Xian Sheng’s Advices

Xian Sheng has given us many advices over the years in the form of guidelines, instructions and even warnings to help us make positive progress in life and to avoid making mistakes against the Spiritual Guidelines. I have compiled a list with links to youtube videos so that everyone can refresh their memory and to seek guidance in life. The advices are divided into categories as shown in the Table of Contents. As this is a work in progress, please bear with me as it will take time to compile them.  I would like to thank the brothers and sisters from the English Discussion group for their help, contribution and advice.

Regarding GOD

Do not say GOD is unfair. You cannot retract your words. You will be in a lot of trouble.

50C-1998 先生不是主,拜天公不要拿来搞笑 [11/12/1998 07.59 – 15.32]

Do not even think that GOD is unfair. After you pass away, you will find yourself in Hell although you fear nothing except the CREATOR and overall a good person with no bad deeds. This is because you had a once thought that GOD is unfair and that though manifested into a reality for you. Even Xian Sheng cannot help you.

48A-1998 为何不要说先生偏心

If you ever said that GOD is biased, even if you have prayed for your whole life, you will find yourself in hell, because GOD is biased towards you as per your own words.

And if we said Xian Sheng is biased after Xian Sheng left us, Xian Sheng will be biased towards us too and we will find ourselves in hell. This is no one fault, but our own doing. 

6C-2000 先生给了23年的Clue,看我们怎样去分析它。要说就说事实,不然就别说,千万别说谎。别和天公谈条件。千万别说天公偏心,若说天公偏心,你去世后会在地狱。先生离开后,也不要说先生偏心。

Do not ever think GOD ask you to pray to GOD.

50C-1998 先生不是主,拜天公不要拿来搞笑 [11/12/1998 07.59 – 15.32]

Do not disrespect the name of GOD like stepping on any books with the word GOD inside, with intention and purpose. You will pay for it after death. GOD is not forgiving.

3C-1996 若有天公的字,我们可以丢、可以糟蹋吗?[19/01/1996 0.51-6.19]

If GOD wants humans to pray to GOD, humans will automatically pray every day and night. GOD did not ask humans to pray to HIM. It was Xian Sheng who asked us to pray to GOD.

32C 1998 18 34 20 72小时禁食禁饮目的和四小时拜天公的原因

They forgot that GOD did not ask us to pray to GOD, it was Xian Sheng who ask us to pray to GOD. GOD gave us free will. Xian Sheng also gave us to freedom to ask or say anything, even if we dislike what he said. This is the difference with Baitiangong. 

30B 2000 拜天公是自由言论 Baitiangong is Freedom of speech

Can a person that pray to deities (in the form of idols) go to Limbo is he/she does a lot of good deeds and no evil deeds?
Xian Sheng replied, “Yes”. If the person is totally unaware of the existence of the CREATOR. As Christianity and Islam does not suit their lifestyle for them to bother to listen and understand them, they can plead ignorance of the existence of the CREATOR. However, if that person has listen to or came across the knowledge of the existence of the CREATOR, but refuses to pray to the CREATOR and continued to pray to deities, then it would be very difficult. Ignorance is bliss.  

61B-1994 拜神的人可以去灵界吗?

If GOD wants us to pray to HIM, by thought alone, we will automatically pray to the CREATOR when we wake up and before we go to sleep. We will not get to decide whether to pray or not. We will have no choice in the matter if the CREATOR wants us to pray to HIM. We pray to the CREATOR because Xian Sheng told us to pray to the CREATOR.

04B 1995 9.24-13.00 那一个爸爸要他的女儿去地狱的?

We have to make a commitment to remember these two statements.
1. It is not GOD that sent Xian Sheng to Earth.
2. It is not GOD that wants you to pray to GOD.

If we were to ever say that GOD sent Xian Sheng to Earth, then we would have made a grave spiritual error. This would mean that GOD wants us to pray to GOD and therefore sent Xian Sheng to Earth. 

