Date: 7 Feb 2000.
Location: Xian Sheng’s house at 202 Taman Melawati.
Table of Contents
(A) Be on time [23:40 – 28:28]
- The first topic Xian Sheng wanted to start with is the concept of ‘be on time’.
- He stated that in Baitiangong (Spiritual Movement), we must have discipline.
- Xian Sheng explained what ‘be on time’ means. If we decided to arrive at 11:00 am, arriving at 10:30 am is not on time. It is too early.
- If you arrived at 10:45 am, that is not too bad.
- If you were to arrive at 10:55 am, that is called on time. The reason is that you would have 5 minutes to use the bathroom and avoid interrupting any ongoing discussions by leaving and re-entering the room.
- In Western culture, there is a saying – ‘be on time’. Xian Sheng reiterated that being on time means arriving 5 minutes earlier than the designated time of 11:00 am so that we have sufficient time to clear our bowels to avoid interrupting any ongoing discussions. Xian Sheng asked if the followers understood the meaning of ‘be on time’.
- Xian Sheng gave an example that the strictness observed by certain large corporations that forced some of their executives to wear adult diapers to relieve themselves during meetings in order not to disrupt it.
- There are some overzealous employers that are so strict with discipline that they would terminate employees if they repeatedly enter and exit the meeting room.
- What is the implication of ‘be on time’? Be on time requires that you arrive 5 minutes earlier to use the bathroom before entering the meeting room. If you reach the meeting room at 11:00 am just as the meeting starts, but you leave to use the bathroom, then you are not on time because the meeting has already started and you are not at the meeting room.
- In large corporations that prioritise ‘be on time’ as their corporate core value, a person that is not on time would not be promoted or worst, have their employment terminated.
- It would be best not to work in these companies if you do not have a strong bladder. You could inform them in your job application that you have a weak bladder and would have to frequent the bathroom during meetings.
- However, no employers would tolerate employees leaving the meeting room frequently to use the bathroom. Xian Sheng asked if anyone knows of any employers that do not mind their staff leaving the meeting room.
- Xian Sheng stated that no employers would tolerate noncompliance as meeting meant being inside the meeting room and ‘be on time’ meant arriving 5 minutes earlier so that you are fully prepared for the meeting.
- Xian Sheng asked for a show of hands from those who arrived 5 minutes earlier. He praised the two followers that arrived on time as they truly observed punctuality.
- Xian Sheng was laughing as he commented that some arrived early while some arrived late, but both used the same excuse of hearing the time wrongly.
- He said that humans are quite extraordinary. GOD created humans to be extraordinary as they are full of excuses.
- However, GOD did not create humans to make excuses. Humans made excuses for themselves. And that is why, Baitiangong is about changing ourselves.
- Change ourselves until we achieved the best. Then we can truly say we practice the Baitiangong way as we have fully changed our undesirable habits. For example, we say that we changed ourselves to be on time, we changed ourselves not to be a drunkard or an alcoholic. We changed ourselves not to be heavy and compulsive smokers.
(B) Seeking spiritual help is a superstition [28:24 – 33:12]
- To portray that a person has changed in Baitiangong, from a heavy smoker to a casual smoker, Xian Sheng played the following role: I used to smoke like crazy. I used to smoke from ten to twenty cigarettes a day. Since I joined Baitiangong, I only smoke two cigarettes a day, one after lunch and one after dinner. I have changed since joining Baitiangong.
- If someone were to ask me if I have changed after joining Baitiangong, I would say that I used to smoke twenty cigarettes a day, but I only smoke two nowadays. Do you consider that as a change?
- Xian Sheng asked if cigarettes come in small packs like 10 cigarettes. Someone replied yes.
- Xian Sheng continued his role-playing saying that since he smokes two cigarettes a day during the weekdays and stops smoking entirely at the weekends, he only needs to buy a 10-pack cigarette per week.
- This would allow his lungs to have sufficient rest. Xian Sheng asked if that scenario is a possibility in Baitiangong. That is what change entails.
- The upside to that scenario would be no phone calls to Xian Sheng asking him to drive his Harley Davidson to the hospital to help the follower that could end up in a hospital due to lung complications.
- Xian Sheng said he would prefer followers to seek doctors’ help rather than contacting him for various health problems.
- Xian Sheng said that Baitiangong is a change. Change from being a superstitious person.
- Xian Sheng said that GOD created doctors and followers must seek doctors’ help for their various health problems.
- Doctors are also a part of GOD’s consciousness to the world to heal people and that is why followers must seek doctors to solve their health problems. Do not ask Xian Sheng to heal them like superstitious people would ask a shaman or a witch doctor or a psychic healer or a priest.
- Once they have exhausted all possible help from trained medical professionals, i.e. doctors and specialists, and explored all possible treatments, including alternative medicine from herbalists or traditional practitioners, then and only then they should ask Xian Sheng for help. Even then, Xian Sheng would ask them to come for Sunday meditation to heal themselves. They do not need Xian Sheng’s direct assistance.
