Islam as Guidelines to humans and not as laws to rule humans
Question No. 1: Why Islamic laws fail as laws of the country?
Question No. 2: Are leaders of religions suitable to be political leaders?
George Carlin - Stand Up About Religion
- Clergymen are the biggest bullshitter with false promises and exaggerated claims about Christianity.
- Christianity convinced people there is an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do every minute of every day.
- GOD has a list of 10 things he does not want you to do. GOD will send you to hell forever and ever till the end of time if you do them.
- But GOD loves you, but he always needs money.
- Religion takes in billions of dollars and pays no taxes.
- GOD created man in his own likeness and loves us very much and keeps a close eye on things.
- Something is wrong here as war, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption.
- This is bad work expected from an office temp with a bad attitude.
- If GOD exist, most reasonable people would think GOD is incompetent, and maybe just doesn’t give a shit, which explains a lot of these bad results.
- Mindless religious robot mindlessly, aimlessly and blindly believing that all this is the hands of some spooky incompetent father figure who doesn’t give a shit.
Why do we say Baitiangong (BUSM) is a Spiritual Movement and not a religion?
What is a Cult?
A cult is a group with a particular and often dangerously fanatical ideology that has certain characteristics.
- A charismatic leader: Cults always follow a charismatic leader, living or dead, whose teachings are considered of the highest importance. This leader may be considered a genius, or may be considered a religious figure like a messiah or prophet.
- Ideological purity: Members are strongly discouraged from questioning the cult’s doctrine and any doubts are met with shame or punishment.
- Conformity and control: Cult leaders often exercise an extreme degree of control over members’ lives, including dictating what they can wear and eat and what kinds of relationships they can have. Conformity is also enforced by group members who police one another.
- Mind-altering practices: Sleep deprivation, chanting, meditation, and drugs are often used to break down individuals’ defenses and make them more susceptible to cult ideology.
- Isolation and love-bombing: It is common for people in cults to be encouraged to cut contact with outsiders, including close family members. Within the cult, new members are often subjected to love-bombing, a practice where new initiates are showered with love and praise to bring them deeper into the cult and foster a sense of belonging.
- Us-vs-them mentality: Cult members are often encouraged to see the cult as superior to life on the outside and to feel that those outside the cult lack understanding or insight.
- Apocalyptic thinking: Preparation for a supposed apocalypse or cataclysmic event is a major characteristic of many cults, especially cult religions.
- Time and energy: Followers are expected to dedicate huge amounts of time and energy (and often money) to the cult to the exclusion of their own lives, interests, jobs, and families.
One thing to keep in mind when looking through the traits of a cult is that a cult and a religious movement are not the same thing. Most religious movements do not isolate their practitioners from family, engage in love-bombing, encourage illegal and dangerous behaviors, or attempt to strongly control their members. Some cults position themselves as religious groups, but the distinction is important.
What is a Religion?
Religion is a set of organised beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to belief and worship of a controlling force such as a personal God or another supernatural being.
Religion often involves cultural beliefs, worldviews, texts, prophecies, revelations, and morals that have spiritual meaning to members of the particular faith, and it can encompass a range of practices including sermons, rituals, prayer, meditation, holy places, symbols, trances, and feasts.
Why is Baitiangong different?
Baitiangong behaves very differently from mainstream religion. As its’ name implies, Spiritual Movement, we focus on the spiritual aspect of an individual, that is pertaining to the soul. We do not focus on material aspects such as holy buildings and sites, or sacred texts and artefacts, maintaining rituals and practices that are out of place and time or executing tight rules and regulations that man themselves created to keep others in check or in line.
- In Baitiangong, there is no element of force adoption like being born into the religion. There is no baptism of the children into the religion or automatically belonging to the religion as you are born into it. Children are completely free to choose their own beliefs when they come of age.
