11A-B-2000 02042000

Date: 2 Apr 2000.

Location: Xian Sheng’s house at 202 Taman Melawati.

Table of Contents

(A) Read if we truly seek to increase our knowledge [06:02 – 19:37]
  1. A Singapore follower on the online chat asked why the book was worth discussing.
  2. Xian Sheng replied: Baitiangong followers must know the pros and cons of everything. We must read all sorts of books whether they agree with our teachings or not. We must know their reasons if they contradicted our teachings. 
  3. The book Gods of the New Millennium tells of many gods and not a single god as they are merely the constructs of man. Baitiangong teaches us about the existence of the soul but this book stated that the soul is a construct of man. We must know others’  opinions too. More importantly, we need to ask ourselves whether the soul is a construct of man. 
  4. We have asked for the testimonies of followers here regarding their own personal experiences and these are evidence that the soul exists. Xian Sheng asked if the followers understand what transpired. We cannot simply dismiss the book because it contradicted our understanding.  
  5. Xian Sheng said that if we truly seek knowledge, we must know opposing opinions too. Even if they criticise Baitiangong fundamentals and teachings, we must read and know what they say. We cannot turn belligerent towards them. 
  6. If we are unable to counter their arguments, we can always ask Xian Sheng for a satisfactory reply and to engage them again for another debate.
  7. We cannot turn belligerent and say they sorely lack spiritual knowledge. For example, if someone said that they do not believe in the soul, we cannot say that their knowledge is very low.
  8. The same thing applies to books too. If a book talks bad about Baitiangong, we would still need to read that book.  We need to know what about Baitiangong that is considered bad to them. 
  9. The most important thing is that we must read whatever others wrote and then use our knowledge to analyse whether they are true or not.
  10. The author did not specifically deny the existence of the soul but suggested that the soul is a construct of man. The author is not aware of the existence of the Baitiangong Universal Spiritual Movement. We have followers who experienced being outside looking at their own bodies, followers who have seen their own death, the grandnephew of a follower who saw the soul of his grandfather and grandmother and etc. 
  11. It would be good if we can compile all their testimonies into a volume as we would have the evidence to counter the arguments in the book. 
  12. Xian Sheng asked if the followers understand what he has been saying, i.e. to be able to provide an answer to the question of whether the soul is real or a construct of man.
  13. The author stated that the belief in the soul and the resurrection of Jesus are concepts taken from the religion of the Egyptians. 
  14. But in Baitiangong teachings, we do not accept the doctrine of the resurrection. We understand that the soul will immediately face judgement upon death. The doctrine of resurrection states that the soul would be in a form of suspended animation for a long period of time while awaiting the Day of Judgement to be resurrected again. 
  15. Xian Sheng once again said that we need to read in order to increase our knowledge.
(B) Heaven and Hell are terms used only by humans [09:44 – 17:06]
  1. Bro Phuah Kim Yen asked about the different planes of Heaven for souls from different planets. The souls from planet Earth would ascend to the plane of Heaven meant for humans while different planes of Heaven cater for different alien races. Are we able to cross over to their planes of Heaven to meet with them? Is there a limitation to prevent them from mixing together ?
  2. Xian Sheng replied that if our points are high enough, we would also be able to see these alien races. 
  3. Bro Phuah reaffirms his question of whether some souls have the ability to cross over to another plane of Heaven.
  4. Xian Sheng said that some souls are even reincarnated on different planets.
  5. Alan: Most of us believe in a “heaven”, but who can define what it is, or where it is? We aspire to go there. but we are not too sure of the qualifications for entry. We rely on religion to tell us, but which religion should we believe? Do any of these religions contain a divinely revealed secret, or is the idea of heaven “made on Earth”? Our modern scientific minds can understand heaven only as an invisible world, perhaps existing alongside the physical world. but in a different “dimension” However, when we study the Biblical concept of heaven with the original Hebrew terms, we find something entirely different:

    So God [Elohim] made the expanse/firmament [Raki’a] and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. God called the expanse “sky/heaven” [Shama’im]

