Date: 9 Feb 2000.
Location: Bro Ong Swee Tow house at Kepong Baru.
Table of Contents
(A) Xian Sheng’s past life in Kepong Baru [22:43 – 27:43]
- Xian Sheng felt nostalgic about his past while being in Kepong Baru, as he reminisced about his previous experiences living in this area.
- The house where Xian Sheng resided in Kepong Baru is still standing and remains under his ownership.
- For those unfamiliar with his history, Xian Sheng used to serve as the Chairman and Founder of the House Owners’ Association in Kepong Baru (since 1969).
- Xian Sheng also serves as the first Chairman of the Rukun Tetangga (Neighborhood Watch Groups) in Kepong Baru.
- Xian Sheng was among the earliest residents to settle in Kepong Baru, being part of the first batch of people to move into the area. In fact, he was the second resident to occupy his own house.
- Xian Sheng was the first individual to have a telephone line. This is because the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and his deputy Manikawasagam were his friends. Telekom had installed telephone poles from the main road all the way to the road outside of Xian Sheng’s house to facilitate his telephone connection. Other residents were unable to apply for telephone lines and this made Xian Sheng the sole person in the community with telephone communication at that time.
- Xian Sheng held various leadership roles in the past, including being the Chairman for Peninsula Malaysia Pasukan Kawalan (Vigilante Corps) and also served as the leader in Kepong Baru. Additionally, he was the Chairman of Muhibbah (Goodwill Committee) in Kepong Baru.
- During the May 13 Incident in 1969, Xian Sheng held the distinction of being the only authorised individual under the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance, commonly known as Emergency Ordinance (EO). This granted him the privilege to travel freely around Kepong Baru, as the government had imposed curfews and restrictions on freedom of movement during that time.
- Xian Sheng credited his positions in Muhibbah and authorisation under the Emergency Ordinance to the then Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak.
- As the Chairman of the Rukun Tetangga in Kepong Baru during the May 13 Incident, Xian Sheng played a crucial role in preventing the massacre of many Malay families. He intervened and stopped a group of Chinese individuals who were wielding machetes and driving around in a lorry from slaughtering the Malay families. (Xian Sheng was awarded the Sijil Penghargaan (Certificate of Appreciation) from DYMM Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Ismail Nasiruddin Shah on 31 August 1969 for the courage shown during the race riots of 13 May 1969.)
Certificate of Appreciation from the Agong - Xian Sheng tirelessly advised the residents to stay indoors and refrain from wandering around during the May 13 Incident, but his pleas were often ignored. As a last resort, he had to take drastic measures by requesting law enforcement personnel to discharge their firearms into the air in order to disperse the crowds and send them back to their homes.
- The crowd numbered in the thousands but they scattered and ran away. If they refused to disperse, the team led by Xian Sheng would resort to shooting them for violating the Emergency Ordinance. The area eventually became deserted.
- Xian Sheng had served in Kepong Baru for many years.
- Xian Sheng was also an active member of the National Anti-Drug Agency (NADA) for Batu and Kepong Baru. His Chairman, Datuk Wan Ilal, who served as the Assistant District Officer of Jinjang (ADO), recently passed away in a tragic bus accident in Mecca when the bus he was travelling in overturned.
- Due to his cherished memories of Kepong Baru, Xian Sheng was delighted to return and conduct the Baitiangong Obsequies there.
(B) Bro Ong request to join his wife in death [27:43 – 31:59]
- Xian Sheng expressed his disappointment that Bro Ong’s children, who held differing religious views, were attempting to impose their religious funeral for their mother, despite her dying wishes to observe the Baitiangong Way of Obsequies.
- The siblings’ squabbling initially made Xian Sheng consider foregoing Baitiangong’s obsequies for them.
- A month earlier, Xian Sheng met with Bro Ong and Sis Tan, in which Bro Ong had asked Sis Tan to serve him drinks. They appeared to be in good health and they had a cheerful conversation.
- Xian Sheng posed a decisive question to Bro Ong, asking, “Bro Ong Swee Tow, you have lost both your legs and yet you still want to pray to the CREATOR? If it were me, I would not want to pray to the CREATOR anymore.” Xian Sheng specifically directed the question to him to seek his response.