- Anyone following Baitiangong is encouraged to follow and join in our activities as long as they like until they feel comfortable to officially accepts Baitiangong. Even then, a group from the Council will interview them to determine whether they have the knowledge and understanding to be accepted into Baitiangong. The reason is because you only get one opportunity to pray to the CREATOR. However, people who are prostitutes, mediums, spiritualists or those who do not conform to our Spiritual Guidelines are not accepted unless they change their old ways.
- Anyone (including children) are welcomed and encouraged to ask any questions and even to challenge the teachings. When Xian Sheng was with us, he even asked us to question what he said if we do not agree with him. Baitiangong is a movement of question and answer. We are obligated to provide answers to your full satisfaction.
- There is full freedom in Baitiangong to say and do anything without reprisal from the Spiritual Movement. GOD has given us free will and Xian Sheng gave us full freedom to say and do anything (if their actions do not jeopardise the Spiritual Movement). They can choose to go against the Spiritual Guidelines and the teachings and there will be no punishment whatsoever. However, their soul will bear the burden of any sins they committed in their lifetime and the Divine Law of Nature will determine their punishment. Punishment is not meted out by the Spiritual Movement.
- Baitiangong is not rigid or fixed by rituals and practices. As long as the Spiritual Guidelines are adhered to, we are free to grow as a Spiritual Movement that adapts to the contemporary conditions.
- Anyone can pray to the CREATOR as we do not claim TIAN GONG or the CREATOR as our GOD that only Baitiangong followers are allowed to pray to. There is only one GOD and anyone regardless of their religion can pray to the CREATOR.
- The Spiritual Movement do not accept any payments for its activities, like performing marriages and obsequies. We do not pay any preachers to preach as preaching must be done freely as GOD has given everything to us freely.
Prayer to pray to the CREATOR
Human beings have made it complex. In fact praying to GOD is not a religion!
No! Once you start, you will find it very direct and simple.
It’s because they refuse to question and refuse to participate in discussion, that’s why it’s complex to them.
If they come here, I will open their minds and make it so simple to them. It’s not complex.
Pray to GOD .. is not complex. Complex is because you make it complex, that’s all.
<Sister> Last time I asked you a question … Buddhist … every Buddhism … everybody pray harder …
Yeah. Because they have in part to pray to GOD, that’s why I’m here.
They have in part, but they are not praying to GOD, definitely.
>sister> they way they pray. <XS> That’s why I’m here to change. That’s right, they are not TIAN GONG people.
<Sister> They must be TIAN GONG people, they have been praying for centuries.
Cannot be. You can be praying for centuries and centuries. You cannot be TIAN GONG’s people, cannot be GOD’s people.
Unless you pray to GOD correctly and yes, you have the key.
Just for example, you want to ring up to your friend, you don’t have their telephone number. You cannot even have your friend’s friend because you don’t … because you don’t have a telephone number to ring up.
As far as I am concerned, there are only 3 telephone numbers. As far as I’m concern.
You say the Lord’s Prayer, one two three four. You say the Al-Fatihah, satu dua tiga empat. You say the TIAN GONG Prayer, 一 二三四. It’s the same.
There are only 3 keys or 3 telephone. In different language, that’s all.
1. Can man pray to the CREATOR without the 3 Prayers stated by Xian Sheng. How do early man pray then?
2. Can we use the English translation/explanation to pray?
3. If someone use the Baitiangong prayer to pray to an idol, will there be Spiritual Vampirism?
What is the purpose of praying on these occasions?
Praying Pose respect and attire
What is our Prayer?
Does our Prayer reaches the CREATOR or the Plane of Nothing?
Our Prayers only reaches as far as the Plane of Nothing. Along the way, the Prayer will encounter many celestial objects like suns and planets, but due to the Divine Law of Nature, these celestial objects will help to slingshot our Prayers away instead of absorbing them as in Spiritual Vampirism.
63B 1994 04121994
When we pray, we generate a large force field around us.
