05A-2000 14012000

Date: 14 Jan 2000.

Location: Xian Sheng’s house at 202 Taman Melawati.

Table of Contents


It’s not easy for me what more of you
To make one understand with all the clue
But for a fact heaven and hell is there
It is your own life that you must take care

(A) Discussion on Xian Sheng’s poem [00:20 – 05:13]
  1. Xian Sheng quoted a line from the poem, “It is your own life that you must take care”. How do you take care of your own life as that is your responsibility?
  2. The most important thing to do for your own life is to preach Baitiangong to another person to save their soul. Then you have performed your responsibility.
  3. How to make your life a rich life, in order to take care of your life? A rich life is one that can convince another to pray to GOD. That is the best thing you can do for your life.
  4. The clues in the second line referred to the miracles, spiritual healing and others in Baitiangong. Yet, “with all the clues” people still cannot understand Baitiangong. However, they cannot run away from the fact that ultimately, Heaven and Hell is a reality.
  5. It is not easy to take care of one’s own life because of the responsibility to convince someone to pray to GOD to save their soul. That is the highest responsibility in Baitiangong. To change your family members to pray to GOD, starting from the nearest like your spouse, children and parents and then proceeding further with your relatives. This is not easy even for Xian Sheng himself.
  6. To understand the poem, we must read it in-depth as a poem is not written on the surface of the words themselves. We have to look beyond the words and analyse them with our spiritual knowledge.
(B) To make one understand with all the clue [05:57 – 15:23]
  1. Xian Sheng himself serves as the first clue in the poem. Xian Sheng stated in a very serious tone that even if he were to murder or rape someone, we must continue to pray to the CREATOR. Even if Xian Sheng were to go to the extreme to commit the most atrocious of crimes in the world, we must continue to pray to the CREATOR. When it comes to praying to the CREATOR, there is absolutely nothing that should stop us from praying to the CREATOR. And Xian Sheng himself is a testament to this as he presented himself as inconsequential as to whatever reason or excuse for us to stop praying to the CREATOR. Hence, Xian Sheng’s testament serves as the first clue that praying to the CREATOR is real.1
  2. The second clue comes from meditation in that many followers have witnessed heaven and hell for themselves.
  3. Xian Sheng taught the followers to fear nothing except the CREATOR until the followers are not even fearful of wrongful imprisonment for praying to the CREATOR.2
  4. Xian Sheng encouraged Sis Lim Siew Hong to go to China to preach and to even stay there. Xian Sheng goes to the extreme to advocate that the love for GOD must exceed the love for anyone else including your parents, spouse and children if one is serious to sacrifice themselves to preach Baitiangong. Xian Sheng even told some followers that marriage is not important when compared to preaching. Preaching is the highest responsibility that one can do to take care of their own life.
  5. All the clues mentioned are to lead us to believe in heaven and hell as stated in the poem, “But for a fact, heaven and hell is there”.
  6. Xian Sheng reiterated that the line, “It is your own life that you must take care” cannot be taken at its literal meaning. To take care of your life, you must take care of somebody’s life, then you can say you take off your own life. In other words, you have to fear nothing except the CREATOR so that you can think good, see good, hear good, speak good and do good to the third party. In this world, you cannot be by yourself as you have to live with other people. You need to know how to love others in order to know how to love yourself. And that is why you must preach to others to convince them to pray to the CREATOR.
  7. However, it is not an easy responsibility for us. The line, “It’s not easy for me, what more of you?” tells us that Xian Sheng also faced a hard time convincing people to pray to the CREATOR.
(C) It’s not easy for me what more of you [17:00 – 21: 54]
  1. Everyone wants freedom and Xian Sheng believes in freedom too, but sacrifice is also necessary. We need to accomplish many things but are unable to achieve them so far. We are also unsure whether our actions will yield the results desired. At the end of the day, we still have a long time ahead of us.
  2. Xian Sheng recalled a book read by Bro Chang Yoong Wah that stated that Prophet Muhammad only have 3 followers after the first 4 years and about 33 followers after 10 years. The reason was that it was very difficult to preach to the ardent idolaters in Mecca in that era. In the end, Prophet Muhammad had to flee to Medina to escape the assassination attempts on his life and his followers’ life.
  3. In comparison, Baitiangong is relatively faster in recruiting followers. In 20 years, we already have so many followers. We could have more followers if the police act does not have an unlawful assembly clause that does not permit public assemblies without a police permit. Xian Sheng would have loved to go to public gathering areas like a football field and set up his speaker to preach to the crowd as he has done in past at Raub’s football field, Salak South’s empty land and Balik Pulau in Pulau Pinang.
  4. Xian Sheng reminisced about his experience in Balik Pulau when he tried to gather a few people to listen to his sermons while it was raining. The people were laughing at Xian Sheng believing he was a fool for calling them to walk out into the rain to listen to him. Xian Sheng knelt down to pray facing skywards and a hole formed in the clouds to reveal a column of the sun’s rays that shone down on Xian Sheng and the clouds subsequently dispersed. That was a miracle to behold but yet, the people there did not change to pray to the CREATOR. Many years later, Xian Sheng returned to Balik Pulau and looked for an old man he remembered from the previous visit. The old man was unable to walk anymore. Xian Sheng proceeded to heal his legs and he happily walked all over the town to show everyone he was walking again. Despite the miracle, the old man also did not change to pray to the CREATOR. With all the clues like the miraculous opening of the rain clouds and healing of the defunct legs of the old man, none of the people in Balik Pulau changed to pray to the CREATOR. A stark reminder of the line, “It’s not easy for me, what more of you?”
  5. Bro John Yap proposed a similar scenario in Jesus’ time where the Pharisees, who are religious leaders in Jerusalem, interfered in Jesus’ preaching. The Pharisees in the present context referred to some leaders in MCA that interfered in Xian Sheng’s preaching too.

