26A-26B-2000 26022000

Date: 26 Feb 2000.

Location: Old Kwong Tung Funeral Parlour, KL.

Table of Contents

(A) Is life and death fated? [00:22 – 04:16]
  1. Xian Sheng was referring to the incident involving the Karen Rebels at Ratchaburi Hospital in Thailand on the 24th of January 2000. He clarifies that the Karen guerrillas did not intend to occupy the hospital and take hostages. Their actions were born out of desperation, as they wanted to negotiate with the Thai government to stop the bombardment of their camp near the Thai border in Burma. Their camp had come under sustained and heavy attack from the Burmese army, while Thai troops were shelling them, operating in tandem with the Burmese army. Xian Sheng strongly believes that this incident was unjust.
  2. He wanted to know the views of the followers regarding the brutal execution of the young Karen guerillas. Some people believed that these guerrillas deserved execution for holding the hospital staff and patients hostage. Others may have felt that their time had come, and they were destined to die.
  3. On the issue that life and death are predestined, Xian Sheng mentioned the Chinese phrase, “生 老 病死” which refers to the natural course of life, including birth, ageing, illness, and death, as the inevitable outcome of human existence. However, he raised a question: If death is indeed predestined, then who determines the fate of these young rebel’s lives?
  4. Evidently, the Thai special forces, comprising specially trained soldiers and police, determined the fate of these young rebels. The rebels did not return fire when fired upon but instead requested a ceasefire and even laid down their weapons to surrender. If these rebels had engaged in combat with the Thai special forces and were killed in the ensuing gunfire, one might argue that they were fated to die. However, these young rebels surrendered, were made to undress and kneel down, and were then shot in the head. Xian Sheng stated that this was an act of murder.
  5. Xian Sheng asked if the followers agreed with his perspective that this constituted an act of murder. He reiterated that the young rebels did not discharge a single round of bullets, and they had voluntarily laid down their weapons. Subsequently, they were forced to undress, kneel down, and were fatally shot in the head. He stressed that this was indeed an act of murder, and the Thai special forces displayed a lack of mercy and compassion in the line of duty.
  6. He questioned how a country could train their armed forces to act without mercy and compassion, regardless of the age of the perpetrators. This is especially concerning, given that these young rebels had occupied the hospital with the intention of requesting the Thai government to cease shelling their camp and to allow men, women, and children to cross the Thai border to escape from the Burmese army’s onslaught.

    Read the full article: Thai hospital shootout punctures government’s democratic pretensions.


(B) Crimes against humanity committed by the authorities [04:16 – 07:46]
  1. Myanmar is not a good country. Xian Sheng inquired how we could label Myanmar as a good country when Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD), which won the majority of the seats and was supposed to form the government in 1990, was denied recognition by the military junta, which continued to rule the country.
  2. Xian Sheng found it surprising that ASEAN countries would accept Myanmar’s membership despite the fact that the democratically elected party was denied its right to govern the country, while an unelected military junta continued to rule Myanmar.
  3. Xian Sheng commented that Abdurrahman Wahid, the President of Indonesia, was fortunate because he successfully quelled a major uprising within the military led by General Wiranto. He mobilised the military police to be on 24-hour standby to arrest any military personnel involved in the uprising. This action prevented many military personnel from joining the uprising, effectively reducing the number of hardcore supporters of General Wiranto to only a few hundred, making it easy to suppress.
  4. Xian Sheng briefly discussed the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), which in 2000 published a report concluding that the Indonesian military, under the leadership of General Wiranto, bore responsibility for extensive human rights violations in 1999. These violations encompassed extrajudicial killings, torture, and rape. As the military’s commander-in-chief, General Wiranto had issued orders and overseen the formation and equipping of militias that perpetrated widespread violence against the East Timorese population as they sought independence from Indonesia.
  5. Finally, Xian Sheng recalled the news he had seen on CNN yesterday concerning the Second Chechen War (1999-2000). Video footage depicted the indiscriminate shooting of civilians in a Chechen village by Russian troops, who then disposed of their bodies in pits. Once again, the United States had urged the United Nations to deploy a peacekeeping force to Chechnya in order to safeguard the civilian population from the brutal actions of the Russian forces.1
(C) Death does not need justifiable reasons [07:48 – 09:55]
  1. Xian Sheng clarified that some soldiers undergo such intensive training that they become morally desensitised to killing. He acknowledged that soldiers are trained to take lethal action when they decide to open fire. Otherwise, they would refrain from using their weapons if they had no intention to kill.
  2. Regarding the Royal Malaysia Police, he mentioned that in the past, the police were trained to use non-lethal force to incapacitate threats to themselves or the public, rather than to cause death. However, the situation has since evolved, and the police are now trained to employ lethal force with the intent to eliminate threats completely, ensuring permanent silence.
  3. Returning to the Karen Rebel incident at Ratchaburi Hospital, Xian Sheng cited another news article indicating that one girl survived the initial execution at the hospital on January 24, 2000, but was subsequently killed. This report specified that there were 11 Karen guerrillas, consisting of 6 boys aged 15 to 18 and 5 girls aged 14 to 18. The article claimed that the Thai government had ordered the elimination of all the children to permanently silence them, with the belief that it would prevent their story from reaching the public. However, the truth was known to the Thai people, who spread the news that these children had tragically died needlessly.