GOD does not need our prayers. Xian Sheng chose to come here on his own free will.

Do not even say that GOD allowed Xian Sheng to come here. This would also mean that GOD wants us to pray to GOD

70A 1999 24121999 18 19 27 05min 不是天公派先生来人间,先生自己要下来人间。地球被毁灭很多次了。

GOD does not need anything from us. GOD gave us everything we need. Xian Sheng asked us to pray to GOD to trouble GOD. What is that trouble?

38A-B2000 先生初期的经历。拜天公的重要。如何祈求给我们的历代祖先?

As parents

Parents have to be serious to teach their children Baitiangong. Parents have to encourage their children to participate in Sunday meditation and sermons. They have to hold spiritual discussions with their children too.

11B-2000A 认真做事 ~ 钮者、长老、顾问、父母的责任

Your children are very important in Baitiangong. Even if your children hate or dislike you, as parents, you must always accept them back, do not hate them and do not abandon them. Hopefully, they will wake up to the truth one day.

Bring your children to join in the activities so that they can mingle and learn. Let your children ask questions about Baitiangong. Otherwise, when they grow up, they will lack the knowledge and understanding to be Baitiangong followers and teach their children Baitiangong too. Do not follow the Christian way where only the priest or pastor speaks and everyone else listens.

18B-2000 拜天公里有问有答。训练儿女会问答,不要让他们被骗。要回答他们,要让他们服啊!

Baitiangong children should be able to ask questions. Ask them to ask questions. And we must be able to answer them to their complete satisfaction. We cannot force anyone to pray to the CREATOR. Baitiangong cannot resort to force, threaten or pressure anyone to pray to the CREATOR. A person prays because they choose to on their own free will. 

18B-2000 拜天公里有问有答。训练儿女会问答,不要让他们被骗。要回答他们,要让他们服啊!

Be wary of your children joining their Christian friends. Do not let them take your children to their church. It is ok to be friends, but be very careful they do not take them to attend their churches. They will teach your children how to lie to avoid being prevented to join their churches. When they grow up, they will tell you they have been converted to Christianity since young. This is a fact as it happened to Xian Sheng’s daughter. Xian Sheng reminded her multiple times, what parents wants to see their children go to hell?  

04B 1995 9.24-13.00 那一个爸爸要他的女儿去地狱的?

The best to leave behind for our children is a good environment. And the best environment is a Baitiangong environment. Then everything good will fall into place automatically.

51A-1999 拜天公留下一个好的环境给子孙后代,为宗旨行事你会成功

Baitiangong followers are still unable to change their undesirable culture like giving red eggs to celebrate the birth of their newborn. These are the tactics of Chinese businessman to make money from our vanity and gullibility. It is best to give cash instead of buying useless gold chains for the child. 

27A-1998 如果一位拜天公跟随者可以吃拜祭偶像的食物吗?

Cultivate in your children the concept of public love. Firstly, teach you children to love GOD over you as parents. This is because parents will grow old and die. GOD is everlasting.

38A-1994 爱天公排第一 [11/09/1994 22.08-28.08]

Xian Sheng left specific instructions for parents to inform their future generations not to accept genetic engineering to the embryos. This is because of The Divine Law of Nature will retain a balance by creating new diseases of the mind.

41A 2000 1705 19052000 3 08min 20 28min 拜天公只接受自然生,我们不要违反神圣自然的安排。不然人类最后会变成怪兽

Geneticist can remove the genes that carries diseases from the DNA sequences of the parents and the child born will be free from certain diseases. While it may be good, Xian Sheng do not endorse it as it goes against the Divine Law of Nature.

In Baitiangong, we must understand that the Divine Law of Nature requires that human are not perfect upon birth for them to undergo their examination in life. They have to go through a process of birth, grow old, experienced sickness and eventually die. 

Geneticist risk creating human race that are monsters if they proceed with these experimentations.


11B A 2000 02042000 16 04min – 40 30min一个孩子未出世就剔除有病的基因,让他出世就没有病。你支持吗?