In any circumstances keep your cool
Then you know you are part of the pool.
In this life you must all work as a team
Then you will receive the heavenly beam.

Surely money cannot buy happiness.
That joy will come when one care show kindness.
You must give your attention to the RIGHT.
For which you can make the Heavenly FLIGHT.

(D) In any circumstances keep your cool [22:42 – 26:26]
  1. Xian Sheng referred to the line, “In any circumstances keep your cool” which means that we should maintain our patience and tolerance irrespective of any difficulties, problems and trying conditions.
  2. The second and third lines in the poem explain to the recipient that they would know and feel that they are part of the team if they kept their patience and be tolerant as the spiritual movement can only progress if everyone works together as a team instead of working by themselves. Then they would receive GOD’s blessing. In other words, do not fight among yourselves, do not divide into smaller groups and do not act unilaterally. You must unite and cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal. Then you would receive GOD’s blessing.
(E) Surely money cannot buy happiness [26:27 – 29:28]
  1. The line, “Surely money cannot buy happiness” meant that giving money to people does not necessarily give them happiness. It is your care to show kindness towards them that gives them joy.
  2. However, you must be wary of the right way to show kindness and not the wrong way. For example, giving money to a person who is fully capable of working on their own is not helping them. The right way is to give money to a person that will truly help them. Nevertheless, your care in showing kindness towards a person will give them more happiness than the offer of money itself.
  3. The right way also applies to the person giving it. The right way is not to expect favours or rewards from them for your kindness and money, but to help people out of altruism. It has to be done the right way. Eventually, you will be on the road to heaven.

You are an individual in the spiritual world
Not for diamond nor for gold, be happy with the pearl.
For Baixian is more than the Pearl of the Orient
It is life after life and the Ocean of Heaven.