  4. Xian Sheng highlighted that the Karen guerrillas had held the hospital hostage with the intention to negotiate with the Thai government, but they died nonetheless. Similarly, the East Timorese population only sought independence from Indonesia, but they also died nonetheless. Across the world, many people have died for various reasons.
(D) Murder in war, conflicts, or employment, is a sin [09:55 – 15:27]
  1. Most deaths are the result of religious wars. Xian Sheng specifically referred to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 between the Hindus and the Muslims. The Hindus and Sikh refugees leaving the Pakistani-controlled Punjab and Kashmir regions on trains headed for India were massacred, and their corpses were left on the trains as they made their way unattended to India. The well-documented incidents occurred in Multan and Lahore. Similarly, Hindus and Sikhs massacred Muslims on Pakistan-bound trains. The 1947 Amritsar train massacre is a well-documented incident.
  2. Xian Sheng mentioned that the death toll as a result of the India-Pakistan partition is estimated at 6 million.2 Xian Sheng asked for a show of hands to know how many followers are aware of this incident as he had previously spoken on this subject.
  3. Xian Sheng wanted the followers to be aware that some deaths resulting from the conflicts, as mentioned earlier, are murders as they are not casualties of conflicts. The important question here is whether these murders are sinful acts. Xian Sheng confirmed that the intentional act of killing men, women, and children leaving on the trains away from a conflict zone, committed by both Muslims and Hindus, is sinful.
  4. The result of communal violence between Hindus and Muslims led to the partition of India and Pakistan. Xian Sheng inquired if anyone was aware that Pakistan did not exist before 14 August 1947. Pakistan was formed as a homeland for Muslims to ease tensions between Muslims and Hindus. However, the partitioning was carried out hastily, leading to millions of people being displaced as they were forced to move to their respective dominions. The partitioning escalated violence between the majority and minority communities on either side of the borders, resulting in widespread violence.3
  5. Xian Sheng expressed that the sheer number of people killed in this partitioning is mind-boggling. He stated that anyone involved in the murders, whether Hindus or Muslims, has committed sinful acts. Regardless, committing murder is a sin.
  6. All Thai special forces involved in the execution of the Karen rebels have sinned. In life, they are free from the sin of murder, but in the afterlife, their souls will never escape from those sins. Their sins are even heavier as the victims are children and not adults who resisted and fought back, but instead, they threw down their firearms to surrender. Nevertheless, they were forced to kneel down and were shot in the head. Xian Sheng confirmed that they had indeed sinned, one they would never be able to escape from in death.
  7. Similarly, the extrajudicial killings committed in East Timor by the Indonesian military and the militia are also sins. Xian Sheng acknowledged that he had only seen a single photo of the violence in East Timor in the past. However, today he saw on CNN an East Timorese asking the Indonesian police for assistance to prevent a group of militias from killing his people. Instead of helping him quell the violence, the police brutally assaulted him by hitting and kicking him. He was holding two rocks in his hand when he stopped to ask the police for assistance but was instead shot to death. (East Timor changed its name to Timor-Leste on 20 May 2002 when it gained its independence from Indonesia.)
  8. The photos Xian Sheng saw on CNN today reminded him of the deaths of so many people that he has read about or seen in various conflicts around the world. This led him to the sermon where he spoke about the death of Sis Chow Wan Li.
(E) Should Sis Chow Wan Lee need to die [15:28 – 20:18]
  1. Death is a common term used to refer to the ending of a human life. In Baitiangong, we prefer to use the term “過身” translated as “pass away”. For instance, “Sis Chow Wan Lee (fondly called Sis Lee Lee) has passed away.” This term is commonly used by the Chinese community in Malaysia signifying the soul has passed away from the body.
  2. Xian Sheng wanted the followers to understand the sequence of events that led to Sis Lee Lee’s passing away. He began by questioning the followers whether Sis Lee Lee should pass away or not. At times, the followers would respond that she shouldn’t pass away because she was only 19 years old, while at other times, they would answer that she should pass away. They believed that if the CREATOR desired to take a person’s life, that person would have to lose their life, regardless of the mysterious, unusual, or unexplainable circumstances surrounding their death.
  3. Xian Sheng provided some background information to aid the followers in gaining a better understanding of the situation. 
  4. Sis Lee Lee was a daydreamer and often appeared blurred, vague, absent-minded or not fully aware of her surroundings. Xian Sheng had counselled her against daydreaming, urging her to remain alert and attentive to her surroundings. There were multiple instances when she forgot the tasks assigned by Xian Sheng, bringing hardships for others. Today, she brought about her own death.
  5. The MRR2 highway near Baixian where she met with her death was a long straight road. Xian Sheng personally examined the stretch of road where the accident occurred and couldn’t fathom how she had failed to notice the approaching vehicle. He concluded that she was deeply immersed in her daydream when the accident occurred. When a person is so deeply immersed in their daydream, even their eyesight becomes clouded.
  6. Xian Sheng advised that when we are driving, we should refrain from thinking about other matters and instead concentrate on the task of driving. 