Youth organisation is good for the future development of Baitiangong. 

61B-1994 为何拜天公与众不同?

Spiritual Meditation

After completing your Sunday morning meditation, do not get up or talk until everyone completed their meditation. Recite the Prayer into your hands.

11B-2000A 以手默念拜天公的经文

Meditation allows you to understand more about Baitiangong. Especially during the Spiritual Month of October.

48B-1994 拜天公十月四日之特别打坐

Xian Sheng taught the brothers and sisters advanced meditation i.e. silent meditation. It starts with sitting apart from each other at one arm’s length. This is to prevent overlapping of aura. 

9A-2000 正式深一层的打静坐 (1)每个人都有自己的光,分开坐不要让它们 触碰。打坐可以提升知识。

You can request anything in meditation. Once you made a request, do not think about it anymore.

The hand movement should be in a continuous manner and your thumbs should not separate. Your thumbs should be pointing at your solar plexus when you start to say, “I” and flip the palms over with your right palm at the bottom while saying, “give you my mind, body and soul in meditation”. Both palms should end up slightly lower than your solar plexus.

9A-2000 正式深一层的打静坐 (5)教导打坐的手势。实感到灵魂的存在,先生解说打坐时灵魂离体的技巧。

The meditation method must be changed. At present, it’s messy. Don’t ask for healing or perform healing meditation anymore. if GOD wants you to recover, you can heal even without meditation. The main purpose of meditation is for us to realise the existence of the soul, the existence of heaven and hell. Not for healing or to witness miracles.

63B 1994 04121994


Everyone has a soul and because of this, you have to be serious to preach. The Council has to be serious and keep a record who follow Baitiangong.

11B-2000A 认真做事 ~ 钮者、长老、顾问、父母的责任

Find out the reason why someone pray to the CREATOR and why they don’t. This will determine our progression.

05A-1998 拜天公要透明,不透明的讨论是得不到决定的。若你什么都秘密,我们不能团结,不能发展。

 Before entering the home of a person you want to preach to, pray for their well-being. This is to give them a good impression Baitiangong is not selfish and prays for everyone.

05A-1998 拜天公要透明,不透明的讨论是得不到决定的。若你什么都秘密,我们不能团结,不能发展。

Keep your cool, don’t argue, do not belittle another religion, talk only about Baitiangong.

05A-1998 拜天公要透明,不透明的讨论是得不到决定的。若你什么都秘密,我们不能团结,不能发展。

Spiritual Discussion

Be honest, truthful and transparent in discussions. Transparent in Baitiangong means no secrets. Bring everything out to discuss. Discuss or argue even if heatedly. At the end of discussion, do not hold any grudges against anyone. Release the pent-up anger inside your mind. That is how you can get a solution. That is why discussion is very important. Secrets
prevent human from unity, secrets prevent human from development (GOD did not create human to hold secrets, only humans do that themselves)

05A-1998 拜天公要透明,不透明的讨论是得不到决定的。若你什么都秘密,我们不能团结,不能发展。

Regarding the Prayer

When you pray, you have to think about the Prayer too.

48B-1994 拜天公十月四日之特别打坐


 To get “spiritual points” for donation, you must fast for 24 hours and donate. Even if you donate RM1,000 without fasting, you will not get the “spiritual points” when compared to fasting and donating RM3. You only get “bodily points”.

17C-1993 39.49 – 42.50 拜天公~有禁食禁饮24小时才有权捐RM3,很有神圣价值,才可以做善事 

There is no need to fast more than 5 days in the Spiritual month of October. The reasons for fasting more than 5 days are for reducing your sins and to do more good deeds by donating more money to the fasting fund.

54B-1999 可以任选日期禁食禁饮吗?

There is no need to fast more than 5 days in the Spiritual month of October.  The value is that you get to donate more money to the fasting fund. If everyone kneels down and prays together, there is a good chance for you to get your prayers answered. 

