21A-21B-2000 18022000

Date: 18 Feb 2000.

Location: Xian Sheng’s house, Taman Melawati.

Table of Contents


(G) The mind is the centre of consciousness [40:50 – 47:13]
  1. Sis Yum Shirley asked, “Whether the soul has a mind?” Xian Sheng replied that the soul certainly possesses a mind. He explained that inspiration originates from the mind. (Inspiration is commonly linked to creativity; however, in a broader sense, it refers to mental stimuli that elicit certain actions or emotions.) If the soul lacks a mind, then from where would it derive the inspiration to engage in any activities once it departs from the body? Xian Sheng reaffirms that the soul would have a mind. Refer to 11B-A-2000 B4.
  2. When talking about the human body, Xian Sheng explains that when we pray, we pray with our mind, body and soul, treating them as three separate and distinct entities. (In Heaven, a saint would pray with their mind and soul, as a physical body is not required.)
  3. The body has a brain. The brain engages in thinking when a network of neurons sparks off electrical signals across specific regions of the brain. Xian Sheng explained that our brain thinks through our consciousness, both from within and without the body.1
  4. Xian Sheng raised the question of how the brain-mind connection works in relation to our ability to make good versus bad decisions. In Baitiangong’s understanding, the mind is the centre of consciousness.2
  5. When we wish to do something good, our good consciousness would prompt us to proceed with it. Conversely, when we contemplate doing something bad, our bad consciousness would encourage us to engage in it, but our good consciousness would intervene and advise against it. Xian Sheng inquired about the decision-maker, and he stated that ultimately, we ourselves would have to decide. Additionally, he mentioned that the mind might possibly help us with the decision-making process.
  6. Xian Sheng explained that we possess a good consciousness and an evil consciousness. When we think, our thoughts pass through these two consciousness.3 Our brain continuously analyses these influences, determining whether we should proceed with an action or refrain from it. 4
  7. Good and bad are subjective as they depend on an individual’s perspective. That is why what we perceive as good may be perceived as bad by others.
  8. Xian Sheng gave the example that countries like Finland and Switzerland have a more liberal attitude towards sex and sexuality. Their citizens perceive freedom in sexual preferences as good.
  9. For the next example, Xian Sheng referred to the traditional Tibetan practice of polyandry, where a woman can have more than one husband. He explained that seven to eight men can take turns sleeping with the woman, and they perceive this practice as right. Hence, Xian Sheng reaffirms that good and bad are somewhat subjective. While we may think that polyandry is bad, the Tibetans think that it’s right.
  10. Xian Sheng continued his explanation, referring to the traditional Tibetan funeral practice known as sky burial or celestial burial. In this ritual, the burial master dismembers or chops the deceased individual into pieces and lays the remains out at a special sky burial site to feed vultures. Sometimes, the remains are placed on a platform or on stilts to make it easier for the vultures to access them. The vultures would consume the human remains leaving the bones behind. (It is believed that the vultures take the body away to the heavens where the soul of the deceased individual remains until they are ready for their next reincarnation.) Despite its uniqueness, this funeral practice is considered sacred and good by the Tibetan people as they do not allow the meat to go to waste. However, for us, this practice is considered bad as feeding the deceased to the vultures is seen as disrespectful to the deceased.
  11. Referring back to the practices of polyandry, where a woman can have sexual relations with multiple men, Xian Sheng mentioned that in such arrangements, they might not know who the biological father of the child is. A sister suggested that a DNA paternity test would help to resolve the identity of the biological father. Xian Sheng agreed that a DNA test would undoubtedly determine who the biological father is, but the reality is that they do not care as polyandry is considered right in their cultural context.
  12. Xian Sheng asked if any followers remember an article he had read to them about a country that is predominantly Christian, where a woman, ready for marriage, would leave her window open at night for potential suitors. Men would climb into her room through the window and have intercourse with her. She reserves the right to choose which man she likes to take on as her husband, to the extent that she could even point to a man who did not have intercourse with her. Xian Sheng laughed as he played out the scenario where the woman points her finger at a man whom she said had intercourse with her, despite the man kept denying doing so. Ultimately, the man would have to acquiesce to her wishes as the community stands behind her in this peculiar Christian courtship. Xian Sheng is amused that this Christian group is still practising this type of life in the modern era.
  13. Xian Sheng reiterated that the concepts of good and bad are subjective, as they are based on people’s ways of thinking. If they think an activity or action is right, then it is good from their perspective. Conversely, if they think the activity or action is wrong, then it is bad from their perspective. Others may disagree and argue that they are wrong, but Xian Sheng emphasised that they may be right, in their manner of speaking.
  14. Xian Sheng provided a baseline assessment to help us determine what is right and wrong based on logic. He stated that we should always apply logical thinking to everything we do. If something does not align with logic, we should not accept it. Furthermore, Xian Sheng went a step further to remind us that we would not be wrong in rejecting his words if we find them illogical. The beauty of praying to GOD is that we have the freedom to reject Xian Sheng if we find his words illogical.
(H) You pray to GOD with your mind, body and soul [47:14 – 54:39]
  1. Back to the topic of the mind and the soul, Xian Sheng reiterated that the mind and the soul are separate entities. That is the reason why Xian Sheng said, “You pray to GOD with the mind, body, and soul.”
  2. Xian Sheng explained how the mind prays to GOD by stating the following: “When you say pray to GOD with your mind, it is as though you pray to GOD without your body.” To illustrate this in the past, he had often asked followers to experiment by concentrating intensely while looking upwards towards the sky when praying to GOD. If there was a window with an iron grille partially obscuring their view of the sky, by concentrating on praying, the grille would eventually disappear, and they would see a blank unobscured view of the sky. The reason is that they are praying with their mind, which is separate and outside their body.