04C 1995 15.00-19.06 拜天公的方式和电波的能量
Able or unable to pray to the CREATOR is not important as long as we pray to the CREATOR and not any other objects
1C 1992 全部天公造,你不拜天公你拜谁?我们人的电波发出去都只是去到空的地位,但是天公却在空以上,谁替我们接线去空以上呢?30101992 0 00min 3 14min
Aura strengthen by praying to the CREATOR
48A 1998 16101998 38 58min 40 10min 人的意志力和人的电波有关系吗?如何加强电波?
We are the luckiest people alive on Earth
26-09-1999 拜天公的人在人间是最好命的
We are the luckiest people alive on Earth.
- We are the closest to the CREATOR. We know that our prayers can be answered if we pray with our mind, body and soul.
- We know the CREATOR protects us and our family.
- We know the CREATOR is real and we do not worry about vengeful gods, vengeful ancestors, superstitions and taboos that define the lives of others.
- We don’t have to waste time and money on the wasteful activities many religious people do.
- We know that our soul can go to Heaven if we follow the Spiritual Guidelines. Therefore, we have peace of mind knowing our life is an examination and how we can go to Heaven.
- We know we can seek forgiveness of our sins through 72 hours of fasting if we committed sins.
- We know our children can pray for forgiveness of our souls in Hell.
- We do not fear many things that most people fear; death, what happens after death, ghost and evil forces, and doing what’s right.
- We know what is good and right for us. Doing good is more important than materialistic values like being famous, popular, wealthy, vanity, etc.
- We dare to say we are sorry and apologise as that is the bravest thing to do.
- We know what sexual relationship to follow. Homosexuality and prostitution are definitely wrong and sinful.
- We know that acting with principle is the right action, unlike many who may act for reasons like power, money, greed, fear, love and even hate. Therefore we dare to speak up for our principles.
- We are taught that basic bad habits like lying, and even telling white lies are bad for us and we are our own greatest enemy. In other words, we know right from wrong.
- We know that following Xian Sheng’s teaching and the Spiritual Guidelines is the right path to take, therefore eliminating all contradicting paths.
- We are taught to forgive those who are against us. We seek forgiveness for them even if they kill us. We know that revenge is the wrong path to take.
- We know that suicide is the wrong way to solve our present problems.
- We know that there will be someone to take care of our obsequies when we finally depart from this life’s examination.
- We know how to raise our children, how to teach them to save their souls, and what to leave behind for them. We do not have to follow what is contemporary and trending.
- We know what good to do; preaching Baitiangong is the best, followed by fasting, praying, and participating in Baitiangong activities.
- We know how to be a Whole Man that is a political man, economic man, social man, cultural man and spiritual man.
Miracles, faith vs Analytical Mind and Logical Thinking
47B-1998 先生叫人拜主,魔叫人不要拜主 [9/10/1998]
Do miracles and faith helps to propagate Baitiangong teachings?
- There is not even 1% of people in the world that prays to the CREATOR with their mind, body and soul. Christianity and Islam is faith based religions.
- Healing/Miracles could be the work of the devil or idols resulting from Spiritual Vampirism. Problem is they would never be able to pray to the CREATOR after that.
- Xian Sheng keeps stressing on Knowlegde and Understanding using our analytical mind and logical thinking to pray to the CREATOR. Not based on faith.
- Oxford Dictionary defines “faith”
i. complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
ii. strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. - Bible verse on faith:
- Once a person have faith, they do not have to rely on Analytical Mind and Logical Thinking. Faith is the opposite of logic and intellectual.
- Xian Sheng ask those who are new to Baitiangong not to believe him, but to think carefully about what Xian Sheng said and decided whether they want to believe him or not. Xian Sheng never ask us to have faith in him. He ask those who accepts Baitiangong to trust him 100%.
- If we do not trust Xian Sheng is the Disciple of GOD, then we could not believe or trust anything he says. Let alone to have faith.
- The 5 Realisations is to help us realise things we cannot see like the soul, Heaven and Hell and the CREATOR. Not to take on faith that these exist.
- We do not need to have faith that Heaven and Hell exist as our followers have seen Heaven and Hell and we have written Anniversary Books about them. In fact, Baitiangong Spiritual Meditation is a way for us to experience for ourselves.