- Bro Ong replied, “Yes! I will never give up, but will continue to pray to the CREATOR, even if I were to meet my fate.”
- Xian Sheng was very happy with his answer. He told Bro Ong that he admired his unwavering commitment to Baitiangong.
- Xian Sheng remarked that although Bro Ong’s unwavering commitment to Baitiangong was commendable, Bro Ong and his wife failed to bring their children with them to Baitiangong events over the years, resulting in their children adopting different religious beliefs instead of following their parents as Baitiangong followers.
- Two days ago, Xian Sheng asked Bro Ong how he could even conduct Bro Ong’s obsequies in the future, considering his son, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law are dissatisfied with the arrangements for their mother’s obsequies. Xian Sheng questioned how Bro Ong could hope to be granted a Baitiangong obsequy by them when he himself refused to sign a Letter of Intent. Xian Sheng then turned to the congregation and asked for their thoughts on Bro Ong’s response.
- One of the followers mentioned that Bro Ong expressed his desire to join his wife in death.
- Xian Sheng reiterated Bro Ong’s request to join his wife in death, expressing agreement that it would be the best outcome. He explained that this would save him from having to come again (as he may not even be informed of Bro Ong’s death by his children.)
- The conversation was witnessed by those sitting close by. Once again, Xian Sheng expressed that Bro Ong joining his wife in death would be the best outcome for him.
- Indeed, the best outcome occurred, and Xian Sheng was pleased that Bro Ong and his wife were able to pass away together.
- Xian Sheng asked the congregation why Baitiangong Obsequies is a good event. This is due to Baitiangong’s doctrine that a person lives to undergo an examination in life and they die to live. Therefore, what truly matters after a long and arduous examination in life is not the state of the body, but rather the completion of the soul’s examination on Earth, which allows it to depart, hopefully, for Heaven to live out a blissful life.
- Xian Sheng said that he does not need to personally conduct the obsequies. He could have equally prayed for Bro Ong’s and Sis Tan’s souls in the comfort of his home. He could have chosen to leave the obsequies in the hands of the Elders which would save him time, effort, and energy arguing with the family members.
- He continued by stating that he does not lead an idle life but has a busy schedule. He is responsible for managing six companies and has five personal assistants, including one who is a lawyer by profession.
- Recently, Xian Sheng funded RM86k of his personal money to support followers in their mission to preach in China. He could have used this money to travel to holiday destinations around the world but he did not. Additionally, Xian Sheng is also sending four more followers to China to continue their preaching mission the following day.
- Xian Sheng asked the congregation for their thoughts on the reason and purpose behind the efforts he had taken thus far.
(C) Xian Sheng walks the Spiritual path [31:59 – 35:37]
- Xian Sheng informed the congregation that to his knowledge, the Prime Minister and many of his Ministers in his cabinet are figuratively ‘blind.’ He further expressed his regret that many Chinese individuals are also figuratively ‘blind.’
- Recently, Xian Sheng wrote a letter to report to Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, who is also a colleague of his.
- He also wrote a letter to Daim Zainuddin and he telephoned his secretary, Ghazali to tell him his frustration that either Mahathir or Ting Chew Peh must be ‘blind.’ (Ting Chew Peh was the then Minister of Housing and Local Government.)
- Xian Sheng inquired as to how a developer, who did not possess a housing development license, was able to construct a 500-unit condominium with two 25-story blocks without obtaining the necessary building plan approval (BA) and development order (DO) in Malaysia. Additionally, he questioned how the Developer was able to advertise and sell the condominium units without an advertising permit and developer’s license (APDL).
- Xian Sheng demanded to know whether Ting Chew Peh was ‘blind’ in his role as the Minister of Housing and Local Government, as he cannot ‘see’ the illegal construction of such a massive building. He questioned the purpose and responsibilities of the ministry.
- Xian Sheng instructed Ghazali to convey a message to Daim Zainuddin, whom he also knows, stating that if Ting Chew Peh was not ‘blind,’ then it must be Mahathir who was ‘blind.’
- When Ghazali asked Xian Sheng to provide an explanation, Xian Sheng replied by stating that Mahathir must have been ‘blind’ to appoint the wrong person as the Minister for that ministry.