  3. Xian Sheng asked the followers how the body prays to GOD and explained that the posture of the body, by kneeling down and clasping hands, is the obvious answer.
  4. Finally, Xian Sheng explains that the soul is in the body and interlinked with the body and, therefore, also prays to GOD.5
  5. To conclude this example, Xian Sheng said that if we pray hard and long enough, we would actually feel that we are no longer praying with our body, but beyond our body and outside our window, as though we are praying externally from our body. In doing so, we have achieved a true state of praying to GOD with our mind, body, and soul.
  6. Xian Sheng asked the followers how he came up with the phrase ‘Pray to GOD with your mind, body, and soul.’ He explained that he received that consciousness from a miracle that happened before he started preaching Baitiangong in June 1976. Before physically sitting down to meditate, Xian Sheng would experience meditation when his soul astral travelled to various locations while he slept.
  7. Xian Sheng decided to sit down to meditate while being conscious and not during his sleep. He meditated outside his house on the driveway late at night. On the first two nights, nothing happened. On his third attempt at meditation, he felt that nothing would happen as well and proceeded to get up from his sitting position. However, he could not get up and was locked in his cross-legged meditation position. All of a sudden, his arms moved up by themselves and spread open in front of him. His eyes opened automatically as well. His arms proceeded to move upwards, and a White Book appeared from the sky, descending towards his open hands. Once he received the White Book, his body proceeded to slowly lie down on the ground, with his legs still in a cross-legged position.
  8. Xian Sheng begged GOD to let him go, as he was concerned that his wife would come out and think he was mad for lying down on the driveway, and people passing by on the road outside the gate would look at him as a crazy man. He tried to move and break free from the paralysing force holding him down but to no avail. Slowly, his hands automatically moved and clasped together. Next, his body slowly rose from a lying position back into a sitting position. Xian Sheng admitted that he could not perform this feat now. He had been struggling all this while to break free from the force that was controlling his body.
  9. What happened in the next few minutes taught Xian Sheng the fundamentals of Baitiangong meditation. His hands, which were clasped together, opened and moved in a reversed love shape to his forehead. Then, his hands went through a series of motions, and during this process, the consciousness that came to Xian Sheng was: “GOD, I give you my mind, body, and soul in meditation,” which synchronised perfectly with the hand gestures that we now follow when we begin meditation. Refer to 04A-2000 A10
  10. This hand motion repeated for the second time without any interference from Xian Sheng’s constant struggle to break free. However, on the third time when his hands clasped together, Xian Sheng managed to break free. He was sweating profusely from the exertion but got on his feet and started looking around the night sky for signs of a flying saucer. He was thinking that these ‘bloody extraterrestrials’ must have been controlling him. However, he saw nothing to justify the extraterrestrial theory.
  11. Xian Sheng concluded by stating that was how physical meditation started for him, as all prior meditations were astral in nature and took place while he was sleeping. He elaborated that during these astral meditations, his soul would leave his body and meditate inside churches, on top of temples, on top of bamboo trees, on top of mountains, and even sitting on clouds floating in the sky.
  12. Xian Sheng reiterated that the phrase “GOD, I give you my mind, body, and soul” only came to him during physical meditation after experiencing numerous meditations when his soul astral travelled to various locations. 
  13. At that time, Xian Sheng was still addressing the CREATOR using the term GOD and not the Chinese term TIANGONG.
(I) TIANGONG came to Xian Sheng on 4th October 1976 [54:41- 55:57]
  1. Xian Sheng said that TIANGONG only came to him on 4th October 1976 when the prayer to pray to the CREATOR was revealed to him. 
  2. He jokingly told the followers not to quote to their friends what he just said – that TIANGONG only came to him on 4th October 1976 – as they might interpret the sentence too literally. They could mistakenly believe that anything before 4th October 1976 would be regarded as nonsense or bullshit in this context.
  3. Xian Sheng clarified that before the word TIANGONG appeared to him in the prayer on 4th October 1976, he used the term GOD to refer to the CREATOR. 
  4. During his prayers, he would use both the Lord’s Prayer and the Al-Fatiha. When reciting the Al-Fatiha, he would use the term ALLAH to refer to the CREATOR.
  5. Xian Sheng began preaching in June 1976, having gained a clear understanding of his purpose on Earth. He would venture to an empty field, set up his megaphone hailer, and deliver his teachings to anyone willing to listen. Usually, he would entice people to participate by initiating a meditation session. During these sessions, he would put them into a meditative state, allowing them to experience miracles such as healing and spiritual journeys to Heaven or Hell. Xian Sheng would put them under meditation using the Lord’s Prayer and the Al-Fatiha. 
  6. As the participants mainly comprised elderly individuals from the Chinese community, Xian Sheng encountered difficulty using the English term ‘GOD’ to describe the CREATOR, as many were unfamiliar with it. Instead, he opted to use the Chinese phrases ‘拜主’ or ‘pray to the CREATOR’. Xian Sheng further explained this with an example: If he were to tell an old lady to pray to GOD, she would inquire about the meaning of ‘GOD’. However, when he eventually came across the word ‘天公‘ or TIANGONG in October 1976, and asked her to ‘拜天公’ or pray to TIANGONG, she readily acknowledged, saying, “TIANGONG is the greatest”. 
  7. Regrettably, while the Chinese community recognises TIANGONG as the supreme deity, they do not actively pray to TIANGONG. 
  8. Nonetheless, Xian Sheng shared that somehow the word TIANGONG came to him as a suitable reference to GOD that the Chinese community could readily accept.
(J) The soul has no right of its own [55:57-21B 03:06]
  1. Xian Sheng continued with the question, ‘Does the soul have a mind?’ by providing another explanation. 
  2. The human body comprises the five basic elements: metals, wood, water, fire, and earth. The soul that interlocks with the body is an exact replica of the body, meaning that the soul of a person shares the exact same features such as the face, height, and skin colour, and appears to age like the body. However, the soul exists as a form of energy with its own set of elements.