Are genetically enhanced people sinful if they commit crimes?
41A 2000 1705 19052000 3 08min 20 28min 拜天公只接受自然生,我们不要违反神圣自然的安排。不然人类最后会变成怪兽
11B A 2000 02042000 16 04min – 40 30min一个孩子未出世就剔除有病的基因,让他出世就没有病。你支持吗?
38B-2000 30042000 – 祈求天公给历代祖先,外星人,改造人体种子基因拜天公不接受,原因照成恶人病,神圣自然安排~人须经历生老病死,一个人长命是件好事吗?0.00-10.06 (FV)
- The Divine Law of Nature will counter genetic engineering of the embryos by creating new diseases that mentally affect them.
- If a person develops mental illness, are they responsible for their crimes?
- Wikipedia: Psychopathography of Adolf Hitler is an umbrella term for psychiatric (pathographic, psychobiographic) literature that deals with the hypothesis that Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, suffered from mental illness, although Hitler was never diagnosed with any mental illnesses during his lifetime. Hitler has often been associated with mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and psychopathy, both during his lifetime and after his death.
- Hitler has
Extracts: Yet just how ”mad” Hitler was, and how much of the evil he perpetrated can be attributed to illness, either physical or mental, has been a subject of disagreement among historians. - In Baitiangong, how do we view a person with mental illness committing crimes?
Homicides and Mental Illness July 2011. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Dr. Matejkowski are correct that he and his coauthors did not claim in their study that individuals with severe and untreated psychiatric disorders “are responsible for approximately 10% of the homicides in the United States.” That was my conclusion based on their data and on two previous studies. Among 518 offenders convicted of murder in Indiana, Matejkowski said that 27 had schizophrenia, 14 had mania or bipolar disorder, 14 had another psychiatric disorder, and 58 had major depression. The authors themselves claimed that 95 of them, or 19%, had “severe mental illness.” Among those for whom a treatment history was known, 43% had never been treated or had been treated only once.Read more at:
What new mental illness will develop as a result of genetic engineering on human embryos? Are they similar or more potent than existing mental illness?
What is the purpose the Divine Law of Nature create these new diseases of the mind?
- What is the end result of these new diseases? Will human ever turns into zombies in the future?
DNA can affect our characteristics like being homosexual or even prone to evil deeds like being a thief
15A 1998 SG29031998 50 08min – 57 12min 拜天公可以改变基因吗?基因会一代至一代的带下来吗?基因是怎样带下来呢?
54B 1999 13101999 (FullVersion VCD)
- The reincarnated soul is a clean slate. What does this means?
- Why the soul combined with the genes from inheritence can affect a person’s characteristics then? Are these people predisposed to a life of crime?
- Our soul brings the genes to our body?
- Can a person who do not pray with their mind, body and soul to the CREATOR changed their destiny/fate?
- How can praying with mind, body and soul physically changed the physical traits of the genes? Can we change the genetic traits like brown eyes to blue eyes?
– Scientific American. Dec 2014. Changing Our DNA through Mind Control?
-NewScientist. Nov 2014. Human thoughts used to switch on genes.
- Can Incest breeds people that are more sinful due to the likelihood that bad genes is more likely to dominate in children of incest relationships?
- Nature. August 2019. No ‘gay gene’: Massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexuality.
Nature. August 2021. Genetic patterns offer clues to evolution of homosexuality.
Baitiangong view on fate
Definition of fate:
- the development of events outside a person’s control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.
e.g. “fate decided his course for him” - the course of someone’s life, or the outcome of a situation for someone or something, seen as outside their control.
e.g. “he stared at the faces of the committee, trying to guess his fate”
Christianity. Wikipedia
Followers of Christianity consider God to be the only force with control over one’s fate and that He has a plan for every person. Many believe that humans all have free will, which is contrasted with predestination, although naturally inclined to act according to God’s desire.
Islam. Wikipedia
Predestination in Islam. Qadar meaning “fate”, “divine fore-ordainment”, “predestination,” but literally “power” is the concept of divine destiny in Islam.