- Xian Sheng recalled his past experiences when followers would call him all hours of the day including at midnight to help them with their problems. He said these included a follower with a severe case of constipation and others who had urinary retention problems.
- Understandably, some followers called Xian Sheng in the middle of the night as they were unable to seek doctors’ assistance so late at night. They would ask Xian Sheng to pray for them to overcome their problems.
- Xian Sheng said that it would be better for him to meditate so that his astral body can travel to their homes to heal them instead of just praying to the CREATOR to heal them.1
- Xian Sheng stressed that he was not joking with them as these events actually happened.
- He continued talking about the follower with the severe constipation problem. That follower later called Xian Sheng to thank him for meditating to help him/her defecate.
- Xian Sheng stated that it perplexes him why they would still call up to thank Xian Sheng when he had mentioned many times in the past to kneel down to thank GOD and not thank him.2
- In summary, Xian Sheng state that when it comes to humans, there are all sorts of issues and challenges to contend with.
- Xian Sheng justified that he helped that follower who had constipation for a week as he/she had seen the doctors and tried pills and injections as well as stuffing many rectal suppositories into the rectum to help but to no avail.
- The follower called Xian Sheng to express his/her relief to finally defecate after being unable to do so for a week.
- Xian Sheng said that a person can die from chronic constipation.
- Nevertheless, Xian Sheng said that they must seek all possible medical treatment first. Then they can claim that Baitiangong has made them a changed person, as they listen to Xian Sheng’s teaching that doctors are GOD’s consciousness to mankind; therefore we should seek medical treatment for all our health problems and not be superstitious to turn immediately to spiritual help.
(C) Good things come in threes [33:12 – 41:18]
- Xian Sheng said that we were fearful of doing good in the past (before joining Baitiangong).
- The reason was we fear seeing dead people during the Chinese New Year. If we were ever to mention the word ‘dead’ during the Chinese New Year, we would get a smack on our head or even a broom thrown at us. ‘Dead’ is a word that is taboo during the Chinese New Year.
- However, we have performed two good deeds during this Chinese New Year. We have conducted two obsequies.
- There is a Chinese proverb, ‘好事成双’ or ‘good things come in pairs’ which we have already achieved. There is another Chinese saying, ‘接二连三’ or ‘one after another’ as there is another obsequy in waiting.
- Xian Sheng asked if any followers knew about the coming obsequies that fall on the fourth day of the Chinese New Year. We would have to go to Kepong Baru where the house is located.
- To recap, Xian Sheng said that we have done two good deeds during the Chinese New Year. We prayed for Bro Yong Koon Sang and Bro Ng Foong Huat.
- The third good deed waiting for us is to pray for Sis Tan Sue Kee (Wife of Bro Ong).
- We are unable to fulfil the third good deed yet as the body is still in the Universiti Malaya Hospital’s morgue as the family is waiting for the daughter to return from Germany (not Italy) before retrieving the body on the fourth day for the Baitiangong’s obsequy. The fifth day would be the burial (not cremation).
- Baitiangong followers are very lucky indeed in the year 2000 as they are able to do good three deeds, ‘接二连三’ or ‘one after another’ that far exceeds the proverb ‘好事成双’ or ‘good things come in pairs’. We should therefore remember our good fortune this year.
- Xian Sheng said that Bro Yong Koon Sang and Bro Ng Foong Huat were fortunate to be Baitiangong followers. Our neighbour at the old Kwong Tung Funeral Parlour, who worships the Chinese deities, was totally devoid of any family members, relatives and friends.
- Xian Sheng has a request for all the followers to visit Bro Ong after the gathering.
- Xian Sheng wanted the obsequies to be held at Bro Ong’s home in Kepong Baru.
- If the followers were to visit Bro Ong after the gathering, they would know where his house is and easily find their way to the obsequies on the fourth day.
- Xian Sheng repeated his request for the followers to go to Bro Ong’s house to “chook fook” or to offer prayers and blessings for him.
- He wanted to surprise Bro Ong when he sees so many Baitiangong followers coming to offer prayers for his deceased wife.
- Xian Sheng also asked the followers to pray for his well-being as both of his legs were amputated. In fact, the followers should visit him more often as his wife had passed away.
- Xian Sheng advised that individuals with diabetes need to be cautious about their carbohydrate intake and reduce the amount of rice they consume. They also need to take medication to lower their blood sugar levels, or they could experience serious health problems. This is all the more reason why we should visit him.
(D) Do not take your money to the grave with you [41:19 – 43:17]
- According to Xian Sheng, humans are complex beings, making it difficult to discuss or describe them.