  3. Xian Sheng used the fingers on both hands to demonstrate that the soul is identical to the body and interlocks with the body occupying the same space. Using his left hand, he counted on his five fingers the five elements that make up the human body. He explained that a human body would not be able to pass through another solid object like the wall next to him, as the wall is made of earth—an element that is also present in the human body. He demonstrated this by trying to move his hand through the wall, but naturally, he was blocked by it. Next, he used his right hand to represent the elements that make up the soul. As the elements of the soul have different properties from the elements on our physical plane, the soul is able to pass through our body and even through the wall. He illustrated this by moving his right fingers through the gaps between his left fingers, giving us a visual representation that a soul with different elements can pass through any solid object on Earth.
  4. Xian Sheng asked if the followers understand how the soul is able to move through a door because the soul has different elements from our physical world. He gave examples that Europeans, British, and Americans have produced documentary films confirming the soul’s ability to pass through solid objects. One such documentary is made by Raymond Moody, titled ‘Life After Life’. You can see the testimonies at the timestamps 17:37 and 22:44 in this video: https://youtu.be/z56u4wMxNlg.
  5. Xian Sheng announced a crucial point: the soul has no inherent rights of its own. When the soul leaves the body after death and goes to Hell, the mind will control the actions of the soul. When the mind commands the soul to extend one hand, take a knife with the other hand, and chop the offending hand that has committed many wrongs, the hand would actually bleed red blood. The hand would continue hacking relentlessly until the offending hand is chopped off. The soul would hold the stump and cry out in excruciating pain, experiencing agony similar to the physical world, until the soul finally faints from pain and fatigue. 
  6. Eventually, the soul would wake up, finding the hand completely restored. The consciousness of what had transpired, along with the pain and suffering, floods back to the soul. Unfortunately, the hand would once again automatically reach out to grab the knife, and the consciousness knowing of the impending torture to come would cause the soul to shout, “No! I don’t want, I don’t want!” However, as the mind is the centre of consciousness and controls the actions of the hand, it would continue to hack at the other hand until it drops off again.
  7. Xian Sheng asked the followers whether he had read an article from medieval times, dated either the 14th or 15th century, that documented clergymen in Hell. Thus, Xian Sheng dispelled the notion that clergymen would go to Heaven. He added that it should not be surprising to find clergymen, such as popes and priests, in Hell if they persist in distorting facts and fabricating false narratives, perpetuating lies to their adherents, claiming that Jesus died on the cross when he did not. Xian Sheng believes that they may have to go to Hell to discover the truth that Jesus is not GOD.
  8. Xian Sheng summarised the explanation by stating that the soul does have a mind, but the mind being the centre of consciousness would exert full control over the soul after death. The mind instructs the consciousness of the soul to take a knife to chop off its hand or cut out its tongue as punishment for the sins committed on Earth. 
  9. This clearly demonstrates that while the soul possesses a mind, it has no control over it whatsoever after death.


(A) If GOD is all-loving, why Hell [03:06 – 09:14]
  1. Regarding control, Xian Sheng mentioned that he had lost control of his arms twice: first in 1976 when he received the White Book, and second in 1997 when his right arm moved by itself while he was praying. 
  2. He inquired about the number of followers who were aware of the second incident, where he lost the use of his right arm after falling down due to a motorcycle accident.
  3. Xian Sheng mentioned that he had given the best orthopaedic doctor a chance to try to heal his right arm. Dr Gobinda Singh at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) used various physical therapy and medication to help revive the functionality of his right arm, including dry needling, which involves the insertion of thin, monofilament needles into myofascial trigger points to stimulate the underlying muscles and nerves. However, none of these treatments worked.
  4. He sought the expertise of Chinese doctors who administered treatments like acupuncture, gua sha, and Chinese herbal medication. Unfortunately, none of these treatments worked either.
  5. Finally, Dr Gobinda regretfully informed Xian Sheng that he would have to live with the problem. (Tuesday, 8 April 1997)
  6. On a Friday morning, within the same week that Dr Gobinda told Xian Sheng he had to live with the problem, he knelt down to pray to the CREATOR. He had to use his left hand to lift his right hand and hold it in place to pray. Xian Sheng always prays in English and stretches his arms outwards while simultaneously saying, “GOD, I give you my mind, body, and soul,” followed by the recitation of the Baitiangong prayer. However, on that morning, he asked, “GOD, how can I give you my mind, body, and soul?” because he could no longer raise his right arm as his standard way of praying. Xian Sheng found his arm automatically extended upwards and outward, just as he had always done in the past when praying to the CREATOR.
  7. Xian Sheng explained that the way for him to pray to the CREATOR with his mind, body, and soul was by stretching his arms outwards, and that was exactly what his arms automatically did in response to his plea to GOD. In that moment, Xian Sheng realised that his right arm was healed, and he could move it despite the dire warning the doctor had given him about living with the problem. Filled with enthusiasm, Xian Sheng got up and showed everyone that his arm was functioning once again, despite the obvious lack of muscles that had atrophied due to the prolonged lack of physical activity.
  8. Xian Sheng inquired around the room, seeking anyone who witnessed that he had lost all the muscles in his right arm, leaving only bare bones. A few followers, including his son, verified that his claims were real. He emphasised that the wonderful part was that he could move his arm despite having no muscles whatsoever. Over time, the muscles slowly grew back. Xian Sheng proceeded to demonstrate the deltoid, tricep, and brachioradialis muscles that had atrophied when his arm became incapacitated. Once again, Xian Sheng asked how he could move his right arm without any muscles, especially when the chief physician Dr Gobinda, who is foremost in the field of orthopaedics, had declared just a few days ago that he would have to live the rest of his life without the use of his right arm.