Sunnis enumerate Qadar as one aspect of their creed. They believe that the divine destiny is when God wrote down in the Preserved Tablet (“al-Lawhu ‘l-Mahfuz”) all that has happened and will happen, which will come to pass as written. However, this should not be considered within the limitations of time as human beings understand. In the Quran, God explicitly states that He will “write” the good for those who do righteous deeds.
According to this belief, a person’s action is not caused by what is written in the Preserved Tablet but, rather, the action is written in the Preserved Tablet because God already knows all occurrences without the restrictions of time.
An individual has power to choose, but since God created time and space he knows what will happen. God is without any bond of time and space. Therefore, what will happen has meaning only to humans, who are limited in time and space. An analogy is someone who watches a movie for the second time, who knows what will happen next, while for the first time watcher the next move is unknown.
Definition: Fate is a pre-determined order of events and actions in one’s life.
Determining Factor: Fate is based on the will of GOD.
Authority: A person has no authority over his or her fate. It remains unchanged.
Choice: One does not have a choice or an option of altering their fate.
Discussion points:
- Does Baitiangong accept that a person’s life is fated?
- Does Baitiangong accept the concept of Karma affecting the fate of our next reincarnation?
- How do you explain that a person keeps repeating their previously failed examination in life, like the Russian soldier that has reincarnated over 700 times as a soldier? isn’t he fated to repeat his examination in life?
- Are we fated to undergo the examination in life until we pass our examination?
- Aren’t the children of Baitiangong followers fated to follow the teachings of Baitiangong?
- “Baitiangong is change ~ Xian Sheng” What does this quotation mean?
Baitiangong is a passport. What does it mean?
A passport in this context means that praying to the CREATOR would allow that person to go to Heaven. Anyone who does not pray to the CREATOR will not be able to go to Heaven.
Who prays to the CREATOR?
Baitiangong followers, Muslims, Nontrinitarian Christians (Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormons, Oneness Pentecostals, many smaller Christian denominations) and Sikhism.
Let us use a conservative figure of 1 Billion people that prays to the CREATOR.
What we know.
The voice told Xian Sheng “less than 1%” of the people in the whole world prays to the CREATOR with their mind, body and soul. And not even 10% of Baitiangong followers at that time prays to the CREATOR with their mind, body and soul.
1% of the world population in 1980 at 4.433 billion is 44.33 milllion people.
As Baitiangong followers are part of that “less than 1%”, we can make an educated guess of the figure. We know that the number of Baitiangong followers were around 3,000 in 1980. That mean less than 300 people prays to the CREATOR with their mind, body and soul. The percentage of people that prays to the CREATOR with their mind, body and soul is therefore 300 divided by the total population in 1980 at 4.433 billion or less than 0.0000067%.
To go to Heaven, one needs to pray with their mind, body and soul.
Question: How does one pray with their mind, body and soul?
Is the deviant Baitiangong group praying to the CREATOR with their mind, body and soul?
The first 3 Spiritual Guidelines.
- Pray to the CREATOR
- Fear nothing except the CREATOR
- Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good
Pray to the CREATOR
Based on our rough estimates, over 1 billion people pray to the CREATOR. Yet less than 1% truly pray with their mind, body and soul. Praying to the CREATOR is only a passport.
Fear nothing except the CREATOR
There are many religious people that defends their religion and would give their life to protect their religions. They do not even fear death itself. This is however not easily quantifiable. However, we can tell that from the “less than 1%” statement, dying for their religious belief (body) not only requires conviction of their righteous cause but must also take into account knowledge and understanding (mind)
Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good
Under ideal situations where one’s needs and wants are fulfilled, many people will naturally practise the above as it makes a person feel good. However, life is an examination and ideal situations is rare unless Earth is your Limbo.
The Spiritual Guidedlines are guides to lead us on the path to Heaven. It takes Sacrifice, Honour, Respect, Patience, Perseverance and Trust, plus we also need knowledge and understanding to keep us on the path.
