertainty concerning darkness. The night is darkest during the new moon.
The “Lunar Effect” is more pronounced in the early centuries.
The impact of darkness on humans was more pronounced during the early centuries when electricity was not yet invented to brighten the darkness of the night sky, and people were more susceptible to beliefs in the supernatural, folklore, mythology, and religion. However, in the modern era, nights are no longer as dark as they used to be with the lights in the city. With advancements in science, increased access to education, and a shift towards rational explanations for phenomena, many people today are less inclined to believe in the supernatural. The advancements in our modern society have, therefore, impacted the “Lunar Effect” on human behaviour by reducing its influences and decreasing the number of observations of lunatic behaviour during the full moon. This has led to much scientific research in the present time concluding that there is very little evidence to support the “Lunar Effect”.
In support of my argument for the “Lunar Effect” due to the darkness of the night sky rather than the gravitational pull of water by the moon, I recall Xian Sheng once mentioned that human behaviour can be affected by the dark side of the moon. During the new moon, the sky is at its darkest since the moon cannot be seen anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, I do not have the video clip to support my claim for others to examine.
In conclusion, humans are emotional creatures, and their behaviour can be affected by a variety of factors, including the moon’s phase. However, to cite the moon’s gravitational pull as a reason puts the Spiritual Movement on par with religions that we consider irrational and outdated.