  9. Xian Sheng reiterated the phrase “Mind, body, and soul,” and emphasised that the soul has no control of its own. Instead, the mind would direct the soul to inflict punishment on itself as part of its sufferings in Hell emphasising that the mind is the centre of consciousness. 
  10. However, he stated that many Christians do not believe in sufferings in Hell because they have faith that GOD is all-loving. Xian Sheng asked, if GOD is all-loving, why would Jesus teach about the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus as found in Luke 16:19-31? The parable talks about a beggar named Lazarus who begged for the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table, but the rich man did nothing for Lazarus. After Lazarus and the rich man died, Lazarus was carried to Heaven, while the rich man found himself in Hell.
  11. Xian Sheng rephrased his question as follows, “If GOD is all-loving, why Hell” as the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus that Jesus taught, talks about torments in Hell. In response to the question, he stated, “GOD is not all-loving, GOD is everything and more than that. And more than that means we cannot understand.” 
  12. Xian Sheng asked Sis Shirley if he had answered her question regarding whether the soul possesses a mind. He is pleased that we have raised all these questions, as it allows him to provide a definitive, clear and correct answer. Xian Sheng stated that once he ‘Return to the Plane of Nothing’, no one would be able to answer these unknowable questions. Therefore, he encourages the followers to contemplate more questions of a similar nature to ask him now.
Luke 16:19-31 (NIV)
19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

(B) I have met Jesus and Jesus has not seen GOD [09:21 – 13:54]
  1. Xian Sheng explained that consciousness is the most important realisation among the Five Realisations. In Baitiangong, Xian Sheng gave us ‘The Five Realisations’: ‘Realisation of Consciousness’, ‘Self Realisation’, ‘Realisation of the existence of the Soul’, ‘Realisation of the existence of Heaven and Hell and the other Dimensions’ and ‘Realisation of the existence of the CREATOR’.
  2. He explained that he started with the ‘Realisation of Consciousness’ because consciousness exists in everything. An atom possesses consciousness, and atoms of the same nature or element, such as atoms of wood, possess similar consciousness. (Atoms of different elements such as metals, water, and earth have different consciousness and behave differently.)
  3. Xian Sheng stated that after we cut down a tree into chunks of wood, the chunk of wood is still living.6
  4. He explained that the atoms of wood carry low intelligence, allowing us to cut the tree down and carve a chunk of wood into the idol of Jesus on a cross. However, the wooden idol of Jesus on a cross is still essentially wood and not Jesus. 
  5. If the adherents of Catholics start to pray to the wooden idol of Jesus as GOD and pray over a long period of time, spanning thousands or even hundreds of years, the atoms of the wood, although of low intelligence, would have absorbed sufficient life-force energy from the adherents to develop higher intelligence.
  6. The human body comprises five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The idol of Jesus on a cross is carved from wood, which is one of the five elements. The element of wood in our body comes from all the food that we consumed over the years, such as plants, fruits, vegetables, and even meat from animals that also consumed vegetation.
  7. When adherents pray to the wooden idol of Jesus, they become subservient to it, inadvertently and unknowingly releasing their life-force energy to the wood. Although the wood has low intelligence and does not understand why it is being infused with life-force energy, it nevertheless absorbs and accumulates all the human life-force energies. 
  8. This wood would eventually think that, since humans can move around because of the life-force energy, it should also be able to move too. The wood would gain the intelligence that humans can move because they have blood and therefore try to convert the life-force energy to blood so that it could emulate a human to move too. Fortunately, the wood remains a chunk of carved wood and is incapable of movement.
  9. However, this wooden idol is capable of oozing blood, which it converts from the life-force energy it has absorbed and accumulated from thousands of people kneeling to it over a long period of time. Xian Sheng coined the term ‘Spiritual Vampirism’ to describe this phenomenon. Sometimes, instead of blood, Spiritual Vampirism can produce tears or oil that oozes from idols to which people have knelt and prayed for a certain period of time.
  10. Xian Sheng explained that he has met and knows Jesus personally, and all the idols made to represent Jesus do not resemble Jesus at all. These idols are just wood or stone or metal, or a combination of elements that were carved or sculpted to portray the perceived appearance of Jesus. He added that Jesus, like him, has never seen GOD too.
(C) GOD doesn’t want you to pray to GOD [13:56 – 15:08]
  1. Xian Sheng said, “GOD doesn’t want you to pray to GOD.” He informed the followers, saying, “Please. GOD is not so naive.”7
  2. Xian Sheng reemphasised that GOD does not want us to pray to GOD and clarified that it is people like him who ask us to pray to GOD. (Xian Sheng knows that the only way for humans to go to Heaven and break the endless and ‘Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation’ is for humans to acknowledge the existence of GOD and pray to GOD with their mind, body, and soul.)
  3. He added that he taught us to pray to GOD to give trouble to GOD. He stated that if we kept praying ceaselessly to GOD, GOD would get fed up with us and grant our prayers.
  4. Xian Sheng told the followers the parable of the hungry man and the bread shop owner to illustrate his argument on giving trouble to GOD. 
  5. “A man knocked on the door of a bread shop as he wanted to buy bread, although the shop had closed since it was already past midnight. The baker had no intention to sell him any bread as he had retired for the night and ignored him, hoping that he would go away. However, the man kept knocking ceaselessly until the baker got so fed up and mad that he grabbed the first item most accessible to him – a loaf of bread, which was all around him, and threw the loaf of bread down from his window at the man’s head. The man picked up the bread and thanked the baker. He did not even have to pay for the bread.”
  6. Xian Sheng is asking us to give trouble to GOD by praying to GOD. 
  7. He reiterated for the third time, “GOD doesn’t want you to pray to GOD,” to plant this understanding deeply into our consciousness so that we would not forget it. 