Using the greatest gift that GOD bequeath to us, our mind, is the most critical part of going to Heaven.
We need knowledge and understanding in the following:-
- GOD exists. GOD created everything and all and more than that.
- GOD created Heaven as reward for those who pass the examination in life.
- GOD created Hell to punish those who did evil deeds during their examination. Punishment in Hell is worst than anyone can imagine. Hell do not belong to the Devil.
- We are undergoing an examination in life. GOD does not involve or interfere with our examination. We are on our own and we will be held accountable for our actions.
- Our soul will keep reincarnating between Hell and Earth until we pass our examination in life.
- We have evil consciousness that allows us to do all manners of evil deeds. We need to recognise it and do not let it control our actions. We must not let others or circumstances dictates our actions.
- The Spiritual Guidelines is the best spiritual guide in our examination in life and we have to remember and practise it daily.
- We must try to know all Xian Sheng’s teachings, instructions and advices so that we do not fall into the trap of complacency and unintentionally break the Spiritual Guidelines.
Why do we need to fear the CREATOR?
- What is the greatest fear?
- Fear of death.
- Fear of heartbreak/rejection, loneliness, loss of love.
- Fear of failure, criticism, being judged, public speaking, poverty.
- Fear of ill health, growing old, losing control.
- Not common. Fear of famine, war, violence, etc.
- Fear the CREATOR???
Being tortured is the likely worst fear. Being tortured slowly and for a long time is worst than worst.
Who is the cruellest, ruthless, unsympathetic, inhumane torturer in the whole of human history?
How to go to Hell in every religion
Takeaway from the short clip:
Unless you are a perfect person, you are heading towards Hell now.
And most souls are heading towards extended continuous torture in Hell.
Is God Cruel?: An In-Depth Analysis of God’s Apparent Acts of Cruelty in the Bible
- “Is a God that wipes out humanity with a flood, or that destroys cities and tribes because they do not reflect His moral standards not cruel and sadistic?”
- They would also point to other events relating to his own chosen people Israel and even to individuals He says He loved.
- God appears to be very harsh when He orders Israel to totally eradicate the inhabitants of Canaan.
Christians wants to change the image of GOD by ascribing words like loving, forgiving, etc. to Jesus. The negative. Humans became bolder, vicious and wicked.
Souls are tortured for reasons that are considered inconsequential on Earth – lying, spread rumours, slander, cheating, stealing, corruption, bribery, prostitution, etc.
Xian Sheng’s quotes
- Fear nothing except the CREATOR
- GOD is all-loving, all-forgiving, all-hated and more than that.
- All the words in all the dictionaries in all of the worlds cannot describe the CREATOR.
Fear is a negative emotion. Fear is used to control and manipulate people. E.g USA and Western sanctions and military powers. Deviant Baitiangong group uses fear to control the followers.
Fear nothing except the CREATOR is used in a positive manner to enable followers to overcome their earthly fears in order to practise the 5 good.
We only fear the CREATOR if we knowingly and intentionally commit sins.
Dr Zakir Naik Debates with an American Atheist
Question 1:
GOD knew before creation that HE will be disappointed by certain people and HE will throw them into hellfire.
Why GOD won’t help people to pass their examinations?
How can GOD be so sadistic knowing HE will torture certain people in hell?
Question 2:
Why does GOD insist/force humans to find HIS creation amazing when all of creation is a piece of cake for GOD?
Discussion for Question 1:
- Why GOD created humans knowing many will go to hell to suffer?
- Why doesn’t GOD help the humans he created?
- Why does GOD torture souls with such cruelty?
- Is GOD a sadist?
Additional questions:
- Are angels a lesser version of humans?
- Are humans better off than angels as humans have free will and can be superior to angels?
- Is Xian Sheng cheating by revealing the answers to our life’s examination to us?
- If there is no reincarnation as stated by Christians and Muslims, where did humans in this modern age came from? Were we created by GOD and held in suspended animation until we are naturally given birth?
- Did GOD ask humans whether they want to undergo the examination in life?