  7. Xian Sheng shared his own experience when his thoughts had wandered while he was behind the wheel. At a T-junction located at the base of the hill leading from his home to the main road, he had failed to notice a bus coming down the slope on his right as he attempted to merge onto the main road. The bus passed him at high speed, narrowly avoiding slamming into the front of his car. Xian Sheng’s reflexes kicked in, and he quickly slammed on the brake. If he had continued, the bus would have collided with him on the driver’s side.
  8. He went on to mention that whenever he rides his Harley Davidson, he refrains from thinking about anything else. Engaging in thoughts and not concentrating on the road and surroundings can place us in a hazardous situation.
  9. Returning to Sis Lee Lee’s incident, Xian Sheng speculated that she was likely daydreaming and didn’t pay attention to the oncoming traffic when she was about to cross the highway. 
  10. Someone suggested that a van might have obstructed her view of the Perodua Kancil, a mini car with an engine capacity below 850cc, that was speeding to overtake the van and subsequently hit her. 
  11. Xian Sheng mentioned that the office tenant in an adjacent building witnessed the accident. However, the tenant informed him that they did not know the victim was his staff, and they also expressed their fear of approaching the accident site.
  12. At a later time, the tenant informed Xian Sheng that two separate car accidents had occurred near the location where Sis Lee Lee met her demise. They expressed their belief that there was an evil presence at that spot due to the close timing of all these accidents.
(F) Sis Lee Lee’s death is a revelation [20:18 – 24:18]
  1. Xian Sheng shared that when a person needs to depart, there will be ways and means to meet this end. He wanted the followers to understand the ways and means, in the case of Sis Lee Lee. The way for Sis Lee Lee to depart was indeed unique.
  2. Initially, Sis Lee Lee wasn’t meant to go to the hospital. Sis Loh Lai Choo unexpectedly requested Sis Lee Lee to join her at the hospital and woke her up to convey the message. She instructed Sis Lee Lee to join her the following day at 8:00 a.m. Sis Lee Lee, who had just awakened, anxiously inquired why she hadn’t been woken earlier. Sis Lai Choo reminded Sis Lee Lee that it was not today but the next day, as she was clearly still groggy from her sleep. Sis Lee Lee nervously chuckled, thinking it was today at 8:00 a.m.
  3. (8 minutes of footage were lost due to technical issues). In an unrelated case, Xian Sheng mentioned that someone had so much fun playing Mahjong that they failed to be punctual. The reason for this was their lack of principles in life.
  4. Just a week before, Xian Sheng delivered an extensive sermon on punctuality. He asked for a show of hands to see how many were present. Xian Sheng commented that those present may have been physically present, but it appeared that his message didn’t quite reach their ears and travel into their brains, as the message was evidently lost on some of them. If Xian Sheng’s message had successfully made its way from his ears to his brain, then the individual would have taken his responsibility seriously and been punctual in transporting Sis Lai Choo and Sis Lee Lee to the hospital. And in the event he cannot be punctual, he should have used his mobile phone to notify them that he would be late.
  5. Xian Sheng emphasised that being late is not an acceptable reason. We must strive to be 100% punctual once we have given someone our commitment.
  6. Xian Sheng clarified that he is not singling out any individual in particular for the passing of Sis Lee Lee. Her passing served as a revelation, a necessity for some individuals to learn a valuable lesson. And that lesson is that the most important virtue of all is having principles in life.
  7. Punctuality is a crucial element of having principles in life. Xian Sheng stressed that if an individual cannot be punctual, they should never agree to transport anyone.
  8. A life was lost as a direct consequence of failing to maintain punctuality. While it’s true that Sis Lee Lee was at fault for daydreaming and not paying attention to the traffic, had the driver been punctual as expected, Sis Lee Lee wouldn’t have had to resort to taking the bus to go to the hospital.
  9. Xian Sheng posed a question: Could the passing of Sis Lee Lee have been prevented? 
  10. Once more, Xian Sheng reiterated that if the agreed time had been set either at 7:30 a.m. or 7:00 a.m., and if Bro Ah Kian had been punctual, Sis Lee Lee wouldn’t have needed to resort to taking the bus. However, if Sis Lee Lee had met with an accidental death while travelling inside the car, that would be another matter altogether. Nonetheless, the undeniable truth was that Bro Ah Kian was not punctual.
(G) Was Sis Lee Lee doomed to die [24:18 – 26:51]
  1. Xian Sheng commented on an issue that played a role in Sis Lee Lee’s untimely passing. It relates to the oversight of a shared car used by Baixian staff. If someone had assumed responsibility for this car and had coordinated with Bro Ah Kian to hand over the keys a day earlier, the situation would have been different, and Sis Lee Lee would still be alive today. 
  2. A few days earlier, Xian Sheng had assigned a Baixian staff to oversee this car. However, this individual declined the responsibility and passed it on to someone else, who also refused. Xian Sheng expressed his dismay at everyone’s reluctance to assume responsibility for this car.