  8. Xian Sheng admitted that he is giving GOD trouble and immediately added that that is good trouble. Similar to the parable, if we pray hard and long enough to GOD, we would probably get what we request.
(D) Baitiangong is a reality [15:08 – 17:27]
  1. Xian Sheng mentioned the recent funeral of Sis Tan and Bro Ong. Sis Tan had passed away, and Bro Ong said that the best thing to happen would be if he died together with his wife. Xian Sheng agreed and said that it would indeed be the best thing.
  2. On the same night, Bro Ong fell from his wheelchair and lost consciousness. However, he regained consciousness briefly before slipping back into unconsciousness. 
  3. Xian Sheng said that he hurriedly went home and knelt to pray, requesting GOD not to let Bro Ong live, saying, “GOD, please take him away. Don’t let him live.” He acknowledged that some people might consider Xian Sheng’s prayer as wicked, but he believed that it was the best thing that happened, just as Bro Ong wished for.
  4. He continued to implore GOD, saying, “GOD, please take his soul away. Let’s have a funeral together.” Xian Sheng made this request based on what Bro Ong’s daughter had stated earlier – that she would not inform them if her father passed away, and they would conduct his funeral according to their ways.  
  5. Xian Sheng inquired among the followers if anyone had heard this from Bro Phuah, who received the dire news directly from the daughter. This pressing piece of news compelled Xian Sheng to visit Bro Ong to urge him to consider his funeral arrangements as that is more important now compared to his wife’s obsequy, as his daughter had openly announced that he would be denied a Baitiangong obsequy, which is the responsibility of all Baitiangong followers to observe. The reason why his wife’s obsequy is not a problem is that Bro Ong insisted on conducting Baitiangong way of Obsequies for her. 
  6. As it dawned on Bro Ong that he would be denied a Baitiangong obsequy, he repeatedly banged his forehead with his hand in anguish and told Xian Sheng that the best thing would be for him to die together with his wife. Xian Sheng wholeheartedly agreed that it was indeed the best thing, as he could then conduct the obsequies for both of them together. 
  7. Before leaving Bro Ong’s house, Xian Sheng knelt and prayed to GOD to take Bro Ong too, so that he would not have to face the same problems dealing with the son and son-in-law regarding their mother’s obsequy.
  8. Xian Sheng clapped his hands to emphasise his next words, “Sure enough, he died!” Xian Sheng estimated that the probability of conducting the obsequies of both husband and wife is one in a hundred billion. 
  9. In the hospital ward, where Xian Sheng and Bro Tan An Bin were present, along with their eldest son, second son, and daughter from Germany who is a Christian, the doctor remarked that the situation was like a fairy tale. Xian Sheng retorted, stating, “What fairy tale? This is reality!” 
  10. Xian Sheng concluded by stating that seemingly impossible events like the instantaneous recovery of his right arm and the double obsequies of a husband and wife are not fairy tales but a reality in Baitiangong.
(E) Nothing is impossible [17:27 – 25:48]
  1. Xian Sheng asked a realistic question as to how he was going to heal other people if he could not even heal his own father. Xian Sheng said that his father claimed to be 96 years old but according to his Birth Certificate, he was born on 6 November 1906 which would put him at 94 years old based on the present year of 2000.
  2. Xian Sheng inquired which of the followers in the room were aware that his father was unable to walk a few years ago. He mentioned that those who often come to his house would know about his father’s condition.
  3. Xian Sheng stated he faced a conundrum: he could make others walk, but he could not make his own father walk. He contemplated this dilemma and resolved to address the matter. Thus, he approached his father, placed his hand on his father’s leg, recited the prayer, and told the leg that it better walk to let his father walk. Xian Sheng described the interaction between him and his father’s leg as a form of communication. He stated that we would be surprised that we can actually talk to the leg.8
  4. Following this, he instructed his father to get up and walk. However, his father provided excuses, citing his inability to walk and his diminished confidence to walk, rather than making an attempt. Xian Sheng persisted despite his father’s pessimistic stance on walking. He firmly told his father that he can walk and that he had better get up and walk or he would never walk again.
  5. His father was in his late 80s when he attempted to walk. He took a chair close by and used it like a walking frame. He would push the chair forward a short distance and move forward in small incremental steps, using the chair like a crutch. His actions frustrated Xian Sheng, and he told his father to discard the chair and walk on his own two feet. Seizing the chair, Xian Sheng moved it aside and instructed his father to continue walking using his own feet.
  6. Xian Sheng mimicked his father’s movements, shuffling across the floor to demonstrate his father’s regained use of his legs. Xian Sheng reaffirmed to his father that he was walking and urged him to walk daily. 
  7. Happily, Xian Sheng declared that even at the remarkable age of 94, his father continued to walk up and down the steep three-storey outdoor staircase connecting the main house to the lower rooms. Xian Sheng emphasised that his father was still actively walking, even at his current age.9
  8. Xian Sheng declared, reiterated, and questioned whether the followers grasped the concept that nothing is impossible.10
  9. Xian Sheng provided another instance of a miracle when he healed the legs of an old man at Balik Pulau, Penang, enabling him to walk again. (Continue below)
  10. Subsequently, he recounted yet another miracle involving another elderly man who was experiencing mobility problems. Xian Sheng and a group of followers went to the hospital to visit an elderly man in his eighties. A doctor arrived to assess the elderly man’s leg condition, and they moved aside to observe the examination. Using a reflex hammer, the doctor commenced tapping below the elderly man’s kneecap in an attempt to trigger a knee-jerk reflex, but regrettably, his leg did not respond. So he repeated the procedure on the other leg with the same outcome. Xian Sheng imitated the doctor’s actions, appearing to engage in a mental assessment, and his solemn headshake conveyed an unfavourable prognosis. The doctor proceeded to repeat the reflex test that yielded no reaction too and he promptly depart from the scene.