52A-1999 越多人禁食禁饮,当拜天公的时候力量会更强

The reason why Xian Sheng fixed the 1st and 15th of the Chinese Lunar month to fast is so that the combined life force energy of every brother and sister fasting and praying will be strong to project their request to the CREATOR.

52A-1999 越多人禁食禁饮,当拜天公的时候力量会更强

Fasting for 72 hours during the Spiritual month of October can help you to reduce your sins. However, if you repeat the sin again, fasting will not help you anymore.

禁食禁饮的目的 The Purpose of Fasting (English version 英文版)

Fasting for pregnant ladies. You must have a very good reason for not fasting. Pregnant ladies can fast till full term.  However, she is exempted from fasting if a doctor determines that she must eat on a daily basis. 

58C-1998 24.50-30.50min 孕妇和长期吃药的人可禁食禁饮吗? (中文字幕)

Those who consistently takes medication on a daily basis can also fast. We should encourage them to fast too.

58C-1998 24.50-30.50min 孕妇和长期吃药的人可禁食禁饮吗? (中文字幕)

When we fast for 72 hours, we pray every 4 hours to remind ourselves of the history that Xian Sheng fought hard to ensure that Baitiangong receives protection under Article 11 for us to be able to pray to the CREATOR. Xian Sheng was arrested and imprisoned at Pudu jail because of the charge of a one-man illegal assembly. While Xian Sheng was in Pudu jail for 6 and a half days, he fasted and pray every 4 hours. 

32C 1998 18 34 20 72小时禁食禁饮目的和四小时拜天公的原因

We fast for 72 hours to let GOD knows we are still here. We do not remind GOD as GOD knows. When GOD first created man, GOD’s consciousness was very close to us. But as GOD wanted us to have free will, GOD left us. If GOD do not leave us too far, we will get our request in our prayers.

32C 1998 18 34 20 72小时禁食禁饮目的和四小时拜天公的原因

Xian Sheng made it compulsory to fast for 24 hours, at least once a year in the spiritual month of October because he wants us to go to Heaven. Xian Sheng forced us to fast to reduce our sins so that we can have the opportunity to go to heaven because Xian Sheng care for us and do not want to see us end up in hell for our sins.

1982-08-22 为何在十月份履行一次二十四小时禁食禁饮以及如何祈求?(中文字幕)

Those with health issues like gastric pain, diabetes and other sicknesses can be cured of them if you fast sincerely. Do not use your health issue as an excuse not to fast.

1982-08-22 为何在十月份履行一次二十四小时禁食禁饮以及如何祈求?(中文字幕)


It is better to suffer here on Earth than to suffer after your death. Suffering in hell is repetitive and forever.

禁食禁饮的目的 The Purpose of Fasting (English version 英文版)

It is of utmost importance to think carefully before making any statement, especially during the fasting month.

32C 1998 18 34 20 72小时禁食禁饮目的和四小时拜天公的原因

Whomsoever prays to Xian Sheng shall end up in hell. We can only pray to the CREATOR.

1982-08-22 为何在十月份履行一次二十四小时禁食禁饮以及如何祈求?(中文字幕)

Trust Xian Sheng. Trust Xian Sheng 100%. If you even doubt Xian Sheng by 0.1%, this 0.1% doubt would be manipulated by some people to grow and grow until you would one day start to doubt Xian Sheng. The devil work through these people to instil doubts in you, if you do not trust in Xian Sheng 100%.

In the end, you would be in the wrong if you think Xian Sheng is wrong. Xian Sheng can never be wrong when it comes to spiritual matters. If you think Xian Sheng is wrong, you would also think praying to the CREATOR as taught by Xian Sheng is also wrong. How can you pray to the CREATOR then?

1982-08-22 为何在十月份履行一次二十四小时禁食禁饮以及如何祈求?(中文字幕)

Do not pray to the CREATOR because of your spouse, your children or your parents. Pray to the CREATOR for your own reason.

