- Most people think of Heaven and Hell as two separate dimensions. In the dimension of Heaven, all the souls that lived a righteous life or fulfilled the requirements of their religions would live blissfully with their family, relatives, friends and those familiar to them. Different religions interpret Heaven differently, but they share similarities in dividing Heaven into different levels. For those who believe that intelligent beings also share our universe, Heaven would have to be further divided into more levels to cater for the different alien species so as to keep them separated from each other. There are no myths that tell of people seeing aliens in Heaven or Hell implying that alien souls are kept separated from human souls.
The domain of Hell is more complicated but suffice to say that Hell is a place of suffering for the sins one committed during one’s lifetime. Hell is also divided into many levels from 7 in Islam to 18 levels in the Chinese belief.
The general understanding of Heaven and Hell with its multiple levels conforms to Baitiangong understanding too. However, Xian Sheng explained that the terms Heaven and Hell gave the impression that only two dimensions exist and they come with multiple levels. This is analogous to having two buildings with multiple stories. Xian Sheng’s explanation that Heaven has no top and Hell has no bottom does little to change this impression except to introduce the concept that Heaven and Hell have infinite levels.
This is why Xian Sheng prefers to use planes of existence (planes) instead of Heaven and Hell. Each plane exists as a separate dimension from other planes and there is an unlimited number of planes. Some planes are positive planes where souls live blissful life while some planes are negative planes where souls are being punished for their sins. As souls are beings of energy, they do not take on the form they once inhabit while on the physical planes. Human tends to see souls in human form while aliens would see human souls in their alien form as that is how their mind interpret the images they see. Xian Sheng also mentioned planes where the soul is unable to go to either Heaven or Hell. This would be the various planes parallel to the physical plane of Earth. These are planes where wandering souls exist on Earth to suffer for committing the sins of committing suicide, succumbing to thoughts of revenge upon others, etc. By using planes that serve specific purposes instead of lumping all souls into the general categories of Heaven and Hell and then dividing them into levels to define the different purposes they serve, helps us to better understand the positive planes and negative planes.