  11. After the doctor left, Xian Sheng sprang into action. He admitted to enjoying the occasional joke and seized the opportunity to transform a solemn moment into a lively scene. He confirmed with them that the doctor had left because he couldn’t assist the elderly man, and thus, Xian Sheng would now take centre stage. He told the followers to observe his reaction and how he would assume control of the leg. He instructed the elderly man to lie down on the hospital bed since he needed to sit up for the knee reflex test. Once the elderly man was lying down, Xian Sheng covered his eyes with his left hand and instructed him to keep his eyes closed, refrain from attempting to open them and to listen carefully to his words.
  12. Xian Sheng recited the prayer in Cantonese while simultaneously making hand gestures over the elderly man’s head. He then moved his hand down to the man’s legs, pointing to one leg and commanding it to move, guiding the motion with his hand. Afterwards, he commanded it to stop and shifted his focus to the other leg, repeating the process of communication and directing the leg’s movement. He repeated this sequence several times. Xian Sheng chuckled as he described the scene as though from a fairy tale, but it was a reality.
  13. Xian Sheng stated that many of the witnesses, who are the followers that accompanied him, are still alive. He was informed that they are Bro Loh Chee Yoke, Bro John Yap, and a few more that he could not recall. Bro Pak Ham has since passed away. 
  14. Xian Sheng then resumed, stating that the elderly man’s legs were kicking vigorously by themselves then. Xian Sheng tapped the elderly man’s forehead with his right fingers, removed his left hand covering his eyes, and told him to wake up.
  15. Xian Sheng stated that the elderly man awoke completely unaware of the recent events and appeared bewildered, as if in a dazed state. He inquired about what had happened. Xian Sheng posed the question if he had not realised that his legs had been moving in a kicking motion and subsequently conveyed that he had been walking and kicking. Naturally, the elderly man refuted the notion that he walked, given that he was still lying on the hospital bed. In response, Xian Sheng instructed him to get out of the hospital bed and walk. As anticipated, the elderly man voiced his objection, citing his inability to walk due to his immobile legs.
  16. Xian Sheng responded to his assertion that he could not move his legs, countering that his legs had been kicking vigorously just moments ago. However, the elderly man claimed to be unaware of this. Once again, Xian Sheng queried whether he hadn’t noticed his legs moving, emphasising that he had distinctly seen his legs kicking. Xian Sheng then turned to the followers beside him and inquired if they had also witnessed his legs kicking.
  17. With everyone present confirming that his legs had indeed been kicking, it follows logically that if his legs can kick, he can undoubtedly walk as well. Xian Sheng instructed the elderly man to get up from the hospital bed and walk. 
  18. The elderly man got down from the hospital bed, moved his legs, and exclaimed enthusiastically, “Hey, I can walk!” He proceeded to walk around the ward several times, displaying the enthusiasm of a child, and proclaimed, “Who says I can’t walk? I can walk.”
  19. Xian Sheng revisited the moment when he briefly mentioned the old man in Balik Pulau. 
  20. He began by explaining that he had invited an Australian woman to serve as a witness in his court case in Singapore. She specialised in transcribing speeches into text for the Australian courts. 
  21. He brought her to Penang for a holiday, specifically to the town of Balik Pulau, renowned for its diverse range of durians. 
  22. Xian Sheng recounted how she was utterly shocked when she witnessed him healing the legs of the old man who had been unable to walk for three years. She proclaimed it a miracle, to which Xian Sheng confirmed that indeed, it was a miracle.
  23. Xian Sheng drove the elderly man in his MPV to Balik Pulau town, where he asked him to walk around the entire town. 
  24. Xian Sheng interjected, noting that despite presenting this miraculous event for them to witness, the local Chinese populace had not changed by turning to pray to GOD. 
  25. Nonetheless, numerous townspeople approached the old man to offer their congratulations and express their amazement at witnessing him walk once more. The townspeople conversed either in Hokkien or Hakka, though their distinct local accents puzzled Xian Sheng, making it difficult for him to accurately identify the dialect. The old man informed them that Xian Sheng had healed his legs earlier, confirming his inability to walk for the past three years. 
  26. Xian Sheng emphasised that the old man, who had been immobilised for the past three years, suddenly found himself walking around the town of Balik Pulau.
  27. Please refer to 05A-2000 C4 for a brief overview of Xian Sheng’s history in Balik Pulau, as this miracle was not the first occurrence for the residents of the town. Xian Sheng expressed his disappointment stating, “And yet the people have not changed to pray to GOD. There are stupid people in this world who are still praying to idols.” 
  28. Xian Sheng concluded resignedly, stating that there was nothing he could do about it.
(F) Nothing has got everything, because everything is created from Nothing [25:50 – 30:14]
  1. Xian Sheng has tried to tell the Christians not to pray to Jesus as GOD. He was accused of blasphemy and was taken aback when a preacher husband and wife duo even cursed him. (Refer to 15A-2000 E22)
  2. He emphasised once again that Jesus is not GOD. He questioned how people can be so stupid to think that GOD, the Creator of this universe and all the intelligent beings within it, along with the infinite number of other universes and their intelligent beings, would descend to Earth like a human being and let humans nail HIM to a cross. Xian Sheng describes people who think like that are either crazy, mad or they must be very great to be able to nail GOD to the cross.
  3. Xian Sheng countered the argument that GOD wants people to pray to HIM by stating that if GOD indeed wants people to pray to HIM, through HIS mere thoughts, individuals would automatically rise like zombies in the morning, kneel down, and pray to GOD before fully waking up to begin their workday. Similarly, during the night, people would kneel down to pray to GOD, whether they like it or not, before retiring to sleep. Xian Sheng reiterated once more that if GOD truly wants people to pray to HIM, solely through HIS thoughts, all humans would be compelled to pray to GOD ceaselessly, day and night, resembling zombies. He questioned whether the followers believe such a scenario becomes a reality if GOD wants it.