    What is this badly translated text trying to say? The key lies in the recognition of Raki’a in its more literal translation as the “hammered-out bracelet” – a clear reference to the Asteroid Belt. The Elohim is therefore a substitute for the role of the planet Nibiru in creating the Asteroid Belt. As for the waters, they are the watery inner planets and the watery outer planets, which were separated by Nibiru’s act of “creation” What is the significance of heaven receiving a new name, Shama’im? This Hebrew term was originally written out as two words, sham and ma’im, meaning literally “where the waters were” “ It is almost certainly a reference to Tiamat, the watery planet from which Earth and the Asteroid Belt were created. The “heaven” of Genesis is thus the physical place – the orbit – where Tiamat used to be. Amazingly, the Koran says exactly the same thing:

    “Are the disbeliever’s unaware that the heavens and the Earth were one solid mass which we tore asunder, and that we made every living thing out of water.”

    Does this mean that heaven is a mythical place that no longer exists – a memory of an earlier Earth at the beginning of creation? On the contrary, heaven was a location to which a few fortunate men were allowed to travel. One such man was Adapa who was provided with a shem by Enki who:

    “Made him take the road to Heaven. and to Heaven he went up. When he had ascended to Heaven, he approached the gate of Anu, Tammuz and Gizzida were standing guard at the Gate of Anu.’’

    The abode of Anu was, according to the Sumerians, Nibiru. And Nibiru, the Planet of Crossing, intersected the former orbit of Tiamat in the Asteroid Belt. Thus we can geographically pinpoint an exact location in the Asteroid Belt which is the “heaven” of the ancient scriptures! This idea of heaven has been passed down over thousands of years to represent a “good thing”, and it is indeed a place to which mankind has always aspired.