  3. Xian Sheng found the events surrounding the passing of Sis Lee Lee puzzling and troubling that he couldn’t sleep peacefully. He finally got up at 5:00 a.m. this morning and went outside to pray and meditate. He wanted to talk to GOD, seeking to understand what had transpired. In his meditation, Xian Sheng likened it to a conversation with GOD.4
  4. Xian Sheng acknowledged that if GOD so willed it, Sis Lee Lee was doomed to die. He went on to mention that if GOD desired to recall Xian Sheng, he could depart at any time as well. However, the central question remains: was it GOD’s intention or was it the result of human negligence?
  5. Once more, Xian Sheng raised the argument that if Bro Ah Kian had arrived punctually as agreed, Sis Lee Lee would not have needed to cross the highway to catch a bus to the hospital.
  6. Xian Sheng presented another aspect to the discussion. He proposed that, at that juncture of time and space, circumstances mandated that a life had to be taken. Unfortunately for Sis Lee Lee, she attempted to cross the road during that critical juncture. Xian Sheng posed the question: if Sis Lee Lee had somehow been spared, would another individual become the victim? He answered affirmatively, stating that another soul would need to fill the vacancy.
  7. At times, people may question why GOD would be so unrelenting in taking a life, especially considering that Sis Lee Lee, at the young age of 19, had recently completed her education and had only been working for a year.
  8. Xian Sheng summarised that we should not try to understand GOD, as we would never be able to do so.
(H) Xian Sheng asked GOD who was responsible [26:51 – 32:15]
  1. Xian Sheng presented another perspective where some might believe it is preferable for Sis Lee Lee to pass away sooner rather than continue living. They argue that individuals who lack astuteness could be subjected to bullying or oppression by their husbands, or they might experience multiple marriages and divorces as their dreamy and unaware state of mind could lead to frustration in their marriages. Xian Sheng inquired if this was a plausible scenario, prompting some to believe it would be better for her to pass away sooner than later.
  2. Returning to the matter of the shared car used by Baixian staff, Xian Sheng questioned whether, if the person he had assigned had accepted the responsibility for holding the car keys, Bro Ah Kian could have taken the car key a day earlier. However, he didn’t do so because the car key had been left at Baixian Restaurant by the staff who used it for their trip to Genting Highlands. Xian Sheng stated that the staff was also responsible for Sis Lee Lee’s passing, as they should have returned the car key to the Baixian office instead of leaving it at the restaurant. 
  3. However, the issue circles back to who was originally supposed to be in charge of the car keys. If the person assigned by Xian Sheng had assumed this responsibility, then the Baixian staff returning from Genting Highlands would have handed over the car keys to this person, and Bro Ah Kian could have taken the car key a day earlier without any hassle.
  4. Xian Sheng started to explain that if the car keys were readily available to all staff for various purposes, such as taking their spouses to visit relatives in the hospital or some other purpose, but he paused midsentence to reassess the situation. He reiterated that the issue was not with the car keys but rather that Bro Ah Kian had failed to inform them that he was late. He reasoned that if Bro Ah Kian had taken the car keys a day earlier and had informed Sis Lai Choo and Sis Lee Lee that he would be late, they would have waited together instead of Sis Lee Lee having to take a public bus to the hospital. Nevertheless, Xian Sheng still holds the assigned person responsible for not overseeing the shared car.
  5. Xian Sheng believed that Sis Lee Lee’s passing served as a significant revelation to everyone. Firstly, he criticised the person responsible for the shared car, asking if she was now satisfied and content that one of her sisters had to die because she refused to take responsibility for the car. He presented the argument that if Sis Lai Choo and Sis Lee Lee had been assured that the person responsible for the car keys had handed them to Bro Ah Kian a day earlier, they would have waited together. Sis Lee Lee would not have had to take a public bus to the hospital, which directly resulted in her passing.
  6. Xian Sheng asked if the followers understood all the arguments he had presented. He explained that the circle of blame encompassed, Xian Sheng mentally counted and then stated, three individuals along with the car. Strangely, the car was also implicated in the problem. The car issue was linked to the pettiness and narrow-mindedness among the staff.
  7. Xian Sheng described what he asked GOD this morning at 5:00 a.m. during his meditation. He asked GOD whether this accident had occurred simply because one person refused to take responsibility for the car. He asked GOD if Sis Lai Choo had accompanied Sis Lee Lee to take the public bus to the hospital together, instead of waiting for Bro Ah Kian, could the accident have been prevented. Sis Lai Choo had to go to the hospital, but since she is illiterate, she requested Sis Lee Lee to accompany her, and Bro Ah Kian is simply their driver.
  8. Xian Sheng delved further into the argument regarding why Sis Lai Choo did not accompany Sis Lee Lee. Sis Lai Choo waited for Bro Ah Kian, believing he was on his motorcycle. Instead, Bro Ah Kian showed up in the car, as he had earlier used his motorcycle to pick up the car. However, if Bro Ah Kian arrived in the car to pick up Sis Lai Choo, it raised the question of why Sis Lee Lee took a public bus in the first place. 
  9. Sis Lee Lee, Sis Lai Choo, and Bro Ah Kian were all his staff working in Baxian. The car was also his and meant for the Baixian staff’s use. He asked whether the car also played a role in Sis Lee Lee’s passing. Xian Sheng concluded that the whole situation is highly contradictory.