- Xian Sheng boldly stated that he dared to admit whatever he had publicly announced. If Mahathir wanted to dispute him, he can call upon him.
- Xian Sheng inquired if the government would take appropriate action against the errant Developer. Ghazali informed him that legal action was being pursued against the Developer. Xian Sheng emphasized his desire to ‘see’ the government fulfilling their responsibility.
- As a responsible citizen in Malaysia, Xian Sheng has previously served as a Director on the Board of Directors for the Teachers’ Provident Fund (TPF). His boss was Tun Syed Zahiruddin bin Syed Hassan who served as the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Malacca from 1975 to 1984. His colleague is Tun Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir who is the present Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang.
- At a recent event in Pulau Pinang, Xian Sheng had the opportunity to meet with Tun Hamdan, where all the Ministers and VIPs present greeted him by shaking his hand. However, Xian Sheng deliberately refrained from walking up to him to shake his hand. Upon seeing Xian Sheng, Tun Hamdan approached him directly to shake his hand.
- Xian Sheng is not new to the political arena in Malaysia. In 1955, Prime Minister Tuanku Abdul Rahman asked him to join politics, but Xian Sheng declined the offer. Similarly, the next Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, also invited Xian Sheng to join politics, but he turned down the offer once again.
- Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn did not ask Xian Sheng to join politics, but when he met with Xian Sheng outside, he hugged him.
- Similarly, when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir asked Xian Sheng to join politics, Xian Sheng turned him down just as he had done with previous Prime Ministers.
- The reason why Xian Sheng turned down all the offers to join the political field is because he walks the Spiritual path and is dedicated to teaching the Chinese people to pray to the CREATOR.
(D) Xian Sheng knew their time was already up. [35:37 – 43:45]
- Xian Sheng asserted that when a person passes away, it is viewed as a good circumstance since they have completed their examination in life and are no longer required to continue it.
- One month ago when Xian Sheng visited Bro Ong, he said he knew that his legs had to be amputated.
- Since October 1999, Xian Sheng has been consistently visiting Bro Ong every month.
- Xian Sheng asked the congregation if they were aware of the reason behind his frequent visits, and then went on to explain that they might not believe him when he said that he knew their time was already up.
- Xian Sheng recounted an event that occurred a few years ago in the early 1980s. (See 09B-2000 C2-C7, C11-C12)
- Bro Ah Loy’s father Bro Chew Kwai Fong was lying in a state of comatose in the General Hospital. Bro Ah Loy phoned Xian Sheng and pleaded with him to come to the hospital to see his father.
- Bro Ah Loy’s incessant phone calls throughout the night disturbed Xian Sheng’s sleep. As Xian Sheng have to work in the morning, he woke up earlier at 6:00 am to drive to the hospital.
- When Xian Sheng called out to Bro Chew Kwai Fong, he did not receive any response as Bro Chew Kwai Fong was in a deep state of coma. Xian Sheng then spoke to Bro Chew Kwai Fong’s stomach instead and instructed it to release all the impurities inside. Subsequently, Bro Chew Kwai Fong defecated, and the smell was nauseating. (Bro Chew Kwai Fong worked as a Spirit Medium and he consumed a lot of burnt talisman paper or Fu (福) that supposedly have protective properties. The impurities that caused him to fall sick and into a deep coma consists of these burnt talisman)
- Following the defecation, Xian Sheng once again spoke to Bro Chew Kwai Fong and asked him to move his fingers if he could hear him. His fingers began to slowly move. Xian Sheng knew that Bro Chew Kwai Fong would wake up and told his sons, Bro Ah Loy and Bro Xiao Ti about it.
- After healing Bro Chew Kwai Fong in the hospital, Xian Sheng went to work. Later that day, he spoke with Bro Xiao Ti and informed him that he had given his father one year to live, and not a single day more. Xian Sheng gave him exactly one year of life to allow Bro Xiao Ti the time to influence his father to pray to the CREATOR before his time was up again.
- After a year had passed, Bro Chew Kwai Fong was once again hospitalised, this time at KPJ Sentosa Specialist Hospital.