- How many times will GOD gives human chances to repent?
- Why did GOD create humans? Are humans a better creation?
References to the Quran.
Surah Al-Ahzab Chapter 33 Ayat 72 (33:72)
Humans are stupid
72A-1999 25/12/1999 12.27-17.47min Nabi Mohammad和耶稣讲你们人是蠢的拜天公只有一个而已没得分派你要钱的价值呢还是要神圣分数的价值
- In the early days of Baitiangong, Xian Sheng met with Jesus (Yeshua) and Prophet Muhammad.
- Both Yeshua and Muhammad told Xian Sheng that humans are stupid.
- Xian Sheng replied that they were once human too. And Xian Sheng is a human now. How can humans be stupid? Both Yeshua and Muhammad snicker at Xians Sheng’s question confirming they were once stupid as Xian Sheng is stupid too. [Why stupid?]
- If Xian Sheng did not step forward to preach, he would not have met with so many headaches. He could have prayed on his own. In fact, he would not even have to come to this world to be a human.
- Yeshua explained that early Christians prayed to GOD. Later, they pray to Yeshua as GOD.
- Muhammad explained that early Muslims were facing GOD when they pray. Later, they were facing the Kaaba at Mecca instead. This has caused the Middle East (Central Asia) to be in turmoil with wars and conflicts.
- Islam is divided into 70+ sects/denominations. Wikipedia Islamic schools and branches.
- Christianity is divided into thousands of denominations. More than 45,000. Wikipedia List of Christian denominations by number of members.
- Xian Sheng hopes that we learn from the stupidity of others and not create another group. There is only ONE Baitiangong. There cannot be two. Baitiangong cannot be divided.
- If there are 2 groups of Baitiangong, then we cannot fault Yeshua and Muhammad for stating that humans are stupid.
- Xian Sheng only taught us one way to pray to the CREATOR and to pray until we fear nothing except the CREATOR and pray until we practise the 5 good.
- Do you choose spiritual merits or earthly wealth?
- If you choose earthly wealth, then you are truly stupid.
- However, humans look from another perspective. Rejecting wealth is stupid.
Question. How is human stupid?
- Humans are stupid because they think they are smarter than everything and everyone.
- Humans cannot comprehend, understand or explain GOD, that they reject the existence of GOD using science as their reasons. Many mainstream scientists do not dare to talk about GOD or else they would look stupid to their peers.
- Humans who believe in GOD cannot understand why GOD does not behave like them and therefore anthropomorphised GOD to suit their reasoning. Unfortunately, humans have varying acceptance of human values and therefore created GOD into that which suits their culture at that era.
- Yeshua and Muhammad were sent to help humans to pray to the CREATOR as they lacked the knowledge to do it themselves. Yet, humans twisted their teachings and make up their own versions of religion instead. This effectively distorted their teachings.
- Is Baitiangong facing the same historical stupidity? Are we creating different groups? What are the deviations in Baitiangong and how do we avoid them?
- Is choosing what’s best for us stupid? Is doing right stupid?
How to understand GOD.
- To understand GOD, we first need to understand GOD’s creation. Are we able to explain all the designs of GOD all around us? Why the universe behaves the way it does or not. Why did GOD create everything and all and more than that?
Why did GOD create humans?
- We need to ask why GOD created us and what are HIS plans for us?
What do we do with the knowledge?
- Pray and seek out how to go to heaven. How to avoid hell.
Deviations in Baitiangong.
- Deviant group – Listen to Lady claiming to be Xian Sheng’s consciousness. Do not listen to XS anymore
- Deviant group – Change the 10th Spiritual Guidelines to 2 Spiritual person
- Deviant group – Do not listen to Xian Sheng on meditation method – silent meditation
- Changing our name from BUSM to PTCUSM
- Changing the wording in the Spiritual Guidelines
- Changing SG order from obsequies, marriage, sexual relationship to sexual relationship, marriage and finally obsequies.
- Changing the acceptance process. Children of followers must undergo acceptance at 18 or 21 years old respectfully.