(I) Is the life of an individual a serious matter? [32:20 – 37:24]
  1. Xian Sheng stated that he knows Sis Lee Lee is sinless as she is only 19 years old and questioned what sin she possibly could have committed. He reaffirmed that she is indeed sinless. 
  2. From Baitiangong’s perspective, she is fortunate to have passed away at 19 years old as she would not have to go through the examinations of life. Xian Sheng said, “We live to go through an examination in life, and we die to live,” and this revelation served as an examination for those who are still living.
  3. The accident led Xian Sheng to instruct the Baixian Office to assign a staff to oversee the shared car. He is not offering this staff the option to refuse, as he would request their resignation if they declined. The car keys would then be passed on to the next staff, and the same demand for resignation would apply to any staff who refuses.
  4. Xian Sheng was evidently frustrated and contemplated the possibility of shutting down the Baixian Office. He considered hiring an individual with a salary of RM3,000 or even RM4,000, as this person frequently complained to Xian Sheng about the performance of his current staff, asserting that he could manage the workload on his own. Xian Sheng stated that if his frustration reached a breaking point, he would hire that individual and terminate the employment of all four existing staff.
  5. He resumed the earlier argument, stating that if the fifth staff also refused to oversee the shared car, he would demand their resignation too. He would hold fast to this decision. 
  6. He posed this argument to the followers for their consideration: Was a life taken because of a car? Was such a revelation necessary solely because of this one car? Xian Sheng had asked GOD the same question during his meditation, inquiring whether the issue of a car warranted the loss of Sis Lee Lee’s life.
  7. Xian Sheng briefly digressed to mention that in the eyes of GOD and himself, as a Disciple of GOD, a single life is a trivial matter. However, he stated that to us humans, a single life is of utmost importance. 
  8. He referred back to his earlier sermon, recalling the executions of the 11 children by the Thai special forces, the massacre of the East Timorese by the Indonesian military, militants, and police, and the brutal slaughter of the Chechen population, irrespective of age, with their bodies dumped into a large pit. This horrifying incident was secretly recorded and later exposed to the world through CNN.
  9. He expanded on the topic, citing another conflict between the Tutsi and the Hutu known as the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. The Tutsi and the Hutu are both ethnic Africans with black skin. Tutsis are often described as tall with thin noses, while the Hutus are characterized as short, stocky, and with flat noses. He described the brutal methods used, such as throwing hatchets at their enemies’ heads to kill them. 
  10. In summary, the extent of humans killing humans in this world is not only alarming but also atrocious. Nevertheless, the immense loss of human lives holds no significance to GOD.
  11. Xian Sheng concluded by stating that one life had to be taken as a revelation to the Baixian staff. If the staff still failed to learn and awaken from their earthly distractions, then Baixian would no longer be necessary and would be considered a failed organisation. (Baixian, or 百圣, means “100% saints.” Xian Sheng established Baixian as an organisation for humans to learn to become future saints in Heaven. To be a saint, one needs to be 100% committed to be a saint.)
  12. Xian Sheng will be flying by plane to Australia on Monday. He plans to have a discussion with his son, who also happens to be flying there, regarding the future of Baixian. If the discussion leans towards Baixian staff being irredeemable, then he would terminate every Baitiangong follower working there and employ external non-Baitiangong staff instead.
  13. On the subject of Sis Lee Lee’s passing serving as a revelation, he questioned why one life has to be exchanged for one revelation. He reiterated that the loss of one life is trivial to GOD and himself, but he is unsure if we humans feel that the loss of one life is also a trivial matter.
  14. Xian Sheng proclaimed that we, as humans, must love and protect the lives of others. He reminded us not to include him, as he is a Disciple of GOD, and our souls matter much more to him compared to our lives. He reiterated that we must, at all costs, protect the lives of other humans, and to achieve that, we must have principles in life.
(J) Is Sis Lee Lee’s passing enough to wake us up? [37:27 – 44:47]
  1. Xian Sheng mentioned that he requested a Baixian staff to oversee the car, but the staff flatly refused to do so. This staff had previously expressed her willingness to sacrifice for Xian Sheng. However, Xian Sheng no longer believes that she does, and he further emphasised that he had lost faith in her too, which was truly an unfortunate circumstance.
  2. Xian Sheng has great faith in people, and when someone expresses a willingness to sacrifice for him, he unquestionably believes them. However, when this person flatly refused to take charge of the car keys, Xian Sheng instantly lost his faith in her.
  3. Xian Sheng stated that when he wants to change a person, he will do his utmost, even though he believes that the person cannot be changed.
  4. However, he will now implement a probationary system where the candidate is given three months to decide whether working in Baixian is truly what they desire. The candidate will be required to heed his every request and perform to his expectations. This is for Xian Sheng to ascertain that the candidate upholds strong principles in life. If the candidate fails to prove themselves within the three-month period, they will need to resign. Xian Sheng urged the followers to contemplate why the suddenly changed to be so strict.
  5. Xian Sheng explained that if he does not exercise such strictness to steer Baixian in the right direction, he believes that after he “Return to the Plane of Nothing,” Baixian would become an ineffective organisation, unable to make any meaningful contributions to the Spiritual Movement.