30C-1998 为何你会拜天公?

There is no excuse why humans do not know about the existence of the CREATOR. Humans will inevitably find themselves faced with the question of whether GOD exist or not. The problem is they refuse to listen to this Divine Intervention and dismiss it. If they were to reject and dismiss this Divine Intervention too many times, it would eventually stop. However, if they allow it to happen, more questions will follow suit. Humans can get answers about GOD by themselves without the need for others to preach to them.

30C-1998 为何你会拜天公?

A person who truly prays to the CREATOR will not swear in court and then tell lies. Xian Sheng tells us to either tell the truth and factual events in court or refuse to tell fabricated lies, even if we are penalised with imprisonment. This is because we are Baitiangong person.

You may escape punishment on Earth for lying, but you will not escape punishment after death.

6C-2000 先生给了23年的Clue,看我们怎样去分析它。要说就说事实,不然就别说,千万别说谎。别和天公谈条件。千万别说天公偏心,若说天公偏心,你去世后会在地狱。先生离开后,也不要说先生偏心。

Once a person gets used to telling lies, they will continue to tell lies over and over again. they will not stop. They have become compulsive liars.

6C-2000 先生给了23年的Clue,看我们怎样去分析它。要说就说事实,不然就别说,千万别说谎。别和天公谈条件。千万别说天公偏心,若说天公偏心,你去世后会在地狱。先生离开后,也不要说先生偏心。

If all of us keep asking GOD for long enough, things can actually change. GOD can grant our request.

6C-2000 先生给了23年的Clue,看我们怎样去分析它。要说就说事实,不然就别说,千万别说谎。别和天公谈条件。千万别说天公偏心,若说天公偏心,你去世后会在地狱。先生离开后,也不要说先生偏心。

A man that prayed to the CREATOR for 500 years cannot even go to heaven. The reason is that we cannot negotiate terms with the CREATOR to pray to the CREATOR

6C-2000 先生给了23年的Clue,看我们怎样去分析它。要说就说事实,不然就别说,千万别说谎。别和天公谈条件。千万别说天公偏心,若说天公偏心,你去世后会在地狱。先生离开后,也不要说先生偏心。

Before we accept Baitiangong ways, we must question everything Xian Sheng said and investigate to determine whether we accept them or not.  Take as long as we need to make a choice. However, once we chose to be accepted into Baitiangong, we cannot say we do not accept what Xian Sheng says. We must trust and believe in Xian Sheng 100%. 

30B 2000 拜天公是自由言论 Baitiangong is Freedom of speech

We may die at any time and if we do not take the urgency to change (change here means to follow the Spiritual Guidelines), we will lose out as we are only given a limited time to change (within our lifetime). Do not say Xian Sheng did not inform us to change.

04B 1995 9.24-13.00 那一个爸爸要他的女儿去地狱的?

If you pray to the CREATOR with your mind, body and soul, you are not a cheater or liar, you can project your consciousness to the CREATOR. Otherwise, you will not be able to as your prayer is barred at the Plane of Nothing.

You need to have a clear and pure conscience. Otherwise, it is impossible for your prayers to reach the CREATOR.

63B 1994 04121994

If our actions are guided by good principles, we will be successful in any endeavours. If you have principles, many good things will automatically come to you, even money. 

However, if you do anything because of money, you would fail. Fast money like buying stocks shares is high risk. Buying shares is the biggest gambling, bigger than the buying lottery like 4 ekor.

51A-1999 拜天公留下一个好的环境给子孙后代,为宗旨行事你会成功

It is best not to eat food used as offerings to idols. However, it can be eaten. So what is it? Firstly, don’t waste food. Say a prayer over the food. This is to disperse any negative vibrations resulting from Spiritual Vampirism

27A-1998 如果一位拜天公跟随者可以吃拜祭偶像的食物吗?

The vibrations are negative and to entice you to pray to idols. They do not necessarily make you sick unless the food is somehow contaminated. The idols can make a person sick so that they pray to the idol to cure them. A person who prays with their mind, body and soul will not be affected.