- Changing Xian Sheng’s idea on Trust (Charitable Trust) to association Trust and changing the Trustee.
- Using Guize instead of Zhinaan that will have different meaning from guidelines.
Deviations will create friction and arguments between various factions of followers and normally follow by breaking into different groups due to ideological and doctrinal differences. We are fortunate we have the original video and audio recordings of Xian Sheng to address most of the deviations.
How to explain Xian Sheng’s inaction to human suffferings?
If an outsider asked you why Xian Sheng, a Disciple of GOD, with unimaginable powers, does not use his powers to stop the evils in the world, some of which he mentioned during his sermons such as:- The apartheid system in South Africa (1948-1994). 21,000 killed and gross human rights violations.
- Cambodian Genocide (1975-1979). The Khmer Rouge regime led by Pol Pot killed 1.7-2 million people.
- Rwandan Genocide (1994). 800,000 people primarily Tutsi killed by Hutu.
- Bosnian War (1992-1995). Genocide and ethnic cleansing by Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. 100,00 killed and 2.2 million displaced.
- Indonesian invasion of East Timor (1975-1999). 170,000 deaths.
- The Second Chechen War (1999 – 2009). est. 60,000 deaths
- Nakba of the Palestinians (1948 – present). Zionists expelled between 700,000 to 900,000 and killed 15,000 Palestinians.
Religious Trinities and an explanation of Baitiangong’s Trinity.
The Baitiangong Trinity
The Baitiangong Trinity is a diagram that explains the following:-
The Triangle
- In the present time, GOD, the Holy Spirit and Xian Sheng are the only Divine force relevant to humans on planet Earth.
- There is only one GOD that created everything and “all and more than that”. GOD is at the apex of the triangle to signify that GOD is above all of HIS creation and also beyond HIS creations.
- There is only one Holy Spirit and its job is to ensure that nature adheres to the Divine Law of Nature. However, the Holy Spirit can make necessary adjustments to nature when needed. The Holy Spirit does not involve itself in the affairs of humans or other sentient beings with souls.
- Xian Sheng is a Disciple of GOD. In the Plane of Nothing, there are numerous other Disciples. Jesus and Muhammad originated from the Plane of Nothing, and similar to Xian Sheng, they assist humans in realising the existence of GOD and to pray to GOD.
- In a future time, when a new Disciple of GOD comes to Earth again, the name of the new Disciple will take over from Xian Sheng in the Triangle.
- The placement of the Holy Spirit and Xian Sheng on the same level signifies that both have the same authority when it comes to decisions regarding events on planet Earth.
Arrows Pointing Down
- The arrows pointing down from GOD signify that GOD commands both the Holy Spirit and Xian Sheng to act in all the universes. GOD will directly take action when deemed necessary, most likely when deciding to terminate all of HIS creation.
- The arrows pointing down from the Holy Spirit and Xian Sheng signify that they have the authority to take whatever actions they deem necessary. They do not have to consult with GOD, as they possess GOD’s consciousness to direct their actions.
The Horizontal Arrows
- The Holy Spirit and Xian Sheng serve different purposes on Earth.
- The Holy Spirit ensures that the Divine Law of Nature and the natural order are adhered to on Earth.
- Xian Sheng has a free hand to shape his personal history, perform miracles, and affect the course of nature, but also to defy it. He has done so on a few occasions. The most significant was when Xian Sheng prevented the destruction of all life on Earth’s surface to restart civilisation as human consciousness departed far from GOD’s consciousness. Xian Sheng subsequently reincarnated to Earth as a Chinese man to bring the idolaters back to praying to the CREATOR.
- The horizontal arrow signifies that both the Holy Spirit and Xian Sheng would consult with each other in case they encroached upon matters within their purview. For example, Bro Lam’s daughter was born naturally with a congenital deformity, where her leg faced the opposite direction, impeding her ability to walk naturally. However, Xian Sheng decided to defy the natural order to rectify the deformity. Before performing this miracle, Xian Sheng had consulted with the Holy Spirit.