  6. Xian Sheng said that humans do not know what constitutes important virtues of life. Human pettiness can inflict harm on others. He mentioned that he does not know where we stand on what constitutes important virtues, but he values self-confidence, responsibility, and the avoidance of pettiness. He reaffirmed the importance of not being petty, having an open mind to foster understanding, self-confidence, and responsibility. Without these values, overcoming the many challenges in life would not be possible.
  7. During his meditation early this morning, he came to the understanding that a life has to be sacrificed in order to make a point in this life drama. He reiterated that while one person’s life is of little significance to both GOD and himself, when it comes to humans, the loss of a brother or sister’s life is not a trivial matter but a very serious one.
  8. Xian Sheng warned the followers not to trivialise the loss of a single life. On the contrary, we must approach our responsibilities in our work and personal life with seriousness and realism. If we are not serious and realistic in dealing with any situation, there may be dire consequences for others. Today, Sis Lee Lee is the victim of these dire consequences.
  9. Xian Sheng wanted to know how we perceive this entire situation. He stated that if the passing of Sis Lee Lee failed to open our eyes and awaken us from our slumber, then we are useless and it is most unfortunate that her life was wasted for this revelation. On the contrary, if we recognise that punctuality, which is a part of principles, is very important, then we have learnt from this revelation. If we know that we must not be petty, have self-confidence, and be responsible for others, then we have learnt from this revelation.
  10. And if we neither recognise the importance of punctuality nor possess any of the virtues mentioned, then her life was wasted on us, and we learn nothing. If we have learnt something from this revelation, then her passing was worth it as we have awoken from our slumber. He reiterated that Sis Lee Lee’s passing was very worth it if we derived something good from it.
  11. Sometimes, it takes the loss of a life to awaken us. If we learn that we only need one person to help us, and not two or attempting to involve more people, then we have awoken. Xian Sheng hoped that everyone would wake up and learn from this lesson.
  12. The person designated as the driver needs to wake up. The person responsible for the car needs to wake up. The person in charge of the Baixian office needs to wake up. Everyone needs to open their eyes and wake up to what Xian Sheng mentioned, that one life was used as the ante in a gamble so that Baixian staff would wake up from their negative state of mind. Xian Sheng reminded them to listen carefully to ensure that his sermon entered their ears this time.
  13. In the earlier part of the sermon, Xian Sheng spoke about the killings and murders of so many people all over the world to let the followers know that death matters very little to people. In our case, what does the passing of a single soul, Sis Lee Lee, matter to them? What sins or crimes has Sis Lee Lee committed? She did not need to commit any, but she still had to depart. The same goes for those who have committed sins and crimes; they too have to depart.
  14. This revelation served another purpose: to remind us that life is very fragile, and we do not know when our life will end as we could easily depart tomorrow or the day after that. Xian Sheng snickered, stating that if we still have not woken up, then he has no idea when we will wake up.
  15. Xian Sheng shared his observation that for those who do not pray to the CREATOR, things are much simpler. However, for those who pray to the CREATOR, things are not as simple. We need to understand many things related to knowledge, reality, truth, etc., which requires us to think thoroughly and deeply until we can find an answer.
  16. As for Xian Sheng, he had set for himself the target of 5:30 a.m. this morning during meditation to gain an understanding of his questions concerning the unique circumstances leading to the passing of Sis Lee Lee. He is now sharing his understanding with the followers so that they can awaken. However, he stated that if the followers still fail to wake up, then they are useless.
(K) Xian Sheng: Sis Lee Lee was a saint on Earth [44:47 – 50:57]
  1. Xian Sheng inquired if anyone would like to ask him any questions. He stated that Baitiangong welcomes any and all questions. He joked that asking to communicate with the souls of deceased loved ones is not considered asking a question. Next, he asked if anyone would like to express their views or opinions. He highlighted the positive aspect of Baitiangong, which is that it allows anyone to ask questions or express their opinions.
  2. Baitiangong practices democracy, where everyone is allowed to ask questions and freely express their opinions. This is what makes Baitiangong unique and outstanding when compared to other monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam, where the freedom to ask questions and speak openly is often restricted at best and, at worst, may result in expulsion.
  3. In Baitiangong, Xian Sheng stated that he does not expel any followers. The only exception is in Baixian, where Xian Sheng will expel followers working in any of the companies of Baixian if they no longer want to be a saint on Earth. (Baixian, or 百仙, means ‘hundreds of Saints.’)
  4. Xian Sheng described Baixian staff who are followers of the Spiritual Movement as literal saints on Earth, and today, there is one less saint on Earth. He proceeded to give a frank eulogy for Sis Lee Lee, describing her as a saint who committed no sin on Earth, a good person with an easygoing attitude who would smile even after you had just scolded her. Xian Sheng described how he once scolded her until he developed an aching headache, but when he glanced at her later, she was still smiling charmingly, indifferent to others’ responses to her. Xian Sheng praised her characteristics as top-notch and unsurpassed. Once more, Xian Sheng explained that regardless of how anyone criticised or scolded her for her mistakes, she would shrug it off and smile. She was a carefree person with no worries and no troubles in life. But she left us just like that. He concluded the eulogy stating that she has a high chance to be a saint in Heaven.