27A-1998 如果一位拜天公跟随者可以吃拜祭偶像的食物吗?

Some idols have accummulated so much life force energy until they become evil forces. That is why Xian Sheng do not encourage just any followers to collect idols. Xian Sheng relates the story of an incidents at Asia Jaya PJ. 

Evil can even possess Baitiangong followers if their level (practise) is less than 50%. Even if we are above 50%, but we show any slight fear, our aura/vibration can be broken and evil can still possess us. Unless you fear nothing except the CREATOR. We have to train our courage.

27A-1998 拜天公跟随者又会中降头?神像成精了,若要收神像该怎么办?

Spiritual Vampirism is the absorbing of our human life force energy if we pray to any object for a long time and turning the object into evil energy. The idol is not possessed by evil or the devil.

A good explanation of Spiritual Vampirism.

42A1998 22nd anniversary book~ English & Chinese check [4/10/1998]

How to cultivate and expand our public love. To love an organisation like Baixian. Those who join Baixian has the love for Baixian to grow and support BUSM financially in the future.

To expand our love, we have to treat everyone regardless of race like brothers and sisters. We must be humble.

38A-1994 爱天公排第一 [11/09/1994 22.08-28.08]

Xian Sheng has taught us how to expand our public love like fasting to donate to all sorts of charitable organisations. Our public love is to all people regardless of their physical or mental conditions.

38A-1994 爱天公排第一 [11/09/1994 22.08-28.08]

Xian Sheng stress that in Baitiangong, we follow the Chinese idiom, “help according to reasons, not help according to relationship”. If the facts are against those who are related to us by family ties, we still have to do what is right and say that they are wrong. This is part of our examination in life. 

71A-1999 人在生是考试,人去世灵魂是永生

Before you join any political parties, you must participate and understand Baitiangong so that you will bring good spiritual values to politics. Politics is not dirty, it is the people who bring their dirt into politics. However, if they have good spiritual values, they will clean the dirt from politics.

61B-1994 为何拜天公与众不同?

Any followers can ask questions, make announcements or talk freely. This is the good practice of Baitiangong. If you feel you there is something wrong or not good in Baitiangong, you can stand up to voice it openly. You can make suggestions to improve the Spiritual Movement. Remember this freedom in Baitiangong. No other religious organisations allows you this freedom.

61B-1994 为何拜天公与众不同?

Baitiangong way of Ching Ming. 

  1. Clean the surrounding areas of grass and others.
  2. Paint the entire headstone and everything in white.
  3. Paint the word in Chinese Bai TIAN GONG.
  4. Get rid of the container/urn for placing joss stick.

61B-1994 拜天公有清明节吗?我们需要扫墓吗?为何我们拜天公是最孝顺?

Chook Fook

Do not disturb the neighbours when we Chook Fook. Do not purposely make loud noises to get attention

10A-A1998 祝福日 拜天公之一的考试,考你们人本身不会这么自私。他的偶像已经交了出来,然而,他还没有真正接受拜天公都好,加他的名字下去,去他的家里祝福给他

Xian Sheng says humans are naturally selfish. This is one of our personal examinations. We have a tendency to pray only for ourselves. This year, Xian Sheng wants us to also chook fook for the families that have surrendered their idols but have not undergone acceptance yet.

10A-A1998 祝福日 拜天公之一的考试,考你们人本身不会这么自私。他的偶像已经交了出来,然而,他还没有真正接受拜天公都好,加他的名字下去,去他的家里祝福给他


Baitiangong followers attend obsequies with one purpose – to pray for the soul of the deceased. Therefore, we should take turns to pray for the deceased.

Do not stop taking turns, even if Xian Sheng himself is speaking. 

61A 1996Hew Tong Fong 拜天公白事,我们来到白事,目的只有一个,即是拜天公祈求给去世者 ,一个一个轮流拜天公要求给去世者,做好事

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