(F) You are an individual in the spiritual world [38:27 – 41:11]
  1. The spiritual world here refers to Heaven. You are an individual in the spiritual world implies that the individual has qualified for a place in heaven.
  2. When it comes to the value of diamond, gold and pearl, the pearl is less expensive than diamond and gold.3 Not for diamonds nor for gold, be happy with the pearl means that this individual should be happy Irrespective of which part of heaven he or she will go to.4 The individual has been awarded a pearl and not a diamond or gold implying the individual’s merits are mediocre.
  3. This person is extremely lucky to be in Baixian. Baixian is more than the Pearl of the Orient.5 Baixian is an extraordinary organisation as it is a bridge to life after life. In Baixian, if one truly sacrifices for the development of Baitiangong, one would be ensured of a life in Heaven after their life on Earth. Baixian is an extraordinary organisation as it is the only island on Earth floating in the limitless ocean of Heaven and that is why Baixian is more than the Pearl of the Orient.
(G) The parable of a man who lived and pray for 500 years [42:12 – 54:55]
  1. There was a man who told GOD that he wanted an island for himself so that he can live happily without anyone disturbing him and is provided with everything to sustain his life there.
  2. GOD asked him what he wanted to do there. The man replied saying he wanted to spend his entire time praying to GOD. GOD was pleasantly surprised but nevertheless granted him his wish.
  3. GOD asked him how long he wished to live there. The man replied 500 years. GOD also granted him his wish.
  4. And so the man spent his days praying upon waking up and before sleeping and meditating for 500 years.
  5. 500 years later, the man told GOD that he had prayed to HIM for 500 years. How many people get the chance to pray to GOD for 500 years as humans can never live that long? But since the man had requested GOD, he was granted an extraordinarily long life. The man knew that heaven exists and was therefore willing to sacrifice everything in life including the need for a wife. He just focuses on praying.
  6. The man told GOD he had prayed for 500 years and now, he wants a good place in heaven for his efforts.
  7. GOD reverberated the man’s request back at him, “You have prayed for 500 years and now you want a good place in heaven.” GOD asked the man, “Have you ever thought about the 500 years that I had to feed you, clothed you and provide a roof over your head?” And all this while, the man lived a carefree life without a single worry, care and responsibility for the world and that includes being a parent. And with that one sentence, GOD silenced the man.6
  8. GOD continued, “Do you think praying for 500 years makes you a responsible man? How do you account for the 500 years that I have to take care of you?”
  9. Xian Sheng asked the followers if know they know the moral of the story. Do not even think of giving GOD terms and conditions, like praying to GOD for 500 years to ask for a good place in heaven.
  10. Xian Sheng told everyone to pay close attention and to remember what he said next. Praying to GOD is not about the length of time we spend praying. It is about our sacrifice in life when praying. It is not the quantity but the quality.
  11. Xian Sheng reminded the followers not to even think about making sacrifices for GOD. We just need to make sacrifices for Xian Sheng. That is sufficient. Xian Sheng will know if we are truly sacrificing for him. Xian Sheng was very happy on that day as someone is willing to sacrifice to go to China to preach Baitiangong.7
  12. Praying is about quality and not quantity. Xian Sheng referred to his poems and pointed out the qualities like kindness, sacrifice, doing what is right, being contended with pearl and not thinking about diamonds or gold, being serious, must change, having no regrets in life and working hard.
  1. To understand this, we must understand that a religious movement or a cult is dependent on the founder and the followers trust the founder implicitly to be truthful about his/her teachings. If the founder is somehow linked to criminal activities, then the religion or the cult would crumble as the fundamentals, the doctrines and the teachings of the founder would be questionable due to the credibility of the founder. Many cults have ended once their founders are discredited.
  2. In Oct 1982, the police arrested a group of Baitiangong followers citing illegal assembly. Certain quarters in the political arena abused the police force in their efforts to stop and dismantle the Baitiangong spiritual movement as Baitiangong challenges their existing religious practices of idolatry. Refer to Court cases.
  3. Pearls are unique gemstones that are formed and found inside living creatures.
  4. Heaven is not a single realm like Earth where all humans reside on the same plane. The are multiple planes of heaven and the plane a person goes to corresponds with how many merits a person accumulated during their examination in life. According to Xian Sheng, Heaven has no top.
  5. The Pearl of the Orient for us is Penang as Penang is the most extraordinary island in Malaysia.
  6. According to Xian Sheng, a whole man is a political man, an economic man, a social man, a cultural man and a spiritual man. We must do our part in all 5 areas so that we can become a responsible person and contribute to our family, society and country to bring about a better world so that all of mankind can easily undergo their examination in life too. The man on the island is a selfish and irresponsible man.
  7. GOD created everything and all and more than that. GOD does not need anything from us. Not our sacrifices, not our love and not even our prayers. It was Xian Sheng who asked us to pray to GOD to save our souls. GOD created the Divine Law of Nature and put humans on Earth to undergo their examination in life. The Divine Law of Nature will judge us after we die based on our merits and determine whether we go to heaven or go to hell. Therefore, GOD does not need our sacrifices. Xian Sheng wants us to sacrifice for him to help him propagate Baitiangong's teachings so that more souls can be saved.