- The CREATOR created humans to be the most anatomically versatile being capable of performing all sorts of tasks needed to strive in any habitat in the world. However, as the human body is a vessel for the soul to undergo an examination in life, certain flaws are embedded into the genetic makeup to make humans imperfect. Genetic editing of the germline cell of both males and females is aimed to make humans born without any diseases that could impair their performances and perhaps intellectually enhance to execute their tasks with minimal errors. This could effectively turn humans into living organic machine that no longer serve the purpose as a host to the soul. A human lives because the Divine Law of Nature assigns a soul to a fetus after 3 months old. Genetically modified humans may no longer attract the soul to it rendering humans into nothing more than intelligent animals that defies the natural order. Humans may unintentionally be genetically evolved into a new breed of monsters on Earth.
- If we use nuclear research as an example, we would have a better understanding of why Xian Sheng once said that it was good. Nuclear research can lead to applications that are used in a broad range of areas, from power production to medicine, agriculture, food safety, environment, forensics, industry, and the analysis of artefacts. The downside to nuclear research is the weaponisation of this technology for destructive purposes. As long as research and development are monitored and focused on making the world a better and safer place for humans to live in, technology is not a problem. The problem lies with people that use technology in their misguided thinking and selfish agendas.