  4. Xian Sheng emphasised that GOD has created everything by thought. He clarified that he has been to the ‘Plane of Nothing’ and he could also create, so what more of GOD? Within the Plane of Nothing, he even created the most beautiful girl in the whole world with his thoughts. This revelation led him to the realisation that if he could create within the ‘Plane of Nothing,’ then GOD has created everything from ‘Nothing’. He proclaimed, “Nothing has got everything, because everything is created from Nothing.”11
  5. Xian Sheng revealed his efforts to search for GOD within the domain of ‘Nothing,’ yielding no success. He elaborated on the nature of ‘Nothing’ as an immeasurable void without definable top or bottom boundaries, making his search for GOD an insurmountable undertaking. He concluded and proclaimed that GOD exists beyond the confines of ‘Nothing’ as up until the present day, Xian Sheng has not managed to find GOD.
  6. Although Xian Sheng admitted that he could not find GOD, he unequivocally stated that he knows GOD exist. He revealed that both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad also know GOD exist. However, neither of them has managed to find GOD either.
  7. But some human beings behave like GOD. He mentioned certain Prime Ministers that behave like GOD, issuing orders for the arrest, shooting, and killing of people according to their whims. Xian Sheng shook his head sarcastically, describing this world as funny.
  8. [Xian Sheng is referring to the 24th January 2000 Karen Rebels incident at Ratchaburi Hospital: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2000/02/burm-f18.html] Xian Sheng recounted that a group of Burmese rebels, composed of young boys aged between 12 and 14 years old, had taken control of the hospital.12 Despite this, they did not fire a single bullet or caused harm to anyone. When the Thai armed forces eventually stormed the hospital, the rebels voluntarily laid down their weapons. However, instead of showing leniency to them, the Thai special forces callously stripped them naked and fatally shot them in the head, displaying no mercy whatsoever.
  9. Xian Sheng angrily denounced them as Thai murderers. He went on to explain that they are Thai murderers because all of them pray to idols of Buddha. He strongly emphasised that these Thais are vicious and merciless people.
  10. Xian Sheng mentioned that he was supposed to lead a motorcycle group on a tour of Thailand. However, he is having second thoughts and might decide against selecting Thailand as their destination. He expressed that he hates these bloody merciless people and questioned how they could strip people naked and ruthlessly shoot them in the head, displaying no sense of fundamental humanity.
  11. Unfortunately, this type of inhumane conduct appears to be happening in other regions of the world as well. Xian Sheng pointed out that entities such as the United States CIA, the Soviet Union’s KGB (replaced by the FSB – Federal Security Bureau – in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union), the UK’s MI5, and numerous other governmental agencies also exhibit similarly merciless behaviour.
(G) There is only one GOD, one CREATOR [30:14 – 32:03]
  1. Xian Sheng revisited the Ambon incident, where the Christians and Muslims are engaged in deadly conflict and killing each other. The reason he identified for this sectarian violence is the strong fanaticism present on both sides. Their fanatism is fueled by their belief that their GOD is the only GOD. (Refer to 20A-2000 A2-A6)
  2. Xian Sheng stressed that there exists only one GOD, one CREATOR in this entire world, irrespective of individuals’ affiliations as Christians, Muslims, Baitiangong followers, or adherents of any other religion. There cannot be two or more Gods as found in polytheistic religions. 
  3. Xian Sheng invited everyone to pray to the CREATOR to mark the end of the spiritual discussion. For the benefit of our guest from Finland, Xian Sheng clarified that we address the CREATOR as TIANGONG. He elaborated that we pray by kneeling down, similar to how Jesus knelt down to pray during his time. We kneel down to pray just like our ancestors from China that also knelt down to pray around 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. This is substantiated by the earliest Chinese characters for praying, which depict a person kneeling with hands clasped and facing upwards. (Refer to 14A-2000 A19)
  4. Xian Sheng reemphasised that Jesus knelt down to pray, Prophet Muhammad knelt down to pray and we also kneel down to pray. 
  5. He explained that the kneeling posture, with hands clasped and facing upwards, enables us to exert our brainwaves from our brain outwards toward the Plane of Nothing and beyond Nothing, where the CREATOR exists. 
  6. We have the freedom to refer to the CREATOR as GOD, TIANGONG, ALLAH, JEHOVAH, or any other name we choose, as that is the name by which we wish to address HIM.
  7. Xian Sheng suggested that we pray to the CREATOR for good consciousness so that individuals show mercy to their adversaries and abstain from unjustly framing each other for political or sadistic purposes. We pray for people to have a healthy and sound mind, body and soul.
  1. The mind does not reside inside our skull like the brain; rather, it exists outside, in the region near our forehead. Consequently, consciousness, such as feelings and emotions, emanates from within our cells, whereas consciousness in the form of thoughts, ideas, inspirations and conscience comes from outside our body, from our mind.
  2. Every atom possesses a mind with a predetermined consciousness, leading to an innate understanding of its purpose. These atoms collectively formed the various cells in our bodies and each cell has a mind with predetermined consciousness, thus fulfilling a specific role within our bodies. We can observe that all things in the natural world adhere to the 'law of nature'. In the scientific context, the 'law of nature' represents the fundamental principles that govern the behaviour of the natural world. In Baitiangong, the 'law of nature' pertains to the predetermined consciousness inherent in all of GOD's creation. Hence, we can assert that GOD has predetermined the actions of everything within HIS creation. It is important to note that humans differ from the rest of creation because they possess souls with minds endowed with free consciousness. This unique aspect enables humans to participate in the examination in life. Refer to 09B-2000 E10 - E12, F1 - F11
  3. Imagine an angel and a devil perched on our shoulder – commonly referred to as the shoulder angel and devil. The good consciousness represented by the angel encourages us to choose the right course of action, while the evil consciousness represented by the devil tempts us towards harmful deeds.