- Xian Sheng asked Bro KC Wong whether he visited Bro Ong (to recommend a medicinal mushroom known as Lingzhi). Bro Wong replied that he visited Bro Ong and told him that Lingzhi could potentially help prevent his legs from being amputated3. According to Bro Wong, he believes Bro Ong rejected his suggestion thinking that he wanted to take advantage of his disease by selling him this product.
- Xian Sheng commented that it is a real pity that many people including Bro Ong failed to understand that they cannot take their money with them to their graves.
- Xian Sheng said the efficacy of lingzhi to help him is another matter. He should try to take the lingzhi as he would not know unless he tried it himself.
- He would have to use a lump sum of money just to give it a try, but what if it proves effective and he doesn’t need to amputate his legs?
- But no! Some people would rather cling to their money and take it with them to the grave. (A Chinese proverb 生不带来,死不带去 – you are born with nothing and you take nothing with you in death.)
- Xian Sheng was very frustrated as they have recommended many products to Bro Ong but he flatly refused them all. Some products could have helped him save his legs from being amputated.
- According to Bro KC Wong, Bro Ong absolutely does not want to try any herbal products at all. What can be done to help these people?
- Xian Sheng said some people hold onto their money tightly and take it with them to the grave.
- It is understandable if one cannot afford to buy the products, but if we have some money, we should try to save ourselves. If we tried all the products and still remain unsuccessful, then it is unfortunate. Xian Sheng: However, do not take your money to the grave with you.
- Xian Sheng believes that there are certain health benefits to lingzhi, otherwise, companies would not invest in processing and marketing them.
- It is undeniable that companies that produce these products are interested in profits. What company would not want to earn profits?
- Xian Sheng lamented that some people stubbornly refuse to listen to advice.
(E) Encourage your children to join Baitiangong activities [48:05 – 51:40]
- Xian Sheng reported that Bro Ong and his wife joined Baitiangong when their children were still young.
- Although both of them attended our anniversary functions and on rare occasions even joined Sunday meditation, they have never brought their children along.
- Their children have since grown up with one practising Shintoism, a Christian and an atheist.
- Xian Sheng informed the followers about the difficulties they faced when discussing the obsequy arrangements. Initially, the Christian sibling wanted a Christian funeral, which was objected to by the sibling who practised the Shinto religion. Fortunately, Bro Ong insisted on Baitiangong’s obsequies. However, the sons later insisted that everyone be allowed to bow to their mother, as per her dying wish.
- Xian Sheng repeated that they have to deal with the family’s chaotic demands due to the differences in their religious belief.
- Had Bro Ong and his wife brought their children to attend Baitiangong gatherings when they were young and encouraged them to participate in the Annual Spiritual Discussion and Sunday meditations, the arrangement for their mother’s obsequy would have been smooth. However, the opposite situation occurred, which was chaotic.
- Fortunately, Bro KC Wong was able to convince Bro Ong’s children to join us and listen to our Annual Spiritual Discussion held at Genting Highlands in later years. If it were not for Bro Wong’s efforts, what would be the outcome of their mother’s obsequy given their conflicting views stemming from Shinto religion, Christianity, and deity worship.
- In the background, a sister said that Bro Ong and his wife should have taught their children about Baitiangong.
- Xian Sheng wholeheartedly agreed and added that if parents are unable to educate their children in Baitiangong, then they need to bring their children to join and participate in activities and meditations, so they can see and listen and learn for themselves. That is a necessary action.
- Xian Sheng emphasised change and that Baitiangong followers must start to change.
- He pointed out Bro Tong Seng who seldom brought his children to Baitiangong functions and activities. (Today, his children joined him to celebrate the Chinese New Year with Xian Sheng.)
- He presented a scenario where Bro Tong Seng’s children grew up and joined Christianity. Xian Sheng asked how Bro Tong Seng would ensure that he gets a Baitiangong obsequy when he passes away. Xian Sheng said that it would be very problematic indeed.
- Xian Sheng described the atmosphere at Bro Ong’s house yesterday as tense and full of hostility. Bro Ong’s son spoke with spiteful words as if looking for a fight. His daughter-in-law’s behaviour was intolerable. However, the worst of them was Bro Ong’s daughter who engaged in a physical altercation with us because we were recording the conversation. This resulted in significant damage to our video camcorder.
- Xian Sheng mentioned that he was very tempted to punch Bro Ong’s in-laws but he managed to exercise great restraint and refrained from doing so.
- Xian Sheng has the power to heal any and all sicknesses and diseases as demonstrated on many occasions. He does not need to pray to the CREATOR to help as he possesses the power on his own. However, Xian Sheng's purpose on Earth is to save souls by teaching them Baitiangong's knowledge and not to heal their bodies but ended up with superstitious followers.
- Xian Sheng is doing GOD's work and therefore he never took credit for the spiritual help he rendered. He had never accepted any monetary payments or personal favours but merely asked those he helped to kneel down, face skywards and thank GOD instead.
- Some studies have shown that Lingzhi extract may help to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which are important factors in managing diabetes.