  5. Xian Sheng mentioned that Sis Lee Lee becoming a saint in Heaven is far better than us being humans on Earth. He revealed that we, as humans living on Earth, can choose to disobey him now, but when we pass away, we will not be able to disobey him anymore. He stated that he wants to see those who disobeyed him now try to disobey him in the afterlife too. The reality is that they will not be able to disobey but instead automatically do as Xian Sheng commands. He posed them with a question that they have no answer for: “In life, I asked you to do, but you disobeyed me. However, in death, you do whatever I command, whether to stand, walk, or sit. Why do you obey now?” The answer is that in the afterlife, we no longer have control over our souls.
  6. Xian Sheng explained that the soul’s mind no longer has any independent control. It would simply listen to instructions. The only way our mind could maintain its independence is if we make it past Xian Sheng and go to Heaven. Once we are in Heaven, Xian Sheng will not bother with us, as in Heaven, we are incapable of evil deeds.
  7. Xian Sheng cautioned that those who failed to make it past him, who displayed an air of superiority complex and disobeyed him whilst they were still alive, that he would reciprocate and demonstrate the true meaning of superiority in their afterlife. The only exception is if they pass away before Xian Sheng, like Sis Lee Lee. He would congratulate them for being spared his wrath.
  8. Once more, Xian Sheng mentioned that Sis Lee Lee had passed away at the tender age of 19 and would no longer have to face her examination in life. She is fortunate and better off now. He explained that we cannot escape our examination in life, whether we work inside Baixian or outside it. Even if we decide not to be Baitiangong followers anymore, we are still subjected to an examination in life. He reiterated the fact that we would have to undergo an examination in life regardless of whether we are in Baitiangong or not, and whether we work in Baixian or not.
  9. If we work in Baixian, where individuals ‘think good, see good, hear good, speak good and do good’, we naturally interact with good and are likely to become good too. However, if we work outside and are exposed to thinking bad, seeing bad, hearing bad, speaking bad, and doing bad, following the negative side of outsiders, we could likely turn bad.
  10. Xian Sheng asked the followers what they would do, as they would still need to work, whether inside Baixian or outside. Furthermore, they would still have to face their examination in life, whether inside Baixian or outside.
  11. Some people claim that their life examination is harder inside Baixian when compared to outside. Xian Sheng questioned how their life examination could be different inside and outside of Baixian as if their examination would be harder if they worked in Baixian and lighter outside Baixian. In simple words, are there such differences?
  12. Xian Sheng replied that an examination is an examination. He provided an analogy using the SPM examination5. He asked if there were two separate exam papers, one given to Baitiangong followers and one given to non-Baitiangong followers. His reply was, “No such thing.”
  13. On the contrary, there are advantages to our examination when working in Baixian. For example, during the fasting period, everyone would be fasting, and we would follow suit to fast and be able to donate to the exclusive fasting fund to earn positive merits. However, if we work outside, we may not fast and, therefore, could not donate. Therefore, this demonstrates that working in Baixian encourages us to perform good deeds, as outside business does not focus on doing good deeds.
(L) Saving the soul is more important than the body [50:57 – 54:46]
  1. The followers came to the obsequy today to perform a very good deed. Xian Sheng reiterated that Sis Lee Lee did not commit any sins in life. Nonetheless, our good deed had earned us a positive merit. Our good deed involves kneeling down and facing skywards to pray to the CREATOR for Sis Lee Lee. 
  2. We pray to the CREATOR in the following manner: “GOD, Sis Chow Wan Lee, 19 years old, no longer has to go through an examination in life. We thank GOD for her passing. We trust in Xian Sheng stating that she is a saint and she has a chance to go to Heaven. Nevertheless, we are still praying for her for any sins she might have committed, for GOD to forgive her, pardon her, lessen her sins, and if deserving, grant her a good place in Heaven.” Xian Sheng said that our actions and prayers are the good deeds we have performed. He clarified that we earned the merits, not Sis Lee Lee.
  3. Every time there is an obsequy, and we pray for the deceased, we have performed a good deed and earned a positive merit. Once more, he repeated that the good deed lies in praying to the CREATOR to forgive, pardon, and lessen their sins, and if deserving, to grant them a good place in Heaven.
  4. While praying for the deceased is a very good deed, the best deed on the plane of Earth is to save a person’s soul. Contrary to many believing that saving the body is important, saving the soul is far more important. 
  5. Xian Sheng pointed to the coffin housing Sis Lee Lee, highlighting that the body is fragile, and the accident had fractured the left side of her head and broken her arms and legs.
  6. Xian Sheng recalled that he had seen her in a meeting just the other day, and she was gone the following day. That is how fragile a human body is. And yet, some people have a superiority complex, indulge in pettiness, and narrow-mindedness, despite their lives could end at any time because of their fragile bodies. Xian Sheng advised these people to drop these negative attitudes and live a humble life.