  4. The Realisation of Consciousness from the Five Realisation reveals that humans inherently possess both a good consciousness and an evil consciousness as part of our life's examination. This is contrary to the saints, who solely possess only good consciousness, making them incapable of committing any evil deeds.
  5. In the past, Xian Sheng explained that the soul is the driver while the body is the vehicle. The daily and consistent physical action of praying would, therefore, train the soul to kneel down to pray as well, as the soul is interlinked with the body and conforms to the actions of the body. Followers instinctively kneel to pray after waking up and before retiring to sleep because the soul automatically drives their actions. Xian Sheng has consistently asked the followers to take turns praying during obsequies to remind the deceased's soul to kneel and pray as well. Kneeling to pray would let the soul realise that it has been liberated from its body and move on from the plane of Earth. If the soul has sufficient practice at kneeling to pray, it would naturally kneel to pray when others kneel to pray.
  6. Science explains that a tree is a living organism because it can perform metabolic functions such as respiration, photosynthesis, and cellular growth. Trees grow, reproduce, and respond to their environment by adapting to changes; therefore, trees are living beings, although they are not considered sentient beings. When we chop a tree into chunks of wood, the chunk of wood no longer has the ability to perform the functions of a tree and is, therefore, considered dead and not alive. Xian Sheng stated that the atoms of wood possess consciousness - predetermined consciousness that determines how the wood would interact in its natural form as part of a tree and when chopped into planks or chunks. That is why a chunk of wood is living, just like all of GOD's creation is living.
  7. The majority of people think that GOD wants us to pray to GOD and, therefore, sent HIS Messengers to tell us to pray to GOD. According to Xian Sheng, this could not be further from the truth. He stated many times that if GOD wants us to pray to HIM, we would not have a choice in the matter any more than we have a choice not to eat, relieve ourselves, sleep, grow old, and eventually die. Therefore, GOD is not so naive to ask people to pray to HIM. What does GOD, the creator of Heaven and Hell and all the other dimensions, wants from people? 07B-2000 D2-D9, 09B-2000 B3
  8. Conventionally, communication involves a two-way exchange of information among intelligent beings. Xian Sheng had previously noted that the atoms comprising the chunk of wood possessed consciousness, albeit of low intelligence. Through the act of conversing with the leg, Xian Sheng projected his consciousness onto the cells, eliciting a response.
  9. Xian Sheng's house is situated on a hill slope, with a two-storey main house and an additional two floors below for the karaoke room and discussion room. These floors are linked to the main house by external stairs, making them easily accessible to followers.
  10. Xian Sheng is a Disciple of GOD and over the years, he has demonstrated miraculous feats, such as raising the dead, yet he refrains from exploiting the temptation of miracles to convince people to follow him to pray to the CREATOR. He stressed the importance of the fourth Spiritual Guideline - 'Knowledge and Understanding' - which relies on our Analytical Mind and Logical Thinking as the key to saving our souls. This approach is vital because the Devil also possesses the ability to perform similar miracles to Xian Sheng. If anyone places their faith solely on miracles, the Devil could deceive them to stray away from praying to the CREATOR. However, Xian Sheng does employ miracles when deemed necessary, as explained above.
  11. The Baitiangong followers understood Nothing as the void in which the CREATOR created Heaven, Hell, the universes and all the other dimensions. Xian Sheng said, "Nothing has got everything, because everything is created from Nothing."

    We understand that our universe is just one of the countless physical universes within Nothing. Our physical universe exists as a plane alongside innumerable other physical planes of universes and dimensions. These planes intersect one another, occupying the same space within Nothing, yet remain immaterial and invisible from each other as they occupy different dimensions and are not linked to each other. Xian Sheng gave the example of roaming souls that exist in another dimension that is parallel and linked with the Earth's plane, allowing some individuals to perceive them. Xian Sheng also mentioned that the Bermuda Triangle or hillsides could function as portals linking different planes, explaining the mysterious occurrences of people or objects vanishing into thin air or materialising from thin air.

    The scientific community use the term "planes" to describe the spatial geometry of the universe, which is flat. "Planes" are also used metaphorically to symbolise various realms or dimensions that coexist with our own reality. In spiritual terms, "planes" refers to the different planes of existence such as the limitless planes of Heaven and Hell.

    The Plane of Nothing is unique from the other planes, being the realm where the Disciples, Messengers, and a vast population of inhabitants that serve the CREATOR reside. Xian Sheng, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad came to Earth from the Plane of Nothing and upon the death of their physical bodies, returned to the Plane of Nothing. We commemorate the anniversary of Xian Sheng's Return to the Plane of Nothing on the 5th of June.

    If we imagine Nothing as an irregular spherical shape, the Plane of Nothing would constitute the outermost expanse of Nothing. We reached this conclusion based on the information shared by Xian Sheng about the farthest point to which our prayers can travel. Xian Sheng explained that as we kneel down and clasp our hands to pray, this posture allows us to exert the strongest brainwaves skywards, bypassing all the man-made and natural objects on Earth. Through the three prayers: the Baitiangong prayer, the Lord's Prayer (the version edited by Xian Sheng), and the Al-Fatiha, all the celestial objects in space would not absorb these prayers, as all of GOD's creation possess the consciousness to recognise that the prayer is not intended for them. Consequently, when our prayers encounter any celestial object, such as suns or planets in their path, the predetermined consciousness of these objects would assist in flinging the prayer further and further away until it reaches the Plane of Nothing and travels beyond Nothing.

  12. A Case Study of Political violence by the Karen National Union-God's Army by Trident published in 2011, 11 Karen guerillas were killed by Thai forces during the incident at Ratchaburi hospital. There were 6 boys and 5 girls. The boys were between the ages of 15 and 18, and the girls were between the ages of 14 and 18.