- The brothers have forgotten the promise they had to Xian Sheng, as they rode on their motorcycle to plead with him once more to awaken Bro Chew Kwai Fong from his coma and extend his life further.
- Xian Sheng chuckled as he asked Bro Ah Loy if he remembered the date when they last met on the same subject and if Bro Chew Kwai Fong had already been given one year of life.
- The brothers remembered that exactly one year had passed since Xian Sheng gave their father one year of life. Xian Sheng advised them to return to the hospital and pray to the CREATOR for their father to swiftly depart.
- The brother rode on their motorcycle back to the hospital and pray to the CREATOR as instructed by Xian Sheng. When they went upstairs to their father’s ward, they found that he had already passed away.
- The brothers are an unusual pair indeed as they immediately rode on their motorcycle from the hospital to Taman Maluri just to see Xian Sheng and express their admiration for him, declaring that he is par excellence.
- When asked why he described Xian Sheng as par excellence, he replied that he had followed Xian Sheng’s instructions, and the CREATOR granted his request for his father to pass away peacefully.
- Xian Sheng quipped that if granting Bro Chew a year of life is considered par excellence, then there are many aspects of Xian Sheng’s capabilities that he does not know yet.
- Xian Sheng recounted another event involving Bro Ah Seong@Bro Cheong Weng Cheong and his young son. At the time, Bro Ah Seong was suffering from a serious kidney disease.
- Bro Ah Seong requested Xian Sheng’s presence at his hospital bed and pleaded with him to grant him the opportunity to witness his son grow up.
- Xian Sheng agreed to his plea and extended Bro Ah Seong’s life so that he could watch his son grow up. In time, the boy grew taller than his father.
- Bro Ah Seong visited Xian Sheng once again at the Kg Kuyoh Meditation Hall near Sri Petaling to inform him that his kidney problem had resurfaced, causing him great pain.
- He pleaded with Xian Sheng to grant him a few more years of life. Xian Sheng flatly refused his request, causing Bro Ah Seong to stare at him with a bewildered look.
- Xian Sheng reminded him of their previous agreement for Bro Ah Seong to witness his son grow up. He then asked Bro Ah Seong to acknowledge this agreement.
- Next, Xian Sheng called Bro Ah Seong’s son to stand next to his father and asked Bro Ah Seong whether he had witnessed his son growing up as he was now bigger and taller than his father.
- Xian Sheng told Bro Ah Seong that he had already lived a longer life than he was meant to and that he should be contented with it. There was no need to prolong his life any further. Not long after this conversation, Bro Ah Seong passed away.
- Xian Sheng asked the followers present at Kg Kuyoh Meditation Hall to confirm what had transpired on that day when he publicly conversed with Bro Ah Seong and pointed out that his son was already bigger and taller than him, and that there was no reason to prolong his life.
- Xian Sheng stressed that when a person’s time has come, it is better for them to leave this world than to linger around.
- Xian Sheng returned to his conversation with Bro Ong from two days ago, in which he asked Bro Ong what his desire was. Bro Ong expressed his desire to join his wife in death, to which Xian Sheng stated that it would be the best outcome.
- Xian Sheng reiterated that he has no desire to return and engage in another verbal dispute with Bro Ong’s children and in-laws over the right to conduct his obsequies.
- Xian Sheng clarified that he did not fight for the right to conduct Bro Ong’s and his wife’s obsequies for any perceived financial gain, as the Baitiangong Way of Obsequies is conducted free of charge anyway.
- It should be noted that Xian Sheng is not lacking in financial means, as he is a priority member of Standard Chartered Bank, which is only available to wealthy individuals, and a Citibank Gold member, which requires a deposit of RM300,000 to qualify.
- Therefore, it is illogical for Xian Sheng to go through the trouble of arguing and fighting with Bro Ong’s children and in-laws over the right to conduct the obsequies.
- Xian Sheng firmly stated that he had come for only one reason – the souls of Bro Ong Swee Tow and Sis Tan Sue Kee.
- He came to pray to the CREATOR for their souls. He explained that during a person’s examination in life, they may not be aware of the good deeds and sins they commit and have committed. That is why all the brothers and sisters gathered here to pray to the CREATOR to forgive their sins, pardon their sins, lessen their sins and if deserving, grant them a good place in Heaven.