  7. Xian Sheng informed the followers that he hired from the poorest and the richest, supporters and opposition to the ruling government. He hired people from all walks of life. He does not discriminate by hiring only the privileged but not the disadvantaged. In summary, Xian Sheng said that he hired people regardless of their background. Therefore, he advocates that people learn to be humble and be friends for the best working environment.
  8. He added that a person should not sulk but listen and take on responsibilities instead of pushing them away. He questioned how one can be a fully functioning person without taking on responsibilities.
  9. Xian Sheng concluded by asking the followers to be fully functioning people by requesting the CREATOR to forgive her, pardon her, lessen her sins, and if deserving, to grant Sis Chow Wan Lee a good place in Heaven. 
  10. Xian Sheng stated very frankly that we are merely going through the motions of praying for her. Nevertheless, this is an act of a good deed for us to earn positive merits. Xian Sheng repeated that we are merely going through the motions because as long as he is with us, there is technically no need for our prayers as Xian Sheng’s prayer would suffice. He explained that although he alone praying is better than the whole world’s population praying, nonetheless, he wanted to teach us that in the event he returns to the Plane of Nothing, we should continue to pray for the deceased to perform good deeds and earn positive merits.
(M) Humans will see wrong at every turn [54:46 – 58:14]
  1. Xian Sheng recalled the three good deeds performed by Baitiangong followers during the Chinese New Year. He mentioned that the Chinese community would avoid going to Kwong Tung Funeral Parlour during the eve, first, and fifth days of the Chinese New Year. However, we have conducted three obsequies during that period.
  2. He asked if the followers remembered during the obsequy for Bro Ng Foong Huat, that the funeral parlour next to ours for a deceased elderly lady was vacant of anyone while ours teemed with followers. This disparity was attributed to Chinese cultural taboo, leading to the postponement of funeral services until the fourth day. Sadly, neither her children nor her grandchildren attended to offer their prayers during this waiting period. Not a single person, including the Taoist monks, made an appearance. Later, Xian Sheng learned from the funeral attendance that the Taoist monks had declined to conduct the service until the fourth day, and they demanded double the usual fee for their services.
  3. On the contrary, we offered our services to the family without charging a single cent. However, the Chinese community does not accept the Spiritual Movement and its teaching to pray to the CREATOR. In this context, Xian Sheng does not understand their perspective on what is considered right and good or good and bad, and why they perceive Baitiangong as bad.
  4. Xian Sheng suggested that perhaps they maintain a bad perspective, therefore affecting everything they see as bad. 
  5. He asked if they remembered his sermon regarding the story of an old man, a boy, and a donkey. (Refer to 08B-2000 A2-A6.) Initially, the old man and the boy walked, leading the donkey behind them. The first group of people laughed at them, labelling them as fools for not making use of the donkey. So, the old man decided to climb onto the donkey, and the boy took charge of leading it. 
  6. At the next turn, they encountered the second group of people who criticised the old man for sitting on the donkey while the boy had to walk. To address this, the old man dismounted, swapping places with his son, and took up the role of leading the donkey. 
  7. At the following turn, they encountered the third group of people who found fault with the boy for sitting on the donkey, believing that the old man should be the one sitting while the boy led the donkey.
  8. Earlier, people considered it wrong for the boy to lead while the old man sat on the donkey. Yet it was also considered wrong when both of them were leading the donkey. Frustrated, the old man and the boy decided that both of them should sit on the donkey. 
  9. As they continued down the road and made another turn, they encountered the fourth group of people who criticised both of them. They implied from the donkey’s curved spine that their combined weight would kill the donkey. It seemed that every choice they made was considered wrong so far. What would they have to do to satisfy the people’s perspective? In the final act of frustration, they carried the donkey on their shoulders and walked the rest of the way. 
  10. As expected, on the subsequent turn, they encountered the fifth group of people who ridiculed them for carrying the donkey instead of letting it walk on its own. Carrying a donkey was certainly not a sensible choice, and they once again found themselves in another wrong situation.
  11. Xian Sheng sighed and asked what was considered right by humans. Humans will see wrong at almost every turn of the way. Consequently, the best way to be right is to hide inside our homes, where no one can criticise us as being wrong.
  1. Chechnya, a republic of Russia since 1859, has grappled with a long-standing separatist movement seeking independence from Russia. This led to both the First Chechen War (1994-1996) and the Second Chechen War (1999-2009) as Chechnya sought to break free from Russian control. Presently, Chechnya remains firmly under Russian control.
  2. However, the real figure is unknown but is estimated to be between 200,000 and 2 million people. These estimates are based on a variety of sources, including government records, eyewitness accounts, and academic research. He might have mistakenly quoted the numbers from the Holocaust instead.
  3. The British Raj, from 1858 to 1947, played a role in the partition of India and Pakistan. The British had a policy of "divide and rule," which involved pitting Hindus and Muslims against each other. This policy contributed to the rise of religious nationalism and the demand for partition.
  4. Xian Sheng, Jesus, and Muhammad had never encountered or spoken to GOD. However, when a person is faced with a dilemma for which no one can provide them with a satisfactory answer, they might turn to GOD in their prayers. GOD may not necessarily respond directly, but sometimes people may find their answers in their one-sided conversation.
  5. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, a national examination taken by all fifth-form secondary school students in Malaysia