  6. The author has his own opinion of Heaven and Hell and we also have ours. However, the author pointed out two different opinions:
    1. The modern mindset that Heaven is invisible to us as it exists in a different dimension.
    2. The ancient scriptures that Heaven used to be a physical place somewhere in the Asteroid Belt.
  7. This book presents arguments that we should read and ponder over on whether Heaven and Hell exist.
  8. Xian Sheng said that the terms Heaven and Hell are two words that he adopted from us. If we asked Xian Sheng, he would rather describe them as the various planes of existence. For example;
    1. A plane of existence where the souls do not need to suffer.
    2. A plane of existence for the souls to be happy.
    3. A plane of existence for the soul to realise the existence of the CREATOR.
    4. A plane of existence where the soul is unable to go to either Heaven or Hell.
    5. And an infinite number of other planes.
  9. To give us a simple understanding of the planes, Xian Sheng arbitrarily assigned numbers 1 to 5 to five different planes of existence. Souls that are assigned to plane No.1 would follow the paths there. (Refers to the nature of existence there. For example, all souls in that plane of existence live a life filled with happiness) Souls that are assigned to plane No. 2 would follow the paths there and so forth.
  10. There are no top or bottom to the number of planes. They are an infinite number of planes of existence. 
  11. Xian Sheng does not want to use Heaven and Hell to describe where the soul goes after physical death. He rather says;
    1. the souls goes to a plane to suffer or
    2. the souls go to a plane to live a happy and blissful life or 
    3. the souls go to a plane where they enjoy greater happiness or 
    4. the souls go to a plane where they do not need to eat or 
    5. the souls go to a plane to realise the existence of the CREATOR or 
    6. the souls go to a plane where they suffer punishment type A or
    7. the souls go to a plane where they suffer punishment type B. Different planes have different types of punishments.
  12. There are no contradictions in this explanation as it is very simple and straightforward.
  13. The concept of Heaven and Hell1 is therefore not incomprehensible if we understand about the various planes of existence.
(C) What is the Holy Spirit [17:46 – 21:52]
  1. Bro Phuah Kim Yean asked whether the Holy Spirit is a term used to represent the multitude of Holy Spirits as there are an infinite number of universes that they managed.
  2. Xian Sheng unambiguously states that there is only one Holy Spirit, one CREATOR and one Xian Sheng in all of creation. 
  3. Bro Phuah refined his question by saying that Xian Sheng, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad and countless other Messengers and Disciples are collectively known as Divine Beings in the Plane of Nothing. Could this also be the same that the Holy Spirit is a collective of Spirits with individual identities like Xian Sheng?  
  4. Xian Sheng reiterated that there is only one Holy Spirit. 
  5. He explained that the Holy Spirit is an energy that works in conjunction with the Divine Law of Nature.  
  6. The Divine Law of Nature seems like a straightforward term that implies everything created by the CREATOR is automatically subjected to the Divine Laws devised by the CREATOR.  What then is the role of the Holy Spirit as the Divine Law of Nature is already fully capable of functioning automatically on its own to regulate all of creation?
  7. Xian Sheng explained that should the Divine Law of Nature need to be adjusted, that is where the Holy Spirit comes in. The CREATOR does not get involved in the workings of HIS creation. Within this universe, the Holy Spirit will do the adjustment to determine how this universe functions.   
  8. There is only one Holy Spirit regardless of which universe we are referring to.
  9. Bro Phuah asked a question to reaffirm what Xian Sheng said that the Holy Spirit will intervene to make adjustments to the Divine Law of Nature even when it comes to the souls.
  10. Xian Sheng said that the Holy Spirit can destroy the universe to reclaim all the souls within if needed. 
  11. Xian Sheng digressed to state that it would be best if all the universes were to be destroyed leaving only the positive planes or Heaven.  All the humans on all the planets would automatically die. All the suns, planets and moons destroyed in an instant. And finally, all the souls would end up in Heaven. Xian Sheng reiterated that that would be the best-case scenario. This is regardless of whether they have done good or evil in the past. The reason is that they would not be capable of evil anymore once they are in Heaven. Why does it matter if every soul ends up in Heaven?
  12. Sadly some people do not understand Xian Sheng’s reasoning and disagreed with him stating that Hell is necessary. 
  13. Sis Elaine Hue Chooi Yin: If there is only one Holy Spirit and there are countless universes, the Holy Spirit would be extremely busy.
  14. Xian Sheng stated earlier that he is very free when it comes to preaching and meditation. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is also very free and will be very happy if requested to destroy the universe.
  15. The reason is because the Holy Spirit’s consciousness exists in all the universes although there is only one Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an energy without any shape or form. The Holy Spirit is an energy force with omnipresent consciousness throughout all of creation that can adjust the CREATOR’s Divine Laws to regulate conditions as he sees fit. 
  1. Most people think of Heaven and Hell as two separate dimensions. In the dimension of Heaven, all the souls that lived a righteous life or fulfilled the requirements of their religions would live blissfully with their family, relatives, friends and those familiar to them. Different religions interpret Heaven differently, but they share similarities in dividing Heaven into different levels. For those who believe that intelligent beings also share our universe, Heaven would have to be further divided into more levels to cater for the different alien species so as to keep them separated from each other. There are no myths that tell of people seeing aliens in Heaven or Hell implying that alien souls are kept separated from human souls. 

    The domain of Hell is more complicated but suffice to say that Hell is a place of suffering for the sins one committed during one’s lifetime. Hell is also divided into many levels from 7 in Islam to 18 levels in the Chinese belief. 

    The general understanding of Heaven and Hell with its multiple levels conforms to Baitiangong understanding too. However, Xian Sheng explained that the terms Heaven and Hell gave the impression that only two dimensions exist and they come with multiple levels. This is analogous to having two buildings with multiple stories. Xian Sheng’s explanation that Heaven has no top and Hell has no bottom does little to change this impression except to introduce the concept that Heaven and Hell have infinite levels. 

    This is why Xian Sheng prefers to use planes of existence (planes) instead of Heaven and Hell. Each plane exists as a separate dimension from other planes and there is an unlimited number of planes. Some planes are positive planes where souls live blissful life while some planes are negative planes where souls are being punished for their sins. As souls are beings of energy, they do not take on the form they once inhabit while on the physical planes. Human tends to see souls in human form while aliens would see human souls in their alien form as that is how their mind interpret the images they see. Xian Sheng also mentioned planes where the soul is unable to go to either Heaven or Hell. This would be the various planes parallel to the physical plane of Earth. These are planes where wandering souls exist on Earth to suffer for committing the sins of committing suicide, succumbing to thoughts of revenge upon others, etc. By using planes that serve specific purposes instead of lumping all souls into the general categories of Heaven and Hell and then dividing them into levels to define the different purposes they serve, helps us to better understand the positive planes and negative planes.