- All the brothers and sisters kneel down to pray. They are kneeling down just like how Jesus and Prophet Muhammad knelt down when they pray to the CREATOR, just like what Xian Sheng is also doing – kneeling down to pray to the CREATOR.
- Kneeling down is the sign of the highest and utmost respect that we can accord to the CREATOR.
- And that is why we kneel down to pray to the CREATOR to forgive the sins of Bro Ong Swee Tow and Sis Tan Sue Kee, to pardon their sins, to lessen their sins and if deserving, to grant them a good place in Heaven.
- That is the sole reason why we came and there are no alternative motives or agendas behind the obsequies.
(E) Xian Sheng hoped Bro Ong’s children continue to pray to the CREATOR [44:28 – 48:05]
- Xian Sheng repeated how we should request when we pray to the CREATOR. We request the CREATOR to forgive both Bro Ong and Sis Tan of their sins, pardon their sins, lessen their sins and if they are deserving, grant them a good place in Heaven.
- Xian Sheng expressed his joy on that day because Bro Ong’s request to join his wife in death was granted. He confirmed that he was sitting opposite Bro Ong when he made the request, and Xian Sheng heartily agreed that it was the best outcome.
- Yesterday, Bro Ong fell into a coma. Xian Sheng asked the congregation if they knew what he did at home, after hearing the news. He knelt down and prayed to the CREATOR, requesting that Bro Ong not be awakened, but allowed to depart from this world to join his wife in death.
- Xian Sheng made it clear that his prayer was not an act of malediction against Bro Ong, but rather to spare him from further suffering in his life.
- Xian Sheng saw and knew that Bro Ong was traumatised by the sight of his family members squabbling over the obsequies of his wife, and he knew that this memory would haunt Bro Ong for the rest of his life. He was in so much anguish that he repeatedly slap his forehead with his hand.
- It would seem that he continued hitting his head and likely the reason why he collapse from his wheelchair and hit his head on the floor.
- Bro Ong was visibly unhappy with his family members squabbling, and Xian Sheng expressed his unhappiness with the situation as well.
- Bro Ong’s face was contorted with pain as he continually slap his forehead.
- Xian Sheng questioned why Bro Ong’s family members would challenge his decision to conduct his wife’s obsequies in accordance with the Baitiangong Way of Obsequies. He asked why they couldn’t respect Bro Ong’s decision, especially since the Baitiangong Spiritual Movement wasn’t trying to compete for the business of running his wife’s obsequies.
- Xian Sheng’s source of unhappiness came from Bro Ong’s unhappiness. However, Xian Sheng is very happy today now that both of them have passed away. He announced that both Bro Ong and Sis Tan are happy now that they have reached the path they chosen for their old age, leaving their children to choose their path in life.
- Xian Sheng said that he sincerely hoped that their children would continue to pray to the CREATOR like their parents.
- Xian Sheng addressed the non-Baitiangong congregation explaining that Baitiangong is praying to the CREATOR of Heaven, Hell and the universe. The way we conduct the obsequies is by kneeling down and requesting the CREATOR to forgive the deceased’s sins and grant them a place in Heaven. He added that if the Baitiangong way of obsequies is incorrect, then he has no idea what would be considered correct.
- Xian Sheng recounted his personal experience of following various religions in the past. As a young boy, he followed the syncretic practices of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. When his aunt and uncle became his guardians, he began practising Christianity.
- However, he eventually left these religions because he felt that many of their doctrines and practices were wrong. He then received a spiritual awakening and a consciousness to pray to the CREATOR.
- That was how and why Xian Sheng founded the Baitiangong Universal Spiritual Movement.
(F) Bro Ong and his wife ascended to Heaven [48:05 – 51:27]
- Xian Sheng faced accusations of rape and other sexual scandals in the past, but he sued the accusers for defamation and successfully won all court cases. He already pocketed the damages (money) received except for RM150,000 owed by one defendant who is currently in hiding and could not be found. Unfortunately, the legal battles lasted for a lengthy 19 years before all cases were finally won.
