- The mind does not reside inside our skull like the brain; rather, it exists outside, in the region near our forehead. Consequently, consciousness, such as feelings and emotions, emanates from within our cells, whereas consciousness in the form of thoughts, ideas, inspirations and conscience comes from outside our body, from our mind.
- Every atom possesses a mind with a predetermined consciousness, leading to an innate understanding of its purpose. These atoms collectively formed the various cells in our bodies and each cell has a mind with predetermined consciousness, thus fulfilling a specific role within our bodies. We can observe that all things in the natural world adhere to the 'law of nature'. In the scientific context, the 'law of nature' represents the fundamental principles that govern the behaviour of the natural world. In Baitiangong, the 'law of nature' pertains to the predetermined consciousness inherent in all of GOD's creation. Hence, we can assert that GOD has predetermined the actions of everything within HIS creation. It is important to note that humans differ from the rest of creation because they possess souls with minds endowed with free consciousness. This unique aspect enables humans to participate in the examination in life. Refer to 09B-2000 E10 - E12, F1 - F11
- Imagine an angel and a devil perched on our shoulder – commonly referred to as the shoulder angel and devil. The good consciousness represented by the angel encourages us to choose the right course of action, while the evil consciousness represented by the devil tempts us towards harmful deeds.
- The Realisation of Consciousness from the Five Realisation reveals that humans inherently possess both a good consciousness and an evil consciousness as part of our life's examination. This is contrary to the saints, who solely possess only good consciousness, making them incapable of committing any evil deeds.
- In the past, Xian Sheng explained that the soul is the driver while the body is the vehicle. The daily and consistent physical action of praying would, therefore, train the soul to kneel down to pray as well, as the soul is interlinked with the body and conforms to the actions of the body. Followers instinctively kneel to pray after waking up and before retiring to sleep because the soul automatically drives their actions. Xian Sheng has consistently asked the followers to take turns praying during obsequies to remind the deceased's soul to kneel and pray as well. Kneeling to pray would let the soul realise that it has been liberated from its body and move on from the plane of Earth. If the soul has sufficient practice at kneeling to pray, it would naturally kneel to pray when others kneel to pray.
- Science explains that a tree is a living organism because it can perform metabolic functions such as respiration, photosynthesis, and cellular growth. Trees grow, reproduce, and respond to their environment by adapting to changes; therefore, trees are living beings, although they are not considered sentient beings. When we chop a tree into chunks of wood, the chunk of wood no longer has the ability to perform the functions of a tree and is, therefore, considered dead and not alive. Xian Sheng stated that the atoms of wood possess consciousness - predetermined consciousness that determines how the wood would interact in its natural form as part of a tree and when chopped into planks or chunks. That is why a chunk of wood is living, just like all of GOD's creation is living.
- The majority of people think that GOD wants us to pray to GOD and, therefore, sent HIS Messengers to tell us to pray to GOD. According to Xian Sheng, this could not be further from the truth. He stated many times that if GOD wants us to pray to HIM, we would not have a choice in the matter any more than we have a choice not to eat, relieve ourselves, sleep, grow old, and eventually die. Therefore, GOD is not so naive to ask people to pray to HIM. What does GOD, the creator of Heaven and Hell and all the other dimensions, wants from people? 07B-2000 D2-D9, 09B-2000 B3
- Conventionally, communication involves a two-way exchange of information among intelligent beings. Xian Sheng had previously noted that the atoms comprising the chunk of wood possessed consciousness, albeit of low intelligence. Through the act of conversing with the leg, Xian Sheng projected his consciousness onto the cells, eliciting a response.
- Xian Sheng's house is situated on a hill slope, with a two-storey main house and an additional two floors below for the karaoke room and discussion room. These floors are linked to the main house by external stairs, making them easily accessible to followers.
- Xian Sheng is a Disciple of GOD and over the years, he has demonstrated miraculous feats, such as raising the dead, yet he refrains from exploiting the temptation of miracles to convince people to follow him to pray to the CREATOR. He stressed the importance of the fourth Spiritual Guideline - 'Knowledge and Understanding' - which relies on our Analytical Mind and Logical Thinking as the key to saving our souls. This approach is vital because the Devil also possesses the ability to perform similar miracles to Xian Sheng. If anyone places their faith solely on miracles, the Devil could deceive them to stray away from praying to the CREATOR. However, Xian Sheng does employ miracles when deemed necessary, as explained above.
- The Baitiangong followers understood Nothing as the void in which the CREATOR created Heaven, Hell, the universes and all the other dimensions. Xian Sheng said, "Nothing has got everything, because everything is created from Nothing."
We understand that our universe is just one of the countless physical universes within Nothing. Our physical universe exists as a plane alongside innumerable other physical planes of universes and dimensions. These planes intersect one another, occupying the same space within Nothing, yet remain immaterial and invisible from each other as they occupy different dimensions and are not linked to each other. Xian Sheng gave the example of roaming souls that exist in another dimension that is parallel and linked with the Earth's plane, allowing some individuals to perceive them. Xian Sheng also mentioned that the Bermuda Triangle or hillsides could function as portals linking different planes, explaining the mysterious occurrences of people or objects vanishing into thin air or materialising from thin air.
The scientific community use the term "planes" to describe the spatial geometry of the universe, which is flat. "Planes" are also used metaphorically to symbolise various realms or dimensions that coexist with our own reality. In spiritual terms, "planes" refers to the different planes of existence such as the limitless planes of Heaven and Hell.
The Plane of Nothing is unique from the other planes, being the realm where the Disciples, Messengers, and a vast population of inhabitants that serve the CREATOR reside. Xian Sheng, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad came to Earth from the Plane of Nothing and upon the death of their physical bodies, returned to the Plane of Nothing. We commemorate the anniversary of Xian Sheng's Return to the Plane of Nothing on the 5th of June.
If we imagine Nothing as an irregular spherical shape, the Plane of Nothing would constitute the outermost expanse of Nothing. We reached this conclusion based on the information shared by Xian Sheng about the farthest point to which our prayers can travel. Xian Sheng explained that as we kneel down and clasp our hands to pray, this posture allows us to exert the strongest brainwaves skywards, bypassing all the man-made and natural objects on Earth. Through the three prayers: the Baitiangong prayer, the Lord's Prayer (the version edited by Xian Sheng), and the Al-Fatiha, all the celestial objects in space would not absorb these prayers, as all of GOD's creation possess the consciousness to recognise that the prayer is not intended for them. Consequently, when our prayers encounter any celestial object, such as suns or planets in their path, the predetermined consciousness of these objects would assist in flinging the prayer further and further away until it reaches the Plane of Nothing and travels beyond Nothing.
- A Case Study of Political violence by the Karen National Union-God's Army by Trident published in 2011, 11 Karen guerillas were killed by Thai forces during the incident at Ratchaburi hospital. There were 6 boys and 5 girls. The boys were between the ages of 15 and 18, and the girls were between the ages of 14 and 18.