- Xian Sheng’s accusers managed to defame him in just one day by publishing a full-page article on the front page of the newspaper. However, it took him 19 years of court battles to finally clear his name.
- Initially, Xian Sheng had planned to display newspaper articles at the obsequies that showed we had won all court cases against the accusers, along with their apologies and the court orders to pay for libel. However, Bro Ong’s family did not allow it, so Xian Sheng had to resort to giving verbal explanations instead. We published a book titled “In Vindication of Baitiangong” for our 17th Anniversary function in 1993, which chronicled all the court cases.
- Xian Sheng asked if anyone remembered what he had mentioned in the past, in the presence of Bro Ong, regarding the Chinese idiom “水落石出,” which translates to “when the water subsides, the rocks emerge.” This idiom describes a situation where everything is eventually revealed, and the truth cannot be concealed any longer.
- The controversy that eventually led to various false accusations against Xian Sheng was started by the Christians who initially accused him of raping a 13-year-old schoolgirl in SMK Kepong. Xian Sheng vehemently denied the accusation as he had served as the Discipline Master in the school.
- Xian Sheng challenged anyone who doubted his integrity to visit Kepong Baru and verify his track record. He had served in the government as a Director on the Board of the Teachers’ Provident Fund (TPF), as well as the Chairman of the Malaysia Teachers’ Co-operative Thrift & Loan Society for Peninsular Malaysia.
- Why would Xian Sheng risk his good reputation by getting involved in sexual scandals that led to false rumours and enticed newspapers to publish these accusations?
- Xian Sheng asked the congregation to consider carefully whether it was possible for him to be standing before them, making speeches, if he were truly a rapist and a known sex maniac. He questioned whether the government was asleep or if the police force was completely incompetent to have allowed this to happen.
- In 1977, Bro Ong participated in the Spiritual Retreat at Bukit Ari where they fasted for three days and three nights at the hilltop. During the retreat, Bro Ong witnessed a miracle. The sky was dark with clouds, and Xian Sheng led the brothers and sisters to kneel down and pray to the CREATOR. As Xian Sheng lifted his hands and stretched them outwards, the dark clouds parted, allowing a beam of light to shine through, like a scene from a movie. The light was not blinding nor glaring to them. After they finished praying and stood up, the dark clouds closed up once again, leaving the followers in awe and wondering where the light came from.
- Xian Sheng told the congregation to ask Bro Ong as he witnessed the clouds parting. In fact, it was Bro Ong who recounted the miracle he witnessed at Bukit Ari to Xian Sheng two days ago.
- Years ago, Xian Sheng shared the Chinese idiom “水落石出” with Bro Ong, asking him to remain strong in the face of false and malicious accusations aimed at distancing the followers from Xian Sheng. However, Bro Ong reassured Xian Sheng that he remains steadfast in his faith towards him.
- Xian Sheng confirmed that over the years till the very day he passed away, Bro Ong had remained steadfast and firmly believed in Baitiangong.
- Xian Sheng informed the non-Baitiangong congregation that they might not believe him when he said that both Bro Ong and his wife had ascended to Heaven. However, whether they believed him or not, the most important thing was that many people turned up to pray for them.
(G) You will know the truth in death [53:03 – 53:54]
- Xian Sheng reminded us that we live to go through an examination in life, and we are all free to choose whether to do good deeds or evil deeds.
- But the time will come, and we will pass away this Earth and face the Divine Justice, and there will be no escape from it.” The popular Chinese idiom, ‘天知地知,你知我知’ holds a special significance in Baitiangong, where it is understood to mean “Heaven knows, Hell knows, you know, and Xian Sheng knows.”
- Now that Bro Ong and Sis Tan have passed away, they know what is right and what is wrong because their souls know. They know who is a good person and who is a bad person.
- Xian Sheng urged all the congregation to come together and pray to the CREATOR for Bro Ong Swee Tow and Sis Tan Sue Kee. We request the CREATOR to forgive their sins, to pardon their sins, to lessen their sins and if they are deserving, to give them a good place in Heaven.
- Xian Sheng humbly requested his sons to join in and kneel down with everyone to pray, saying “Please la, for your father’s sake. Thank you.” After that, he invited everyone to pray together.